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Idea for another special game


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I suspect it's been brought up before, but I'm going to throw the idea out anyway.


I was thinking of having 'short' game. Most of the rules would be the same except that your turns would be submitted every 7 days instead of every 2 weeks. With this, I thought maybe another variation is in order. 2 Total Alliances would be the max. This would allow information to flow during the week without an over abundance.


It's a rough idea, but I personally would like to see a short game time wise. I'm impatient about getting my turn back and the 2 week wait is a bit long for me.


So please post any comments, ideas, or critique. Thank you!!



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Russ would need to run turns at a faster pace, for instance if you run on a Saturday, you can't wait until Wednesday to receive results when allies need to process. 7 days would be hard to pull off, 10 days may be more reasonable.

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I think Brogan made a lot of sense. If you wind up waiting 3 days for results that leaves only up to 4 days of planning. It could negatively impact Allianced based abilities of cooperation, as a lack of time to correspond and gather info is a big factor.

I think there would be an accelerated dropout factor. When people find themselves more profoundly affected by vacation, health and real world workload increase fluctuations. One week turnaround would be very unforgiving.

The suggestion of 10 days is more realistic for the gaming community as a whole. But then there will be an issue where people get confused about due dates; being a different day all the time.


Sure, one week will appeal to those with less real life restrictions. But would it be enough to fill a game? Will it be enough to maintain players, or would attrition be abnormally accelerated as I suspect?


Despite all that, I'd probably give it a try. ;)

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