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Happy St Paddy's Day!


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Except that the 'snakes' mentioned were actually the pagans of the land. The serpent is one of the oldest symbols for the Earth, being so close to it and all.


--edited by author so as to not be inflammatory--

Edited by Krelnett_of_Kraan
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The Q Republic does not celebrate St. Patrick's Day in honor of our serpentine kinfolk who were oppressed and driven from their homes by this bipedal humanoid bigot.

Now, now folks, have we forgotten? It is all about the beer!!! :cheers: Even snakes can drink beer. In fact, as I recall, the snakes left Ireland in search of a better beer. ;)


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It has recently been pointed out on another thread that there may be some people offended by too many ( or any) beer references.

All I can say is that if you are offended, sorry. This is a game and this forum, I believe is an extention thereof. There is no intent to force or imply that alcoholism is an acceptable or desirable way of life in REAL LIFE.

Most things are best done in moderation, especially alcohol. Hell, in real life, I rarely drink, (mostly just too busy) but occasionally a drink is just fine. I will admit that in Real life, I have NEVER been drunk. :thumbsup:



But this is a game, sooooo, :cheers::cheers::drunk::drunk::):unsure::unsure:


And for those of you offended by beer references, here's a root beer for you... :beer: (also available at your local StarBars)


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