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I have XP Professional Version 2002 Service Pack 1 and VicManger runs fine.


I looked at what might cause the GPF (General Protection Fault). Are you running Office XP? If so, you may want to look at the following Knowledge Base Link. I found this in relation to GPF's on games like FreeCell and Solitare when Office XP is running. The cause of the problem in those cases was that the FreeCell and Solitare did not allow enough room in the stack for CTFMON. The solution was to turn off the CTFMON. The Knowledge Base Link has that information.



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Hmm...I wonder if it's either a name too long or possibly even a province name with a space in it foo's things up.


My longest province/city name is Castelo Branco. Has a space and 14 characters.


Can anyone that has a province/city with a space in it chime in if VicManager works for them? How about anything with 14+ chars? Or better yet, something 14+ chars and a space.

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FOOD stockpiles are summed for the entire AICnetwork. So it is possible to have FOODshortages even though it seems not to be so... They are simply in the wrong place.


With several countries I have problems with VicManager... Because of these problems I use other tools.



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I don't know about Norbert, but I use a tool that I have written myself. In fact, the project is still growing, as ever more calculations and orders are getting supported :drunk: I stopped using VICMAN long ago, as it's a 16 bit oldstyle Windows executabe, and can't even deal with long file names.


I've come to the point, where I only need to use VICTORY.EXE to enter my primary orders, and a few hardly ever used non-orders. And even that will sooner or later be incorporated into the tool. :)


Jan Peter

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The tools I use are using an Oracle database. All tools are made by myself. This project is still under development.

As I need more detailed summaries, I program some new code.


Because of the Oracle database these tool can not be used by other people (sorry...)



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