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Third Silen Imperium # 185


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So you and the other guys that took out the Flag guy planning on teaching Megachiroptera Empire a lesson. After all he attacked an innocent and deceived him with messages, and is now laughing at his pitiful defenses.


WOW, so now White Shadow Imperium is a target?


I only asked a question.


How did a thread that started so civil turn into this? Well, since it has I might as well join in...................


You did a little more than just ask a question and made a lot of assumptions not based on fact. While it may have been partly in jest, if you feel that I need a lesson at least have enough spine to teach it yourself instead of asking others to do it for you. You now know where I'll be hanging out for awhile with "pitiful defenses", so come on over - I'm anxious for the schooling to begin. :python:


Not anywhere near you Unless you too have another empire that has seen me.

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Huh? Were did I accuse you of wrong spelling? And a simple typo does not count as someone does not know how a word is spelled. E.g. Moorn might be a typo of Moron, but writing standard as standart is just plain wrong as t is not near enough to d on a keyboard. Anyway, English is not my mother tongue and so I would only make fun of people who cannot write correct in their own language. Anyway, I was looking for Obsidian as well. Seems I have to take care of more than one bad empire in the region then.

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Huh? Were did I accuse you of wrong spelling? And a simple typo does not count as someone does not know how a word is spelled. E.g. Moorn might be a typo of Moron, but writing standard as standart is just plain wrong as t is not near enough to d on a keyboard. Anyway, English is not my mother tongue and so I would only make fun of people who cannot write correct in their own language. Anyway, I was looking for Obsidian as well. Seems I have to take care of more than one bad empire in the region then.



I can vouch that Cestvel has a really poor grasp of English, it doesnt matter if you are writting praise for your enemy if he interprets it wrongly it doesnt matter what you were saying he will attack you anyway because he didnt understand what you were writting, I can vouch for that first hand.


Wow, I remember you saying that you didnt fight anyone a while ago, now your just plain attacking everyone arent you?


Wow Cestvel you have a real blood lust now!

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Huh? Were did I accuse you of wrong spelling? And a simple typo does not count as someone does not know how a word is spelled. E.g. Moorn might be a typo of Moron, but writing standard as standart is just plain wrong as t is not near enough to d on a keyboard. Anyway, English is not my mother tongue and so I would only make fun of people who cannot write correct in their own language. Anyway, I was looking for Obsidian as well. Seems I have to take care of more than one bad empire in the region then.



You missed the only SERIOUS part of that last message is restated below, the rest was a JOKE!!!!!!!!


YOU do not have to fight me help me find Obsidian


Repeating, you do not have to fight me help me find Obsidian


Even if you decide I am EVIL, WHAT is better for you, ME fighting Obsidian, another enemy of yours or Obsidian and me fighting you? I got with the quote, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.


The first post was a joke also, which everyone took and went off the deep end with, so I am outa here, you all too sensitive.

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<br />
Huh? Were did I accuse you of wrong spelling? And a simple typo does not count as someone does not know how a word is spelled. E.g. Moorn might be a typo of Moron, but writing standard as standart is just plain wrong as t is not near enough to d on a keyboard. Anyway, English is not my mother tongue and so I would only make fun of people who cannot write correct in their own language. Anyway, I was looking for Obsidian as well. Seems I have to take care of more than one bad empire in the region then.
<br /><br /><br />You missed the only SERIOUS part of that last message is restated below, the rest was a JOKE!!!!!!!!<br /><br />YOU do not have to fight me help me find Obsidian<br /><br />Repeating, you do not have to fight me help me find Obsidian<br /><br />Even if you decide I am EVIL, WHAT is better for you, ME fighting Obsidian, another enemy of yours or Obsidian and me fighting you? I got with the quote, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.<br /><br />The first post was a joke also, which everyone took and went off the deep end with, so I am outa here, you all a too sensitive.<br /><br /><br />
<br /><br /><br />


Well, I was trying to overplay that part, as Obsidian is found and harrassed by your other enemies already, so I was going to find you :python:

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YOU do not have to fight me help me find Obsidian


Repeating, you do not have to fight me help me find Obsidian


Even if you decide I am EVIL, WHAT is better for you, ME fighting Obsidian, another enemy of yours or Obsidian and me fighting you? I got with the quote, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.


The first post was a joke also, which everyone took and went off the deep end with, so I am outa here, you all a too sensitive.


I, for one, would like to see Obsidian sent to Oblivion. Sooo, anybody fighting him is a friend of mine, no matter who your other allies and foes may be.

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He must be building more of these somewhere, as I blew up all of them in the area, and more keep coming. A second or Third HW. I found another ship of his, 4 or so past Glad on my side this turn.









----- SARVAPALAKA [ N (Deep Red) 0 VI ] [single Star] - Warp Point 135010 -----

Obsidian, Inc # 1827 (No Naval Commanders)

Total tonnage: 5,000,000.....Base Fire Control: 40 [202,500,000 bridge]

White Shadow Imperium # 3520 (No Naval Commanders)

Total tonnage: 24,764,000.....Base Fire Control: 49 [1,215,000,000 bridge]

WSI 7700 White Shadow Imperium #3520 Ranger

------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------

Obsidian, Inc # 1827 [Mailed Fist With Single Claw Extended To The Stars]

Ominous Sky [ROE: R] *Standard Line* (Fleet Tonnage: 5,000,000)

[Deploy Location 2] 1 BB Stormcrow (Battleship - 5,000,000 tons [each])

<1,115,000 Fuel>

------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------

White Shadow Imperium # 3520 [There Be Dragons Here]

WSI 7700 [ROE: X] *Englobe* (Fleet Tonnage: 24,764,000)

[Deploy Location 11] 1 WDN Ice Berg s (War Dreadnaught - 24,764,000 tons [each])

<3,662,744 Fuel>

** Battle Damage Assessment Report **

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 2 ------------------------------------------------------------

**DESTROYED** [1st] BB Stormcrow (Battleship - 5,000,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 1,696,960,000] (Green, Timid)

250 Fuel Shuttle, 1,250,000 Fuel Tankage, 2,500 Holographic Neural-Feed Battle Grid, 1,250 Mk I Gravitic Thruster

1 Mk VI Jump Survey Sensor, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive, 100 Siege Tachyon Blaster, 1,695,000 Tckon 68

Particle Beam: 422,400,009

Maneuverability: 32.00, Missile Defense: 50.00 %

** Battle Damage Assessment Report **

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 11 ------------------------------------------------------------

WDN Ice Berg s (War Dreadnaught - 24,764,000 tons) [integrity: 19,654,000 / 19,654,000] [shields: 24,621,632,000 /

25,000,000,000] (Green, Timid)

10,000 Cargo Bay, 40 Fuel Shuttle, 5,000,000 Fuel Tankage, 15,000 Holographic Neural-Feed Battle Grid

1 Mk IV Jump Survey Sensor, 100,000 Mk IX Force Shield, 2,000 Mk VI Antimatter Engine, 10,000 Mk VII Standoff Missile

1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive

Missile: 2,048,000,000

Maneuverability: 20.68, Missile Defense: 50.00 %

----- Post-Battle Damage Assessment Report-----

Side 1

[2] 1 Stormcrow class BB..................................................1 Destroyed

Side 2

[11] 1 Ice Berg s class WDN

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