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Towing Failure

Guest Zy'lar'isa

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Guest Zy'lar'isa

A fleet failed to move with the error message of:


** 122th Zylar Defender # 122 contains at least one ship that is incapable of movement, preventing it from moving to a Warp

Point at this time


Now the one ship incapable of movement was a 100kton orbital. The fleet was listed as capable of towing 300ktons. So the program made an error.


keith b. verret

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Zy'lar'isa

It has been two turns now with failed towing. It is kind of hard to establish strong warp point defenses of orbital units if you can't tow them to the warp point. Get my point?



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  • 2 weeks later...
Pete's got a lot going on right now, so cut him some slack.

Petes always busy. How else are we to get things moved up his priority list of work to do, except through keeping a subject continuously hot? You may have other things you'd like fixed before this one, but this is top of my list.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

This is still not working correctly as gravitonic ratings are not correct and while Pete fixing them manually after turns work this still causes troubles in the turns as well as failed orders. When will the gravitonic ratings be correct so towing will work ok?

And yes, could we please have the towing ratings added to the ANZ, we can calculate it from the towing rating of a fleet, but if that is incorrect we have no way of knowing so just add the towing capacity of tow items to their ANZ please.



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