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I've received some questions concerning how some installations work regarding their 1/100 pop rating, and thought I'd post some more info here:


If an installation says that it receives maximum benefit when 1 is built for each 100 population, that represents the most benefit you can get from that particular installation. Another similar but different installation could be built and the benefits would stack.


If an installation indicates that it is good for an entire star system, that means that you can build it on any world in the system and it will provide a side benefit to all population in the star system. The upper limit for the system would still be the usual 1 per 100 pop. The installation still works for the pop group it is built in, with the 1 per 100 pop figured out there. The bonus effect on the entire star system also uses 1 per 100 pop, but for that the entire system's pop is added up. These benefits do not stack so as to receive more than the max, so building enough for 1 per 100 pop of an entire star system would yield the max benefit to the pop group they're constructed in, but not another maximum benefit for that pop group because you built enough for the entire system. It would help other pop groups, though.


Treat the system-wide installations as providing a bonus to the system. It doesn't take away from their ability to aid their own pop groups.


Some installations are so unique that you only need one (sometimes in a star system) and that's enough, without having to worry about 1 per 100 pop. The Imperial Penal Colonies is an excellent example. The Imperial Palace is another, and only one of those anywhere in the empire is enough.

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Okay... very interesting but I want to make sure I understand correctly, especially as when trying to compare this with the Installations Report we don't seem to have any installations which fit the "1-per-100-star-system-pop". So...


- Missions, Provincial Capital Admin Centres etc. give maximum benefit if you build 1 per 100 pop gp population?


- there is only any point in having one each of Astronomical Observatory, Imperial Science Center, Science Center etc. per star system?


- is it worth having both an Imperial Science Center and a Science Center?


- is it worth having (for example) both a Science Center and a Science Outpost?




Philip H

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What does the following Inst. affect

Imperial Naval Academy Naval combat bonus; only 1 needed in Empire

Imperial Navy Military College Naval combat bonus; only 1 needed in Empire

Imperial Navy Training Base Naval combat bonus; only 1 needed in Empire

Top Gun School Naval morale and experience; only 1 needed in star system


Do they affect Space combat or is it the Ground based Navy TAC-rating they affect?




And what about Science Installations does it mean that it best to have them in systems with very small pop in order for them to help the most with Scientist chance? I mean you need lots of Science Installations in the Home-world-system for them to actually affect Scientist Characters chance of breakthrough?





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And what about Science Installations does it mean that it best to have them in systems with very small pop in order for them to help the most with Scientist chance? I mean you need lots of Science Installations in the Home-world-system for them to actually affect Scientist Characters chance of breakthrough?


All you need is one of each type of Science Installation per star system. Multiple science installations do not increase their chance of breakthrough. Also note, a chance for a breakthrough is very small too. Took me many, many turns before I got a breakthrough (I've only had 3 in 37 turns).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for clarifying that up Pete! Any chance we will be able to be able to gauge the levels of stability, religion and so forth ingame so we can see the effects of various installations?




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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

BUMPing the idea of an Status report that you talked about earlier Pete :P


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Here are the items that could impact breakthroughs (this is only Guess work, no facts behind it, use at your own risk):


1) Racial Traits like Intelligence, Sensory, ESP, Telepathy, Telekinetics, and other skills related to research bonuses may have small hidden boosts to breakthroughs.


2) Racial Set-up for Goverment and the like. Not only do these choices impact the chances for character types to join you, they may impact breathrough chances again in a small way. IE, a Primary Goverment of Technocracy may give a small boost to your chances. An Imperial Tradition of Science may also. Of course these might have no impact except for getting more Scientist characters. Still....


3) Number of Scientists. Simple random chance. The more you have, the more chances for a lucky break. You need that goverment and tradition type to boost the numbers. (I have one race, a Corporate Federation with Exploration as a tradition .. and they have 0 .. Zero .. Nil .. Scientists among the 25 characters no on staff).


4) The level of the Scientists. Hence having 7 Master Scientists would be better than 7 Professors. Again, only a guess. We know a Master Scienetist does far better at scanning Warp Points than a lowly Scholar. We know that the impact of random production hits from characters improves with their level. So, the chance of level influecing breakthroughs makes sense (if it does impact it). This ties back to (2) and (3) .. the more you have, the more chances to advance, and the higher the levels on staff.


Now, I doubt any of these alone have bonuses that would be great. But, if you designed a high Intelligence Race with maxed mentals (ESP, Telekinetics, Telepathy) and Sensory, and choose goverments and traditions related to Science (which generates a lot more Sciencetists to boot), then by now your odds on breakthrough could be pretty good.


Since you said you're getting 2-3 a turn, I'm guessing you have a lot of the above in your race (and, it's one of the older races as well).

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Actually Pete said to me that what you choose as tradition and goverment type ONLY affects chance of recruitment of said type of leader as well as chance for promotion,



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Of the items you listed, I think - (4) Scientist Level - is the foremost driving factor with regard to Breakthrough frequency.


I would like to think that Racial traits play some role - esp. Long Life, Intelligence and ESP. Of course, I link them as Long Life = experiential wisdom, Intelligence = raw smarts and ESP = eureka moments/subconscious insight.


I would think that location would be a factor. A scientist on a planet with every conceivable Science Installation should have a better chance than a scientist on a starship performing EXPL missions.


I don't number of scientists total affects an individual scientists chance at a breakthrough. However, I will agree that the more scientists an empire has the greater chance the empire has of achieving a breakthrough each turn.



-SK :python:

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