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New Research once all research had been done


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If you had a position that had finished all research and could not research for a couple of turns , please check to see if you got any scientist hits after putting COMECH or Intruder Missile in your SRP slots . I had two positions which had finished all research , and once this turn ran , neither position had any science hits . Each position was maxed out in research , so they should have had some scientist hits each . 

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I had the exact same question, no scientist hits here. I did do a SRP order putting in the two new techs. They both show 70%+ finished.

Is there any position in Alpha that has been getting scientist hits?

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You might send a mail to Pete . He tries to put it off to bad luck , and nothing has changed , and several other lame excuses rather than taking a look at what is going on . All my other positions had scientist hits , but none of them finished research . I had two positions that did finish research , and I doubt it is coincidence that both did not have any scientist hits after they finally were able to research COMECH / Intruder missile . Pete also tried to say that not all techs can have science hits , but I know for a fact that intruder had hits on other positions....no data on COMECH , but I will put COMECH on research on one of my other positions  this turn .


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