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Sharing info


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There are a few older groups who have shared info between theirselfs about techs and installations. But it is hard to get info from them as a loner and you do not want te be a member of them. So i decided to form a new group only for sharing info. At the moment there are two members. Myself with 13 turns and a player with 25 turns. The goal is to gather around 10-15 people to map the techs etc. Altough newcommers are welcome we seek a balanced membership. So if you want to join mail/message me.

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If all you need is an information sharing alliance then speak with Shadowkitsune who heads the ISIS, an informal alliance wich is ONLY about sharing ANZ, INST and other tidbits. Shadow is a good player and a good guy!





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If all you need is an information sharing alliance then speak with Shadowkitsune who heads the ISIS, an informal alliance wich is ONLY about sharing ANZ, INST and other tidbits. Shadow is a good player and a good guy!





I thought that ISIS did not wanted new members because they are too big already and have many players who started from the beginning. What do they need from me?

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That was news for me, I was a member way back but left as I couldn't be in the same group as the Eyre. ISIS used to let anyone that wanted in since it was about free sharing of information without being in an alliance but it may have changed direction. Speak with Shadow and apologies beforehand if I misled you.





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:beer: My advise to you Crossroads, is to well define what it is you want from what ever by-laws or set of terms you have for your group and make them clear to all that wish to enter your collective mass. Make sure all agree, and live up to the terms...sharing is a two way street!!! Everyone must be willing to contribute and etc! These are only a few tidbits of advise from someone that knows this ground you now walk, and I have been in this game from before game turn ONE!!!
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Ok, we are on our way. I have started a Yahoo group.


Sharing group Crossroads for the Supernova: Rise of the Empire.

Our goal is to share info: anz and inst and map them. General info on playing the game is allowed too. This group does not share info about systems and players. No alliance or sharing turns is needed. If you want to join this group you will need to share all the anz and inst you have with no exception and no delay. Active participation is needed to stay a member.


If you want to join let me know.

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Humm a group to share info....thats a good idea. Maybe Lord Tehuti (Thoth for those non-egypt'o'geeks) shouldn't have spent all that time creating the Akashic records of all databases to manage our information :D Oh well....800 items and counting...


Crossroads if you discover the path to Mk I Carpal Tunnel Deflector, please let us know.


But if you find you are missing a key tech let us know and we will see what we can do for you. Always glad to help our fellow star-faring friends


Lord SaHeru

The Duat of Evening's Twilight (#3735)

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Humm a group to share info....thats a good idea. Maybe Lord Tehuti (Thoth for those non-egypt'o'geeks) shouldn't have spent all that time creating the Akashic records of all databases to manage our information  :D Oh well....800 items and counting...

Is your info just for you or do you share with us newbies?

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The Duat of Evening's Twilight is not, in general, inclined to the mass dissemination of information. However, that being said are willing, on a select basis, to help fill in certain technology gaps if we are able.


Orin - Of the hundred plus empires known to us we currently have no information about your Empire, so please forgive our inability to formally address you. If you wish, send a private missive to us with the terms of your request.


Lord SaHeru

May the light of Re shine forever upon you.

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:D Crossroads, I think what you really want is the actual tech tree and what is needed to get key systems and installations and the like. Also maybe some advise on empire production management and other such matters. It is a noble idea you have and I wish you well, but many that have this knowledge will not share it because they all had to earn it the hard way themselves through the cost of many turns. I look back and wonder what I might have done differently if I had the current intell some 42+ or so turns ago. I will say that when I started my second empire like 25 turns back it did greatly benfit by the experiences I either had or those of others that I shared intel with. Actually if I were to start a 3rd empire now, I do believe I could greatly mainstream alot of issues and greatly advance this new empire even father than my two older ones...BUT that is a bit excessive. I will just live on with my current two, and learn the future tech as I go. Oh I share intel now with a small select few, but as it turns out it is better that way. I wish you well in creating another peer group of players, but what you are doing is recreating is the ISIS group. It might be a good thing to do this and certainly can't hurt, and might help some of your less experienced players.


Good luck my friend... <_<

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Not to forget the old GSL First Aid kit found on the RTG website under player aids :D





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So we are with six and counting. Some are playing from the start.  :)  Want to join? Just drop me a message.  :cheers:




I have it for months. :D

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