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Please Be Considerate


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I know that Pete's a nice guy, and so he lets people get their turns in late... Everyone wants to be a nice guy, but...


/rant on

Frankly, its a two-week deadline. Please find the time, before Thursday AM, to do your turn, so that you don't hold up the rest of us getting our turn results.


Lets say this ONE time, you really "Can't" do your turns. Fine. then your empire(s) run on automatic for a turn.


1. Its not the end of the world.

2. Your production, research, and other standing orders still run.

3. You aren't holding up everyone else in the game because of your procrastination, er, circumstances.


Personally, I think its rude to hold up turn processing, because you won't make the time before the very end of the deadline.

/rant off


PS My apologies in advance for those who have genuine circumstances that prevent turn completion during a given turn cycle, especially those men and women of the armed forces on, shall we say, an irregular shift. I doubt that this is more than a very small fraction of those who are probably chronically late.


PPS I would love for Pete to be a "bad guy" and enforce a Midnight, Wednesday deadline.


Happy New years, and have a great day.

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What happened Octagon? Where people late...




From what I gather... people are chronically late, getting their turns in late Wednesday and even Thursday. Pete is kind enough to wait on them, so he can't start processing until ALL turns are in, thus it pushes everyone back, from turn processing to final results. Its not any one specific instance, more just a pattern of behavior.


I'm just tired of it, over a year after starting this process. I think the vast majority of players who do their turns, or at least live with the result of tardiness (or even genuine blips in life) should put pressure on RTG to enforce a hard deadline for the greater good of the majority, and especially Pete and Russ, who, according to rumors, have a life as well. :)

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So make it an 0800 (or 0630, or whenever he wakes up) Thursday deadline, but make it hard and fast; no exceptions.

And Pete and Russ are perfectly welcome to have lives the rest of the time, but every other Thurs and Fri, their butts are ours. :)

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I love the game and live by the rules set forth. Still, I don't really understand the difference if you get your turn back on Friday or Saturday. All turns run together and the results include all the turns from all empires. That's really the only thing we should be concerned about isn't it? If you have all this anger then use it in-game by blowing up the empires that "hold up" the results. Works for me.

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So make it an 0800 (or 0630, or whenever he wakes up) Thursday deadline, but make it hard and fast; no exceptions.

And Pete and Russ are perfectly welcome to have lives the rest of the time, but every other Thurs and Fri, their butts are ours. :D

No worries there - I don't have a life anyway. Rumors to the contrary are wildy inaccurate :lol:


Though hard and fast deadlines make turn results timing more predictable, it would take away my ability to be helpful when turns come in late. In any event there are invariably things that pop up here--this time around there were a lot of setups to key in, and on Thursday there were quite a few turns coming in (probably because of New Year's Day being the due date).


Two turns came in this morning...but the turn had already run, so those players were out of luck :thumbsup:


More good things coming up, though...I'm still working on upgrading the combat results, and I want to get System Beacons up and running. Some bug fixes (AC, ORB/GEO/PMAP issues etc). :cheers:

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I love the game and live by the rules set forth. Still, I don't really understand the difference if you get your turn back on Friday or Saturday. All turns run together and the results include all the turns from all empires. That's really the only thing we should be concerned about isn't it? If you have all this anger then use it in-game by blowing up the empires that "hold up" the results. Works for me.

I'm not angry at all.


I'd just like people to get their turns in on time so that no one has to sit around waiting any longer than necessary. Some people DO have weekend issues. The bottom line is... if the cut-off was Tuesday, then they would get their turn in on Wednesday. If it was Thursday, on Friday. This, to me, is just a failure to prioritize, and why should people who DO work hard to get their stuff in on time, have to pay the price for those who won't?


Obviously, its not going to make a difference, thus, my initial title for this thread, starting with the word Please.


All the best

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More good things coming up, though...I'm still working on upgrading the combat results, and I want to get System Beacons up and running.  Some bug fixes (AC, ORB/GEO/PMAP issues etc).  :D


HEY PETE -- Spill the beans. Are the Naval Battle Reports being computer generated, or, are you putting in the summary? Look at this result..


Three Concordium Frontier Cruisers rumble through a warp tunnel into the Diocles star system. Waiting for them are eight NSI Light Cruisers which concentrate their firepower on each Dahak as they appear. Concordium's Rear Admiral Hornblower directs his ships, Interceptors and Light Drones to focus their attacks on individual enemy vessels and this tactic does result in the destruction of three Napatha Pup E's, but the attacking Concordium vessels are torn apart piecemeal and are blown into oblivion by the swarming NSI warships. Just before his flagship is destroyed, Rear Admiral Hornblower dispatches a Code Omega drone detailing the disastrous results of his warp point assault….


If this is computer generated, you're a damn fine programmer.


But even with something like the above combat results summary, I would like to see more round by round combat information.

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More good things coming up, though...I'm still working on upgrading the combat results, and I want to get System Beacons up and running.  Some bug fixes (AC, ORB/GEO/PMAP issues etc).   :thumbsup:


HEY PETE -- Spill the beans. Are the Naval Battle Reports being computer generated, or, are you putting in the summary? Look at this result..


Three Concordium Frontier Cruisers rumble through a warp tunnel into the Diocles star system. Waiting for them are eight NSI Light Cruisers which concentrate their firepower on each Dahak as they appear. Concordium's Rear Admiral Hornblower directs his ships, Interceptors and Light Drones to focus their attacks on individual enemy vessels and this tactic does result in the destruction of three Napatha Pup E's, but the attacking Concordium vessels are torn apart piecemeal and are blown into oblivion by the swarming NSI warships. Just before his flagship is destroyed, Rear Admiral Hornblower dispatches a Code Omega drone detailing the disastrous results of his warp point assault….


If this is computer generated, you're a damn fine programmer.


But even with something like the above combat results summary, I would like to see more round by round combat information.

Sorry, but my bean-spilling days are behind me :D


Round-by-round results were tried in Supernova II, and they didn't work out well. I am looking into ways of providing much more detail, though.

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Any more detail that can be added to help understand the battles will be helpful. The battle summaries are entertaining (especially the discussions off board with many folks thinking the summaries are to good for any programming and so they must be written as needed by you, while others argue that such programming is possible .. difficult but possible). But in multi-ship battles like this, there is that feeling of being to summarized, to compressed.


Ah well... Everyone .. we'll be serving drinks on the NSI homeworld to commemerate Rear Admiral HornBlower. NSI is buying of course... :thumbsup::D

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I have asked Pete by email for the following change:


Post the battle report first and then the ship types and quality. Currently you get (see post below where we werechecking out the value of ancillary tonnage [worth it]) a battle report where you know the status of your ship prior to the battle report:


(from last turn: -



----- ARISTEO [ G (Yellow) 6 V ] [single Star] - 7 -----

** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle **

The Eyre # 2335 [Jolly Roger On A Black Background]

Fleet 900 [ROE: Z] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 12,000)

--------------------[Deploy Location 7] 1 FS The Pride Test Pathfinder (Fleet Scout - 12,000 tons [each])---------------


Fire Control: Fair .. Maneuverability: Lumbering .. Sensors: Average .. Shields: None .. Structural Integrity: Sturdy

1 10cm Autocannon (Projectile) .... 1,200 Standard Hull Plate .... 1 Type A Defense Screen

** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle **

The Eyre # 2335 [Jolly Roger On A Black Background]

Fleet 901 [ROE: Z] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 4,800)

--------------------[Deploy Location 7] 1 FS The Pride - Streamlined Pathfinder (Fleet Scout - 4,800 tons [each])-------


Fire Control: Average .. Maneuverability: Ponderous .. Sensors: Aware .. Shields: None .. Structural Integrity: Sturdy

The Eyre Page 4 of 61 Friday, December 19, 2003

1 10cm Autocannon (Projectile) .... 1,200 Standard Hull Plate .... 1 Type A Defense Screen

** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle **

The Pride # 4988 [A Spiral Galaxy With Two Large Yellow Eyes Staring At You]

101st Recon Group [ROE: Q] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 12,000)

--------------------[Deploy Location 7] 1 FS Pathfinder (Fleet Scout - 12,000 tons [each])------------------------------


Fire Control: Fair .. Maneuverability: Lumbering .. Sensors: Average .. Shields: None .. Structural Integrity: Sturdy

1 10cm Autocannon (Projectile) .... 1,200 Standard Hull Plate .... 1 Type A Defense Screen

** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle **

The Pride # 4988 [A Spiral Galaxy With Two Large Yellow Eyes Staring At You]

109th Recon Group [ROE: Q] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 12,000)

--------------------[Deploy Location 7] 1 FS Pathfinder (Fleet Scout - 12,000 tons [each])------------------------------


Fire Control: Fair .. Maneuverability: Lumbering .. Sensors: Average .. Shields: None .. Structural Integrity: Sturdy

1 10cm Autocannon (Projectile) .... 1,200 Standard Hull Plate .... 1 Type A Defense Screen

A pair of Pride ships are damaged in a long battle with two Eyre vessels

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