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Something Different


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I know that everyone is clamoring for more details in their battle reports, but my long-term request for Christmas would be something different.


Saved production queues.


In other words, I create a production queue, and save it with a name, much like a convoy route. If at some point I needed to do a drastic change for some crash program, I could do so, and then re-load the previous queue.

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Actually an excellent idea!

I had the Rapid Response Queue working for me earlier were I had one empty pop group where I had a war footing build done so that if I quickly needed to go to war all I needed was to move the industries and change the XTR for the mines :D



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Actually an excellent idea!

I had the Rapid Response Queue working for me earlier were I had one empty pop group where I had a war footing build done so that if I quickly needed to go to war all I needed was to move the industries and change the XTR for the mines :D



Yes, you could use another pop group for the same function, but its very cumbersome, very order intensive, and above all else, expensive. Much better to just change your work orders and have them crank out something else.


Saving a production queue should overwrite the original queue of the same name, as things can become obsolete.


I would imagine you could have a main production queue, and then some crash programs for this and that.


Or even just a single saved production queue that would allow you to save it, clear all, build a new queue, and when that had outlived its usefulness, clear all and reload the saved queue.


Having even a single saved queue would be wonderful.

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while we are the subject of new things hows this one?


I would like the ability to assign scientist leaders to specific RC's

In this way should that leader get one of them random breakthroughs it will be in the

field you most want it to be in. dont know if this is possible but seems like a good idea.

Im sure all you out there with scientists to spare will agree. :)

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while we are the subject of new things hows this one?


I would like the ability to assign scientist leaders to specific RC's

In this way should that leader get one of them random breakthroughs it will be in the

field you most want it to be in. dont know if this is possible but seems like a good idea.

Im sure all you out there with scientists to spare will agree. :)

Pete did just recently restrict breakthroughs to occur only on techs we are researching.


The whole idea of serendipity is that one doesn't know when it will strike or what it will provide - having it limited to our RC list is already a pretty nice feature....IMHO.



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