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Galactic Directory Has Anybody Beening Keeping It Up


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I am the keeper of the galactic directory.


Once the universe started to get smaller, exploration got further out and tech got better the interest in the directory diminished. It was readily apparent that the information provided in the directory was pretty valuable.


However, Draco is a new place with new rules and reality. It could be that a new Draco directory could be a desired thing.

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The best way I found for myself was to find an image I liked on the interweb and copy the URL. Then you go to your profile page and click your avatar. A 'change' option should appear which you click as well. That opens a window which allows several options. One of them is adding a pic from a URL. Paste the URL of your image and import. Your done :)

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The previous directory was limited to a system name and an empire that either claimed it or wanted to be associated with it. The idea was that after a while you could find systems and see who was near by. For it to be of any use at all there needs to be a minimum of data provided. I would suggest system name and empire #.


I would be willing, at least for now, to start up a new directory. However, I will only start one if I have at least 50 systems and at least 5 different empires that contribute. Or somebody else can do it and who cares what I think...


Also, think carefully about sharing your system data. Once the info is out it can never be reclaimed.



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