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Robotic ShipYards


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What my problem is i have everything to build 6 ships a turn 7 shipyard slips and 450,000 shipyards to build  the ships the total weight of the ship is 9,000,000,000 . Here the problem i only build one at a time???? . I know i have enough power for them also  2,279,783,700 Power is done ever turn

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6 hours ago, Lord Deependra said:

From memory, there used to be a maximum amount of tonnage that could be built per turn in a pop group. no matter how many shipyards you had, but I can't remember the number as I never expect to hit it in Draco.

Expect the unexpected ?. Although ships of that size in Draco will not be the norm. I’m sure some enterprising races will find a way but it won’t be too many for sure. 

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Wait a sec.  The 2B per pop group went away long ago for Andromeda.  It is now unlimited.  A standard shipyard will get you 10k tons and a robotic will get you 20k/yard.  If you want to build 9B in  a turn then you will need 450k robotic shipyards or 900k standard. 

One shipyard slip will work on one ship, regardless of tonnage until done or shipyard capacity is used up. If you want to build more ships at the same time build more slips.


Also, don't forget that shipyards require power so building lots of them will consume more power.


For Draco this will not be an issue for some time....

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