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The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men


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Well there is always positive in a turn....I guess the positive is I found the Mindsphere home world. The negative would all be around the undefended Warp Sensor Ship on Zulu that went visiting!


Yikes! Notice the defenses. This player is dropped (I think) and he has ships with 2500 MK I Force Shields!






Alien Fleet Sighting : xxxxxxxx [in-system move by empire # Martin]

SHM The Sh-Lakk Mindsphere # 841 'A Great Sun, Brightly Illuminating A Solar System'

1901st Gh-Rach

1 FS Gi-Las (Fleet Scout - 46,000 tons)

SHM The Sh-Lakk Mindsphere # 841 'A Great Sun, Brightly Illuminating A Solar System'

2001st Thu-Rach

4 FAR Tu-Pan (Far Trader - 123,900 tons)

SHM The Sh-Lakk Mindsphere # 841 'A Great Sun, Brightly Illuminating A Solar System'

1 FAR Tu-Pan II (Far Trader - 123,900 tons)

SHM The Sh-Lakk Mindsphere # 841 'A Great Sun, Brightly Illuminating A Solar System'

1 FAR Tu-Pan III (Far Trader - 124,000 tons)

SHM The Sh-Lakk Mindsphere # 841 'A Great Sun, Brightly Illuminating A Solar System'

1 CLNR To-Vor (Colonial Liner - 1,226,500 tons)

SHM The Sh-Lakk Mindsphere # 841 'A Great Sun, Brightly Illuminating A Solar System'

5000. Tha-Rakk

1 SFX Bastion (Surface Fortress - 500,000 tons)

SHM The Sh-Lakk Mindsphere # 841 'A Great Sun, Brightly Illuminating A Solar System'

Fleet 2000

11FAR Tu-Pan III (Far Trader - 124,000 tons)

SHM The Sh-Lakk Mindsphere # 841 'A Great Sun, Brightly Illuminating A Solar System'

Fleet 501

10DSAT Go-Tar (Defense Satellite - 75,000 tons)





----- CENSORED -----

** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle **

The Sh-Lakk Mindsphere # 841 [A Great Sun, Brightly Illuminating A Solar System]

Fleet 501 [ROE: R] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 750,000)

--------------------[Deploy Location 9] 10 DSAT Go-Tar (Defense Satellite - 75,000 tons [each])-------------------------

Fire Control: Minimal .. Maneuverability: Lumbering .. Sensors: Blind .. Shields: Energized .. Structural Integrity: Mighty

2,500 Light Beam Laser (Coherent Beam) .... 2,000 Mk I Force Shield .... 50,000 Standard Hull Plate

** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle **

The Sh-Lakk Mindsphere # 841 [A Great Sun, Brightly Illuminating A Solar System]

1901st Gh-Rach [ROE: R] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 46,000)

Cargo Bays: ... 10,000 ...

Explorer G'Jir

--------------------[Deploy Location 7] 1 FS Gi-Las (Fleet Scout - 46,000 tons [each])----------------------------------

Fire Control: Fair .. Maneuverability: Lumbering .. Sensors: Average .. Shields: None .. Structural Integrity: Average

3,700 Standard Hull Plate .... 1 Type A Defense Screen

** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle **

The Sh-Lakk Mindsphere # 841 [A Great Sun, Brightly Illuminating A Solar System]

Fleet 2000 [ROE: R] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 1,364,000)

Cargo Bays: ... 1,100,000 ...

--------------------[Deploy Location 7] 11 FAR Tu-Pan III (Far Trader - 124,000 tons [each])----------------------------

Fire Control: Poor .. Maneuverability: Lumbering .. Sensors: Blind .. Shields: None .. Structural Integrity: Fair

110,000 Standard Hull Plate .... 11 Type A Defense Screen

** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle **

The Sh-Lakk Mindsphere # 841 [A Great Sun, Brightly Illuminating A Solar System]

2001st Thu-Rach [ROE: R] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 1,970,000)

Cargo Bays: ... 600,000 Col Berthings: ... 100 ...

--------------------[Deploy Location 7] 1 CLNR To-Vor (Colonial Liner - 1,226,500 tons [each])--------------------------

Fire Control: Minimal .. Maneuverability: Lumbering .. Sensors: Blind .. Shields: None .. Structural Integrity: Sturdy

100,000 Standard Hull Plate .... 1 Type A Defense Screen

--------------------[Deploy Location 7] 1 FAR Tu-Pan III (Far Trader - 124,000 tons [each])-----------------------------

Fire Control: Poor .. Maneuverability: Lumbering .. Sensors: Blind .. Shields: None .. Structural Integrity: Fair

10,000 Standard Hull Plate .... 1 Type A Defense Screen

--------------------[Deploy Location 7] 1 FAR Tu-Pan II (Far Trader - 123,900 tons [each])------------------------------

Fire Control: Minimal .. Maneuverability: Lumbering .. Sensors: Blind .. Shields: None .. Structural Integrity: Fair

10,000 Standard Hull Plate .... 1 Type A Defense Screen

--------------------[Deploy Location 7] 4 FAR Tu-Pan (Far Trader - 123,900 tons [each])---------------------------------

Fire Control: Minimal .. Maneuverability: Lumbering .. Sensors: Blind .. Shields: None .. Structural Integrity: Fair

40,000 Standard Hull Plate .... 4 Type A Defense Screen

** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle **

The Sh-Lakk Mindsphere # 841 [A Great Sun, Brightly Illuminating A Solar System]

5000. Tha-Rakk [ROE: Q] *Total Defense* (Fleet Tonnage: 500,000)

--------------------[Deploy Location 7] 1 SFX Bastion (Surface Fortress - 500,000 tons [each])--------------------------

Fire Control: Minimal .. Maneuverability: Lumbering .. Sensors: Blind .. Shields: None .. Structural Integrity: Durable

1,500 10cm Autocannon (Projectile) .... 24,900 Reflective Armor Coating .... 300,000 Standard Hull Plate .... 25 Type A

Defense Screen

** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle **

The Eyre # XXXXXX [Jolly Roger On A Black Background]

Fleet 801 [ROE: Z] *Total Defense* (Fleet Tonnage: 11,400)

--------------------[Deploy Location 7] 1 FS MK II Survey Ship (Fleet Scout - 11,400 tons [each])----------------------- **


Fire Control: Minimal .. Maneuverability: Lumbering .. Sensors: Blind .. Shields: None .. Structural Integrity: Average

A probing Eyre scout is obliterated by Sh-Lakk Mindsphere orbital defenses

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Lets see ... 750,000 tons of Defense Sats (so Three times the structure / hitpoints) with 2,500 lasers and 2,000 MK I Force shields + 500,000 tons of surface fort (Nine times the strucuture / hitpoints) with 1500 10 cm Autocannon and lots of armor.


You are going to need more one of your pretty new star cruisers (even after you adjust the design) to break this.

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He has 10 DefSats .. so each DefSat has 200 MK I Force Shields, 250 Light beam lasers, 5000 hull (20,000 tons + 50,000 + 5,000 = 75,000 per DefSat). Well, at least there's no computers so targetting is not to good (Fire Control: Minimal).


There's a lot of tonnage in fleets over the world. Nearly 4.7 Million tons of ships. It is a lot of resources. Which then raises the question .. Has this player really dropped? Advancing to Mk I force shields and buildin 10 Def Sats and all the other ships would take a LONG time. Any drop would have to be recent. So maybe they are still active????

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There's a lot of tonnage in fleets over the world.  Nearly 4.7 Million tons of ships.  It is a lot of resources.  Which then raises the question .. Has this player really dropped?  Advancing to Mk I force shields and buildin 10 Def Sats and all the other ships would take a LONG time.  Any drop would have to be recent.  So maybe they are still active????

Why the assumption it would have to be a recent drop?


Do we know what RTG does with dropped positions? It would be quite amusing if they were left to carry doing tooled production and standing orders :lol:


My empire has just done its sixth turn. I have all the tech to do one of these babies, so I thought I'd amuse myself by seeing how expensive it would be to my empire. Comes out it would only take ~12% of my industrial capacity and ~33% of my raw resources. They don't seem all that expensive.

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Yes, but all that message says is "the entire enemy fleet" obliterated you fleet.


It would be much more helpful, for analysing fleet effectiveness, if you got a more detailed battle summary. At a minimum, something like:


Sh-Lakk Mindsphere Defense Satellite(s) in deploy location 9 obliterate 1 Eyre Fleet Scout(s) in deploy location 7


Without information like that, it is nearly impossible to analyse the effectiveness of your deployment or even if you ships are actually attacking anyone, or just being destroyed at long range.

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Why the assumption it would have to be a recent drop?


Do we know what RTG does with dropped positions? It would be quite amusing if they were left to carry doing tooled production and standing orders :lol:

That would be good to know. If someone had the queue set-up to produce one trader and one defsat per turn and then dropped, and it keeps doing so ... that would mean every turn that goes by this dropped position would get defensively stronger.


I guess it's up to MM to test this by sending in another sacrifice. If the fleet comp changed (now 11 DefSats and x traders), then... Of course if that's the case, by the time MM gets to the world with his redesigned Star Cruiser, there could be 15 DefSats :thumbsup:

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That's exactly how it works. When I dropped the Thamians I had an order for 90 billion iron and set all the fleets to XLFE. When I revived them they were still on XLFE and I had about 800 million iron stockpiled. They were still producing. Where you run into problems is that as each tech advance gets finished, it gets randomly assigned to something useless, and if several finish at the SAME time, well let's just say you start getting some very inefficient research when you're only working on TWO projects with your 25 RCs...

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