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Beginning Ships


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My ships tend to very stealthy, lethal, and invisible. They tend to have these components (at this early stage of the game) and this list is very complete:
















Watch for them soon.........coming to a system near you, soon. That is if you have the proper level of sensor technology!

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Convoy Orders open up specific fleet designs for cargo ships, colony ships and fuel ships.


There is implication that exploration could bring interesting results and it is useful to have designs for specific utility.


I really like the 25,000 ton minimum, and with the designs I've been using/planning, I don't see any practical or game-altering restrictions.


We should start a poll to see how many of us are stripping down the Bastions to use the components for other ships. :P

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  • 4 months later...

Nobody will be stripping Bastions. You can't scrap them for parts. The Bastion name is protected so nothing named Bastion can be scrapped. If you lose your Bastions and design a new one with the same name, that one won't be scrappable either (I am sure it is a word).

Not accurate... I just scrapped a couple of Bastions with no problems. I'm pretty confident you could also reuse that name if desired, you'd just have to do an ED (eliminate design) order first

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  • 1 year later...
On 9/30/2015 at 3:37 PM, hobknob said:

Nobody will be stripping Bastions. You can't scrap them for parts. The Bastion name is protected so nothing named Bastion can be scrapped. If you lose your Bastions and design a new one with the same name, that one won't be scrappable either (I am sure it is a word).

Has anyone else confirmed this by trying???

I find that I am allowed to enter a Bastian when using the SCRP order but do not wish to wase the order if in fact it won't process.


I can find no reference to it not being allowed in the DRACO introducion letters, etc...   What is the source of this data?  Is it true?   


Pete....can you confirm this???

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