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To positions 225 The Bolar Federation and 1335 The H'Torian Alliance...Let Sith-al-Teal play his game . If you continue to feel it is necessary to continue to attack him , then my positions in the general area will be forced to intervene . And the 51 billion tons Jason sees , and double that number will not be enough to withstand the onslaught I am prepared to bring to his area . You are warned......

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Yes , of course . Jason is harmless , he just has the annoying habit of just going anywhere ...he did that to me as well , but Marcus kinda told him where not to go . Marcus is of course no longer playing . I will return my carrier fleets back to space dock at the 2955 and 673 home worlds with these next turns . Thanks !

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  • 2 weeks later...

Greetings from your neighbor SCINAT! 

Sith-al-Teal (Jason) is not an empire I am familiar with. Is Jason the player who briefly ran Joe Sanchez’’s old empire?

is The Bolar Federation an empire that had been run by Jack (the Physics professor)?


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