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When you think about it, the Diplomats become far less valuable after all neutrals are located. What I mean is, lets say you reach turn 50 and you've explored all waypoints out from your empire until you've run into other players. And at the same time, you PMAP'd every planet and moon, located every neutral, and have absorbed them into your empire. SO .. what use are diplomats after that point?


Sure, the diplomats do use their skills to increase mining production (those occasional random messages) when based on worlds you own. So they do have some value left. But beyond that, which characters would prove more valuable to your empire? Naval Officers(for fleet battles), Army Officers(Ground Battles)Scientists(those elusive breakthroughs and XEXPL's), and Explorers (assuming you do lots of XEXPL's). Maybe Priests (if we knew how religon worked) and Martial Artists (if we knew the benefits of spying or if it works). Diplomats would be at the bottom of the pile, and only still on the list for those random production boosts.

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In addition to the added benifits in mining (in ANY colony...not just your homeworld), you still need Diplomats to perform Trade Pacts, Non-Agression Pacts, etc. with the players you run into. They may also be needed for other reasons unknown....such as if you happen to run into one of these lost races. They're still valuable as is every character in their own little way. :(

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I am glad I am not burdended by too many diplomats. In fact I got my first diplomat in 30 characters just a turn ago. As far as neutrals go diplomats are a waste of time. The best diplomat is an infantry unit. Since neutrals are so rare there seems to be little need to worry about any sort of favor points for diplomacy.


I have found about a dozen neutrals or more and most of them are the very useful kind, you know the ones with 3-7 pop that won't grow. I have found 2 advanced neutrals with about 130 pop or so and a couple of advanced or splinter group neutrals with 30-40 pop. So far the best thing about neutrals is the stuff that you get with them like Trans Warp Drives and the like. Other than that most of them are pretty useless. Hopefully there will be some improvements that will make them a bit more usefull in game terms.


Lets see, 3 neutrals in one system, total pop 15. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Edited by hobknob
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What is the most pop some one has found?

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Just based on the explore find that you get on your homeworld indicating that we are splinter colonies already I would tend to disagree slightly about the value of diplomacy...especially since Pete and Russ have obviously put it in the game for some reason. It may be just for "fluff" but I would not take a chance of being labeled as a war monger by just snatching up the neutrals...especially, as you pointed out, their actual value seems to be somewhat negligible. Also, there is a neutral's status to consider. The subjugated neutral will harbor intense hatred towards their captors and may in fact revolt at some point while a neutral which is made to join you through diplomatic options would not hold that sentiment. The happy population may have a higher growth rate and possibly even reveal hidden colonies on the world (underground or underwater?).


Of course, as with anything in this game, I could be completely wrong.

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