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AAA defenses


What's an effective Air Defense?  

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Just wondering what is effective. And in what amounts. Let's assume they should be able to do serious damage to a 25 group TAS planes.


I guess most people build fighters. But what about an effective AAA setup?

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Please define 'serious damage'......

Serious damage should be enough to make the attacker think about the effectiveness of his TAS strikes. Loosing 50% of your 25 group aircraft while damaging 10% of an army would be considered 'serious' damage.


I know it's impossible to stop these attacks. But as long as the attacker takes more damage than the defender I consider this an effective defense.


And even more important: Say both the attacker and defender build for ten turns. This gives LAA/HAA levels in a city of 1500. Each party has 3000 (30 air factories for ten turns) air pts. Given the fact that the attacker build good TAS for these 3000 pts and the defender builds only fighters for 3000 pts. Will this defense do 'serious' damage?


I know I'm a neurotic control freak. :angry:


Time for my medication. :D


ALMOST WEEKEND!!!! :cheers::blink::(

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HAA is a city does very little damage. Only high flying planes will be attacked.


LAA in a province will most of the times do nothing, as overflying planes are at high altitude.

Aaaaah, I remembered correctly> Just my strategy... Thanks Norbert!


Oops, did I give away too much? Will all my enemies fly in low? Please come and find out. :D



I remember something in the manual like 'Heavy concentrations AAA will reduce the effect of an attack'. More info??

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I have seen many attacks on army groups. The effectiveness loss is not that great.

There is something like a key between the number of aircraft and the concentration of AAA.


Placing static AAAs in a city to defend against strategic bombings is of no use. An army only fires its AAA when directly attacked.

I think this is wrong. You should be able to place AAA divisions to defend key locations. The only defence against repeated airattacks against cities is building massive LAA. This is both time consuming and costly. And it will never completely stop an attack, but effectiveness loss will be slightly higher.


When the bombers reach a target location, they press the attack, regardless of losses.



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An example:


Combat Bonuses for Belgium total + 5%

The 66th Air Div. inflicted the following damage:





66th Air Div.

Air Group Name Experience Planes

336th Medium Bomber, Tu-2 Green 46

337th Medium Bomber, Tu-2 Green 51

338th Medium Bomber, Tu-2 Green 56

339th Medium Bomber, Tu-2 Green 20

340th Medium Bomber, Tu-2 Line 46

341st Medium Bomber, Tu-2 Green 49

342nd Medium Bomber, Tu-2 Line 41

343rd Medium Bomber, Tu-2 Green 59

344th Medium Bomber, Tu-2 Green 39

345th Medium Bomber, Tu-2 Green 57

346th Medium Bomber, Tu-2 Green 58

347th Medium Bomber, Tu-2 Green 58

348th Medium Bomber, Tu-2 Line 43

349th Medium Bomber, Tu-2 Line 45

350th Medium Bomber, Tu-2 Green 46

351st Medium Bomber, Tu-2 Line 50

352nd Medium Bomber, Tu-2 Green 12

353rd Medium Bomber, Tu-2 Line 23

354th Medium Bomber, Tu-2 Green 57

355th Medium Bomber, Tu-2 Line 47




General Zorro is the commander for Luxembourg

89th Army (18 divisions)

Division Name Experience % Effective

42nd Infantry, INF 41 Green 82% / 78%

43rd Infantry, INF 41 Green 86% / 82%

44th Infantry, INF 41 Green 82% / 78%

46th Infantry, INF 41 Green 86% / 86%

65th Static, AAA Green 74% / 62%

68th Infantry, INF 41 Green 96% / 94%

75th Static, AAA Green 36% / 36%

76th Static, AAA Green 46% / 10%

83rd Infantry, INF 41 Green 79% / 75%

84th Infantry, INF 41 Green 94% / 94%

85th Infantry, INF 41 Green 75% / 75%

86th Infantry, INF 41 Green 100% / 100%

87th Infantry, INF 41 Green 83% / 81%

89th Static, AAA Green 74% / 74%

90th Static, AAA Green 76% / 64%

91st Static, AAA Green 62% / 38%

92nd Static, AAA Line 79% / 79%

93rd Static, AAA Green 22% / 0%



Flak reduced the effectiveness of this attack by 44%

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  • 8 months later...



Does not HAA fire at anything except for Ground/Sea Level? (section 4.3 Chapter C, in the rules)





Each party has 3000 (30 air factories for ten turns) air pts. Given the fact that the attacker build good TAS for these 3000 pts and the defender builds only fighters for 3000 pts. Will this defense do 'serious' damage?


Did you ever get an answer to this question? I would be curious myself...





How about the Static Anti-Aircraft Divisions?


Do these fire at aircraft only when the army group that they belong to is attacked by a TAS?


What if they are forced to retreat as the result of ground combat? Will they move or be destroyed?




Krysia's Krusader

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Krysia's Krusader,


As airplanes usually attack a city at lower levels, HAA is in my oppinion therefore ineffective.

HAA can fire at overflying airplanes, not at Ground/Sea level and Low level.


Fighters, on FC mission, are only effective on an attack location, not on the route to target.

Fighters on INT mission can intercept overflying enemy aircraft.



Static anti-air divisions only respond to a direct attack on the army group they are attached to, not to a city bombing! The normal retreat rules also apply to static AAA divisions.


Hope this helps,



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Thanks Norbert.


So then static AAA divisions must be immediately railed in after you have taken territory, in order to help ward off enemy aircraft. And since they cannot conduct many types of offensive/defensive tactics - this, in my eyes, severly reduces their usefulness. Unless somebody else has a better trick for this type of unit (?).



I have a problem with the following reply though...


As airplanes usually attack a city at lower levels, HAA is in my oppinion therefore ineffective.

HAA can fire at overflying airplanes, not at Ground/Sea level and Low level.



Is this from your experience? If so then the rule I mentioned above is incorrect. (I have also looked in the Rules Addendum Chapter.)

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There are some tactics that employ Frontier or AAA divisions. Of course, it's much more fun to find out for yourself how, so I won't spoil your surprise. (Unless you're going to be my ally in some game, then I'll gladly let you in on the details. :rolleyes:)



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no the rules are correct.. however keep in mind that to execute a tactical strike aircraft come down to ground/sea level, thus haa at the target location will do little to help you.


the altitude has little to do with city or province. en route airplane on a tactical strike mission will always fly at very high altitude. at the target they will go down to ground level and execute their mission.


when they are on a strategic bombardment mission then the altitude is set by the player himself.

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however keep in mind that to execute a tactical strike aircraft come down to ground/sea level, thus haa at the target location will do little to help you.


the altitude has little to do with city or province. en route airplane on a tactical strike mission will always fly at very high altitude. at the target they will go down to ground level and execute their mission.


when they are on a strategic bombardment mission then the altitude is set by the player himself


Correct. which is why a common tactic is to put LAA in cities and HAA in provinces. So for example, if the enemy has to fly over 2 of my provinces to hit the city, I put HAA in all 3 provinces (including the province of the city being bombed) so I have 4 potential 'shots' at the airplanes.

Although HAA in cities would be helpful if being SB'd at higher altitudes, and LAA would be useful in provinces with armies that are subject to an OMA TAS strike.

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My strategy:


- Some fighters on FC to protect my armies on the move. INT fighters to protect static armies and important cities.

- Loads and loads of HAA in all the provinces bordering my important industries. Not to mention the HAA in the industrial provinces themselves.

- LAA in the cities to take out the surviving TAS planes.

- Some AAA divisions to draw fire to them.

- And some dirty tricks I will keep secret. :lol:


Now where is that Vic74 setup? B)

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