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Recycle Center Issue


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I have been noticing an issue, I think it's an issue, with my recycle centers. Why am I getting Raw Resources? I thought the Recycle centers were not to breakdown items above this line: === ^ End Resources ^ === 1

But here is what I am seeing.


Pop Group NYOB

10,000 Recycling Center

1 Transportation Center

No Other Structures Present


1/21/11 0 Raw Resources

2/3/11 22,858,700 Raw Resources

2/17/11 127,855,400 Raw Resources

3/4/11 232,855,400 Raw Resources

3/18/11 337,855,400 Raw Resources

4/3/11 442,599,600 Raw Resources

4/15/11 547,442,400 Raw Resources


Total Items Lost:


Caldaran Crystals 119,440

Crystals 35,870,816

Garoxx Jewels 38,000

Gaseous Elements 5,426,760

Gemstones 109,700

Ghuran Demonblood 50,700

Improved Processed Radioactives 726,600

Improved Refined Crystals 56,860

Improved Steel 898,820

Improved Synthetic Materials 950,480

Improved Transaluminum 299,040

Industrial Chemicals 5,426,760

Iron 5,682,447

Light Metals 27,860

Precious Metals 10,000

Processed Radioactives 247,410

Rare Elements 955,800

Refined Crystals 79,000

Shenn Stones 18,600

Steel 1,813,920

Electronics 3,418,818

Improved Electronics 2,505,950



The above numbers are correct I believe. If I'm totally off, let me know. But I do have my excel spreadsheet that breaks down all the changes.

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Extracts from the ANZ:


Recycling Center: Breaks down items in its pop group into their component parts with 100% efficiency. Thus, 1 10cm Autocannon would be converted into 400 Steel and 100 Electronics. When your recyclers got around to those items, the 400 Steel would transform into 1200 Iron and the 100 Electronics would become 200 Refined Crystals and 100 Synthetic Materials. The Synthetic Materials would eventually break down into 100 Gaseous Elements, 100 Industrial Chemicals and 100 Crystals. As detailed below, the resulting Iron, Refined Crystals, Gaseous Elements, Industrial Chemicals and Crystals would not be broken down any further.




Your recyclers will dismantle anything except for Advanced Construction Materials, Fuel and any Advanced resource-class item.


I think there's an error in the above 'breakdown' resulting from the SynMats (100 Crystals vs 100 Petrochemicals - could be a copy error on my part, don't have the original immediately to hand to check), but otherwise it's all supposed to be as shown above as far as I know. Dunno if others have seen different.

I'm surprised to see basic materials such as crystals, iron and the like being broken down in your example though. Now you've got me worried in case I get the same with mine!

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Extracts from the ANZ:


Recycling Center: Breaks down items in its pop group into their component parts with 100% efficiency. Thus, 1 10cm Autocannon would be converted into 400 Steel and 100 Electronics. When your recyclers got around to those items, the 400 Steel would transform into 1200 Iron and the 100 Electronics would become 200 Refined Crystals and 100 Synthetic Materials. The Synthetic Materials would eventually break down into 100 Gaseous Elements, 100 Industrial Chemicals and 100 Crystals. As detailed below, the resulting Iron, Refined Crystals, Gaseous Elements, Industrial Chemicals and Crystals would not be broken down any further.




Your recyclers will dismantle anything except for Advanced Construction Materials, Fuel and any Advanced resource-class item.


I think there's an error in the above 'breakdown' resulting from the SynMats (100 Crystals vs 100 Petrochemicals - could be a copy error on my part, don't have the original immediately to hand to check), but otherwise it's all supposed to be as shown above as far as I know. Dunno if others have seen different.

I'm surprised to see basic materials such as crystals, iron and the like being broken down in your example though. Now you've got me worried in case I get the same with mine!

Disassemblers in your Recycling Centers are not very particular, breaking down anything that is not specifically excluded from their programming. Thus, they were breaking down items such as Coal, Crystals and Water into Raw Resources - there were not Advanced items and were not otherwise listed as excluded in the Recycling Center design description.


However, it is clear that in their endless hunger to dismantle everything in sight, your Recycling Centers were wasting considerable effort destroying Gaseous Elements and other similar items into Raw Resources, resulting in a net industrial loss to return the same Raw Resources back into Industrial Chemicals or whatever else later on. Imperial Recycling Officials were introduced to the business end of their own Recyclers and threatened with personal disassembling, so they got onto the job without hesitation :rolleyes:


Many base resource-class items are now excluded from recycling, including items such as Crystals, Gaseous Elements and so forth. Improved versions can still be disassembled as in many cases they would otherwise be totally useless to the Empire. In those cases you should transfer Improved Crystals etc out of the recycling pop group if you do not want them recycled. Regular Crystals will simply be skipped over by the disassemblers.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Extracts from the ANZ:


Recycling Center: Breaks down items in its pop group into their component parts with 100% efficiency. Thus, 1 10cm Autocannon would be converted into 400 Steel and 100 Electronics. When your recyclers got around to those items, the 400 Steel would transform into 1200 Iron and the 100 Electronics would become 200 Refined Crystals and 100 Synthetic Materials. The Synthetic Materials would eventually break down into 100 Gaseous Elements, 100 Industrial Chemicals and 100 Crystals. As detailed below, the resulting Iron, Refined Crystals, Gaseous Elements, Industrial Chemicals and Crystals would not be broken down any further.




Your recyclers will dismantle anything except for Advanced Construction Materials, Fuel and any Advanced resource-class item.


I think there's an error in the above 'breakdown' resulting from the SynMats (100 Crystals vs 100 Petrochemicals - could be a copy error on my part, don't have the original immediately to hand to check), but otherwise it's all supposed to be as shown above as far as I know. Dunno if others have seen different.

I'm surprised to see basic materials such as crystals, iron and the like being broken down in your example though. Now you've got me worried in case I get the same with mine!

Disassemblers in your Recycling Centers are not very particular, breaking down anything that is not specifically excluded from their programming. Thus, they were breaking down items such as Coal, Crystals and Water into Raw Resources - there were not Advanced items and were not otherwise listed as excluded in the Recycling Center design description.


However, it is clear that in their endless hunger to dismantle everything in sight, your Recycling Centers were wasting considerable effort destroying Gaseous Elements and other similar items into Raw Resources, resulting in a net industrial loss to return the same Raw Resources back into Industrial Chemicals or whatever else later on. Imperial Recycling Officials were introduced to the business end of their own Recyclers and threatened with personal disassembling, so they got onto the job without hesitation :(


Many base resource-class items are now excluded from recycling, including items such as Crystals, Gaseous Elements and so forth. Improved versions can still be disassembled as in many cases they would otherwise be totally useless to the Empire. In those cases you should transfer Improved Crystals etc out of the recycling pop group if you do not want them recycled. Regular Crystals will simply be skipped over by the disassemblers.


Hey Pete, I sent you an email his morning about this, but the rectcle centers are still converting basic items to raw.

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