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ANZ: Autonomous Bourbon Distillery


Autonomous Bourbon Distillery: In what appear to be the remains of an ancient, respected and long dead empire translated by your devices as Kent' Ukee. You have stumbled across a fully automated and working MK I Bourbon Distillery. The self-constructing robots have been growing, harvesting, fermenting and distilling Kent' Ukee Bourbon for millenia. Congratulations, you now own a planet that is covered by 500 storey warehouses filled with bourbon, much of which is thousands of years old. In the front office, enscribed on what appears to be a platinum plaque are the words "If only there were Starbars...."


This is a unique installation. It cannot be reconstructed.

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But.. on worlds with a hostile environment where your poor colonists are stuck in their domed city, rice provides more production per unit of land so...


first generation sake production is THE way to go. :P



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Actually Gremloid Blood Wine is recognised as the superior Galactic Drink. A pity that 99.9% of all alien life forms are highly allergic to it, always puts a dent on our diplomatic receptions :lol:





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Actually Gremloid Blood Wine is recognised as the superior Galactic Drink. A pity that 99.9% of all alien life forms are highly allergic to it, always puts a dent on our diplomatic receptions :lol:





Ew. Made from Gremloid blood??? We cannot in good conscience consume anything made from a sentient (or part of one).

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Gee Krelnet! Thanks for the compliment, actually on a part of our race could be described as sentinent so no worries :cheers:





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