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Pig Skin

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Good luck Die Hard Bronco fan... a win today will bring you to my home and the waiting New England patriots!! :thumbsup:


People from Denver like cold weather, right? It's getting quite cold and the Pats have been pretty good in the cold and pretty good at home this year as well. :D



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*grumblegrumble* Once again my Seahawks get screwed over by the officials and maintain our 19 year record of losing in the first round. I still love 'em, but it hurts sometimes, y'know?


-Misplaced Seattlite Krelnett of Kraan

Zraaknod Brotherhood

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I missed the first part of the Seahawks game, but didn't the refs rule back a touchdown and a fumble correctly? Were there other bad calls?


The Broncos looked like they were asleep today. What happened to them? Indy sure looked tough.


Eagles vs. Colts in the superbowl?!?


-Pig skin

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No, you're correct; the officiating wasn't as bad today as it's been in the past. It's just frustrating when you love a team with so much potential that can't seem to win when it counts (excepting the gorgeous win to cap the season and get them in the playoffs to begin with.)

And when you're feeling put upon, you certainly don't blame the people responsible, do you? You blame the third party in black and white stripes. :thumbsup:

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And when you're feeling put upon, you certainly don't blame the people responsible, do you?

Of course not :thumbsup: Bad refs :cheers:


The Seahawks had a great season this year... Improve a little next year and they can get home field advantage / bye week, which seems to be pretty decisive in the playoffs.

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*grumblegrumble*  Once again my Seahawks get screwed over by the officials and maintain our 19 year record of losing in the first round.  I still love 'em, but it hurts sometimes, y'know?


-Misplaced Seattlite Krelnett of Kraan

Zraaknod Brotherhood

Maybe the owner could move them to Houston, and then both the Astros and the Seahawks could share playoff records!


Oh, never mind, we already have a team. Speaking of which... they replayed some video clips of people at the beginning of the season, and the funniest was...


"What about them Cowboys? They aren't even the best team in TEXAS."


Nothing like having your ignorance broadcast on national TV. *laughs*


Don't forget New England... my prediction now is NE/Indy (depending on who shows up for the game) vs Philly, with Philly winning.


Go Raiders!

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