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shipyard Issue


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Hello Pete, its been almost a week since I heard from you on my shipyard issue.

Have you been able to find out why I can't build more than 50 ships a turn yet?

Counting shipyards, I have 20 million surplus power(got to love ICE).

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Fml. In all these years I never saw that. Wasn't till these last few months that I have been building large numbers of ships in a single turn.

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well glad i was able to help you. and just a side note Pete had mentioned to me that if you are building screeners as a defense it is only helpful if the enemy doesnt have bridge. if he has bridge then one large hugmongous deathstar ship is the way to go.

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and if that were ever proven to be true then PETE needs his head on a spike. screeners are a part of this game (even if it is a poor defense) and as such should be eliminated the way the game is designed to be eliminated. not just taken out of the fight for the sake of speed in turns going out....

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and if that were ever proven to be true then PETE needs his head on a spike. screeners are a part of this game (even if it is a poor defense) and as such should be eliminated the way the game is designed to be eliminated. not just taken out of the fight for the sake of speed in turns going out....

I would agree, except for the head on a spike part.... :beer:

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