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Minimum Colony size


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Question for anyone.


What is the minimum population size that would see a population growth naturally.

Would 14 settlers starting see growth or should I wait for more to settle a planet or moon in ideal conditions?

I am considering drop them and building the fission power plant, Imperial Commissary and Colonial Training center. 

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Depends on lots factors including growth rate, CB, planet attrition and lifeform choices and installations present. some will grow at 11 and others not until 15.  I would say 14 should grow.  You will know in a single turn. :)


There may also be some impact for having a legendary character or other installations in the same system.  The details seem to be a bit sketchy on stuff like that.

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The Fremen will grow no matter what the conditions are planetside at the magic number of 13. Now if the conditions are such that they lose pop below the 13 level then no more growth. This was found out completely by accident as I had one population immigrate to a far  off research base which had 12 pop. The turn after no more immigration BUT the research base continued and still continues to grow 1 POP per turn.

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I would say planet attrition is totally useless. On one world I can live perfectly fine on a very high and on a moderate with less severe problems I take more losses than any other world. I find the numbers fluff and nothing more.

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