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Spongebobs Battle Honours

Guest Spongebob

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Guest Spongebob

Every now and again usually when I am bored I start a new topic and its all about ME!!, why because I am the most important person here and if you dont agree then you can just go and leave.


Anyway we all know the Sponges reputation of being a bit crap at this game well I thought I would go back through all the games I have been in, now some of the records were destroyed in a fire, no it was not me it was some German who thought he could re-write history...


Anyway as some records are missing and my memory is basically full of holes, literally - Does anyone remember the Sponge playing in these games 74, 84 and 90.


Now for some facts. The sponges worst outing was believe it or not NOT Denmark but in my first game since the middle ages game game 73 I was Norway and died a horrible early death around Turn 6 - Who was Sweden? cant remember but whoever it was I would like to know so I can give them a slap. The other bad outing was a take up position in 86 as Saudi, too much sand and I dropped after T6


I have played my beloved Denmark 6 times and not done to badly with that, Best so far was T25 and also lasted till T23 and T21. The only real disaster was in game 78 when I died on T8, and that was only because of a double crossing back stabbing evilness at the hands of the Monk and his cronies, the tricked the Sponge and I paid the price. He will die one day for that evil deed.


Out of 17 games only 5 have ended before double figures, T10 onwards. Most lasted until the late to mid 20s with the best performance being Iceland lasting into the 30s


Other highlights, I thought I would bury the hatchet and join with the Monk and his allies, what did they do, bully me and order lil ol Sponge about and sacrificed me then left me for dead as Trans Jordan, Died T8 Double crossed again, Never trust a Monk.


We wont mention the evil done by Hersir that caused another defeat and the madness it filled within me that caused my morality to be sold to the Devil in 91 and so I hang by a thread in that game as Denmark, still Im on T20 and counting.


My best deception was in V88 when I was France or was I Switzerland or was I, well you get the picture, it was so cunning I had enemies telling me everything but that still did not save the Sponge and defeat was assured on T23


So all in all not a bad run, not half as bad as some would have you believe.


Long Live the Sponge - Now read the Small Print



[1] Anyone critisizing King Sponge will be oppressed

[2] The press is not free, I controll it so get used to it, you cannot type what you like

[3] All comments must be approved my the Spongistanian Cultural Minister who is ME!

[4] Denmark should be called by its official name of Greater Spongistan by all foreiners, ie YOU!

[5] You must learn how to speak BS, thats Brilliant Spongish

[6] Agreement with this proclamation is written in the Spongistanian constitution

[7] There are no Ammendments to this Constitution as we got it right first time

[8] Colonists are not allowed to start a civil war, a war for independence, a war against anyone with slitty eyes, a war on poppy farmers, a war against the cold, a war where only planes are used

[8] Yes I know I have already done number 8 but I am King Sponge and am allowed to make up my own rules

[8] Shut it!! I know! - Colonist are not allowed to join a war where they are late or against any nation that produces Oil

[9] If it says press this button then dont do it, especially if its red and accompanied by keys and located underwater

[10] Remember the golden rule - The Sponge is always right, even when Im wrong and Jeremy Clarkson is my twin Brother. Shussssh!!!

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I cannot believe that this have been up for nearly a day and noone has made fun of it yet.....c'mon all you sponge haters! This is your opportunity!


Also ~ you forgot you most infamous achievment: Game 85 ~ When you snatched defeat from the jaws of Victory!

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Guest Spongebob

I cannot believe that this have been up for nearly a day and noone has made fun of it yet.....c'mon all you sponge haters! This is your opportunity!


Also ~ you forgot you most infamous achievment: Game 85 ~ When you snatched defeat from the jaws of Victory!


Did someone not once say the history books are written by the victors well I choose to forget that little incident. Please take note of Small Print points 1 and 3 :angry2:

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I cannot believe that this have been up for nearly a day and noone has made fun of it yet.....c'mon all you sponge haters! This is your opportunity!


Also ~ you forgot you most infamous achievment: Game 85 ~ When you snatched defeat from the jaws of Victory!


As Spongebob brought this on by starting this topic,

tell me more, tell me more.

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Guest Spongebob

As hard as this is to believe I pulled off an amazing attack on EarThing, Denmark invaded Lowlands and in a few short turns had him on the ropes, those ropes where xBrussels, he surrounded himself with concrete, stocked up on tins of bully beef, fed his troops till they were fat and battened down the hatches. No matter what the confederacy threw at him it bounced, every god dam turn. It drove me mad. Just could not break through. It was a masterful piece of defensive strategy and affords EarThing my greatest respect for his tenacity and resilience. He had great allies who kept pounding me and eventually I ran out of forces and supplies the throw at him. He had better allies, I had one great ally and one who did not give a dam. It forced me to break a TA and try and gain some supplies but I was too weak to survive and a quick death followed.

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Anyway as some records are missing and my memory is basically full of holes, literally - Does anyone remember the Sponge playing in these games 74, 84 and 90.

I remember our short fight in #74. I played Libya and destroyed your Tunisian 17-div-stack in tech 9. Mostly because you announced your delayed invasion on this forum so I could react quickly. This topic you started was a direct result of that. (underlined words are clickable links).

Nice fight though. :cheers:

As a replacement for your burned archives:


Libya has attacked Tunisia at Nalut from xNefusa on Wednesday, April 13, 2005


General Al-Quadaffi is the commander for Libya

General Essoussi is the commander for Tunisia


The attacker uses a deliberate assault against a hasty defense in the desert at odds of 1.54 to 1


The attacker's combat bonuses are +18% The defender's combat bonuses are +13%

The attacker's morale bonuses are +4% The defender's morale bonuses are +4%

The attacker's modified combat rating is 19346 factors The defender's modified combat rating is 12595 factors

The attacker's force morale is 21% The defender's force morale is 24%

The attacker's munitions consumption is 324 units The defender's munitions consumption is 324 units

The attacker inflicts a base damage of 12% per round The defender inflicts a base damage of 7% per round

The attacker inflicts +3% damage per round due to tactics The defender inflicts +0% damage per round due to tactics


Attacker's Divisions

10th Army (17 divisions)

Division Name Experience % Effective Division Name Experience % Effective

3rd Motor Inf, MOTOR 39 Line 100% / 82% 6th Motor Inf, MOTOR 39 Line 100% / 82%

7th Motor Inf, MOTOR 39 Line 100% / 82% 8th Motor Inf, MOTOR 39 Line 100% / 82%

9th Motor Inf, MOTOR 39 Green 100% / 82% 11th Armored, SS PZ II Green 100% / 84%

12th Armored, SS PZ II Green (*) 100% / 84% 13th Armored, SS PZ II Line 100% / 84%

14th Armored, SS PZ II Green 100% / 84% 15th Armored, SS PZ II Line 100% / 84%

16th Mech Inf, MECH 39 Line 100% / 78% 17th Armored, SS PZ II Green (*) 100% / 84%

18th Armored, SS PZ II Green (*) 100% / 81% 19th Armored, SS PZ IIIF Green 100% / 85%

20th Mech Inf, MECH 40 Green 100% / 82% 21st Motor Inf, MOTOR 40 Green 100% / 82%

22nd Motor Inf, MOTOR 40 Green 100% / 82%


The attack succeeded!


Defender's Divisions

2nd Army (17 divisions)

Division Name Experience % Effective Division Name Experience % Effective

5th Mech Inf, MECH 39 Green 98% / 66% 6th Mech Inf, MECH 39 Green (*) 98% / 66%

7th Mech Inf, MECH 39 Green 97% / 59% 8th Mech Inf, MECH 39 Green (*) 98% / 66%

9th Mech Inf, MECH 39 Green 98% / 66% 10th Mech Inf, MECH 39 Green (*) 98% / 66%

11th Mech Inf, MECH 39 Green (*) 98% / 66% 12th Mech Inf, MECH 39 Green 98% / 66%

13th Mech Inf, MECH 39 Green 98% / 66% 14th Armored, A13 Green 98% / 68%

15th Armored, A13 Green (*) 98% / 68% 16th Mech Inf, MECH 39 Green 98% / 66%

17th Mech Inf, MECH 39 Green (*) 98% / 66% 18th Mech Inf, MECH 39 Green 98% / 66%

19th Mech Inf, MECH 39 Green (*) 98% / 66% 20th Mech Inf, MECH 39 Green (*) 98% / 66%

21st Mech Inf, MECH 39 Green 98% / 60%



The symbol "*" means the unit gained an experience level due to this combat

The defending command is completely eliminated

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Jeez sponge... how is it even possible to get a stack of 17 green divisions in TP-9 a few line/veteran divisions and you would have held :)

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Actually, if that one INF-division would not have been there so he could be on MOB defense, he would have held. I see that so often... But then i also see often that people build large stacks of green divisions, not doing LFE at all (may to save MUN?) and get smacked around for it. Happened in Vic91 on both our side and our opponents' side as well.

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Guest Spongebob

Another dig from Mike.... you should be sure of your propaganda because if I defeat you then you will be the first ever person to be defeated by the Sponge... Is that something you can live with? :woohoo:

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This just goes to show that everyone gets something different out of playing Victory. In Sponges case, it's something very different. Let's not forget also that it's clear that some players also have a very different benchmark for 'success' in this game. I hate to say it, but getting into the tech 20's is hardly what many would consider their version of success, but as in the case of what some players seem to out of this game, to each his own I guess.

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