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Ficticious Contact


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:beer: Here's another scenario that might happen in the near future. Say there are 2 empires (or more in the case of alliances) who want to actually work together in-game. They both correspond regularly and find that they both found a warp that ends in the same system. Obviously, they get excited at the possibility of trading items etc. There is just one problem. The connecting system is a claimed system which is defended at all the warp points. Worse still, after both empires lose pathfinders to this empire they try to contact the owner to no avail.


Now obviously the 2 empires are determined to hook up in the game for mutual trade and the other empire is preventing this. Is this a reason for war? I am sure that there are people that would argue both sides of this scenario as they already have argued both sides of the other scenario that actually took place.


My opinion would depend which empire I was. If I was one of the 2 empires trying to hook up I would start planning a way to eliminate the forces around the warp points to get across the point that I was serious about going through regardless if that empire ignored my messages. If I were the empire in the middle I would be offended that the other 2 empires would have the audacity to tell me that I can't protect my space. (Actually if I were the empire in the middle I would not have ignored the messages...but that's another subject altogether). In the end, nobody wins in this case.


If the empire in the middle could have reached an agreement with the other 2 empires he could have actually made a couple more friends and made his own empire stronger....that is if he was not so paranoid that they would both turn on him. The other 2 empires could also benefit from this go between as well and possibly establish an out-of-game friendship.


Of course this hasn't happened yet to my knowledge but it should be discussed since it is a very likely scenario in the near future given all the recent contact.

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Hello Ed,

Interesting point.

If we were the empire in the middle, then we would rejoice: we own the marketplace in town and there are customers! You can have two friends and make an euro in the mean time! And look at all the trading possibilities this offers.


If the empire in the middle doesn't see any advantage to this, I would try to explore another meeting point somewhere and keep on trying. I am sure that at some point the empire in the middle will come back to us.


Kind regards,

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:beer: Interesting example:


Well first off, if you found one common system, then with a bit of searching you should be able to find others.


Next I would keep up trying to make contact, and open up communications with the middle player. Hopefully with enough trying you could start the ball rolling and make another friend. Three empires side by side would be awesome, just think of all the techs you three could swap.


I would stay away from any war type measures.



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Yeah - put yourself in the middle empire's shoes:


1) You've been contacted by two empires that want to work with you

2) You've encounted both empires in the same system

3) They have expressed that they are both working together and trying to establish contact through you



A person who was foolish enough to act overtly territorial in such a situation would almost deserve to suffer immensely.


I don't care how many times any one of us would come to the boards and denounce the 2 empires for pushing the middle guy around....it wouldn't change the result.


It reminds me of ancient Istanbul. The original people of Istanbul are forgotten for a darn good reason.....



Ok here is somehting I have to get off my chest.


We've been talking about ways to "handle" all these situations as though we can all come to the "proper" course of conduct with each hypothetical scenario.


Honestly: why does it matter what we actually think about this stuff? If the [enter your favorite alliance here] denounces another empire's actions - how the heck are they going to back it up within a year's time unless is:


1) nearby; and

2) feeling particularly righteous?


My answer: something to read while we wait for turns at least :angry2:

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If we were the empire in the middle, then we would rejoice: we own the marketplace in town and there are customers! You can have two friends and make an euro in the mean time! And look at all the trading possibilities this offers.


If I were the empire in the middle, I'd blow them up and then follow their warp signatures, tracing them back to their homeworlds and conquer them both....but that's just me. :lol:

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If I were the empire in the middle, I'd blow them up and then follow their warp signatures, tracing them back to their homeworlds and conquer them both....but that's just me. 


No more soup for you! Next! :angry2:

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I assume it would only be a matter of time before someone accidentally warped into the system.  Damn those typos.

Great Idea, and if it is an accident, then it is not your fault your deathstar got attacked, and managed to wipe all attacking ships clear of the system, and dropped MMDs on the colony there, and did surveys on several warp points, and found a HW that was destroyed accidentally

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