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Rollup Mistake Question


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Many years ago when the game first launched, I sent a rollup in and put points in ESP and Telepath. Looking back now, I regret that choice. Especially since I have never seen any feature in game that would allow me to use them. I have lived this long with that mistake, and have no qualms just sucking it up, but does the community think it would be fair if I were to petition Pete to refund those wasted points so I could put them into something else? Id love me some High temp tolerance or Class 4 Regen.

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I always buy the three 1st level mental powers with my first two Species Engineerings and I tell you, that they are not a waste of spending.

Buying them at higher levels would be, though.


They have their uses in Ground Combat ...

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The three mental horizon techs gives you strengths for your Special Talent ground divisions. They also give you access to three different MDD ground tech paths. Those three paths give strengths in Nuclear Weapons Offensive and its respective mental tech (ESP, Tele, TK) which would boost your Special Talent divisions. That is all that I've found that they give access too.


Sakarissa :rolleyes:

The Circle

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