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A Neutral Empire


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I recently dicovered an advanced neutral empire with the imperial symbol of Swords and Starburst. I was later told that another empire had encountered TWO other colonys with the same symbol. This has led us to the belive that we are looking at the reamins of a long gone, powerful empire. I was wondering just how big this empire was. I would like to know how many colonys with this symbol other players have encountered and what system the are in. Mine is in the Crystel system.

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Our underssstanding is the Lord of the Galaxy ssset up a limited amount of neutral empire numbersss ssso he wouldn't have to ssset up 1000'sss, ssso if a neutral wasss ssset up it would draw upon the limited bassse sssetupsss. We too have found Empire#9010 Ssswordsss and Ssstarburssstsss with 29 pop and have heard of neutral pop groupsss with over 100 pop!


Other's encountered

#9001 Lush Plant Atop Crosseed Blowgun

#9002 Ant Horde Covering Planet

#9004 Crossed Crab Pincers

#9005 (Galatic Cartographer were did you put that empire dessscription!)

#9009 Tentacles Tearing Apart World

#9010 Swords & Starburst


We may have knowledge of more, (Galatic Cartographer were are you!)


CTO, Sssarass

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Our explorer fleets have also encountered neutral empires


#9007 - Human Hand Grasping Spear


The above empire and others have been given the privilege of joining the Mantodea Empire. They make adequate slaves... err ... citizens.

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I've run into several of those neutrals as well. Well, formerly neutral, I just built them a StarBar, and boom, they pledged allegiance to the Sabeli!! :taz:


and for those who want to know, the order is:

DIP ### ### peaceful StarBars 1



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Ok first, Sssarass, there are neutral pop groups over 100. The Swords and Starburst one we found has 151. Second Ixitixl, your neutals are lucky, we recently ran out of test subjects for our various experiments and have already choosen a new neutal pop group just for that.

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It would be cool if you could analyse the race members of the neutral you control as to get their life form values.


Someone remind me please

What happens if you:


A) Train a neutral pop to troops? Do they get the base race value of their race or the training race?


:blink: Train a neutral pop as colonist? Do they get the base race value or that of the training race? All neutrals I've encountered so far have lousy breeding rates even though they're in the 2-300s of population so perhaps I should convert them to my race if that is how it works :P


Several of the advanced neutrals that have joined me have had funtioning installations that were fun, like the Planetary Shield Generator...no Star Destroyers will be raining on my parade!





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I may not be correct on this, but I recall Pete mentioning that pop from a neutral empire being transformed into colonists become identical as the colonists of the player's race. Example: If Locklyn builds colonists from a neutral human population, they would be (for game purposes) identical to gremloid pop. Same bonus and penalties. And since you need to transform pop into colonists to make troops, then the troops are identical to the your own.


The reason for this was... something to do about closing a loop hole so two empires could not trade pop... Sorry for not being precise.

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Thanks Ixitixl!

Now that you mention it I sorta remember the reasoning behind the instant metamorphing of race which in itself puts an interesting twist on some of the things you could do if so inclined... :cheers:





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