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Not sure. But I'm sure the creature in the cload behind you will be able to answer. Look there! Oops .. not quick, you just missed seeing him.


Admit it .. if someone had managed to get something going in relation to spying .. do you really think they would tell anyone? O.K. maybe you or I or one of a dozen others would speak up. But the rest of this band of cut-throats roaming the universe? You'll find out about it at the same time you have a mysterious Fission reactor melt down. :alien:

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Last I heard from Pete after I tried inserting a spy on a Advanced Neutral world was basically that this part of the game was broken/not programmed for now and that spies were rather useless right now so he kindly teleported my spy back to the homeworld where at least he could be useless on his own turf. Since the rules say very little on this subject (perhaps because of the forementioned reason) it is hard to know what they will be able to do once programmed...




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Relating to another thread:

I had posted a response which would validate the use and effectiveness of spying in the form of galactic trade agreements. Basically, it could be a requirement that two empires who wish to trade items shoud have to form a diplomatic agreement "in-game" before any actual items could be traded. If you know that your two neighbors are effecting a trade agreement you would absolutely want to disrupt those negotiations...especially if those negotiations would eventually lead to a concerted effort towards you. Right now the speculation about spies is only related to research theft and espionage.


Another aspect that has not been explored yet is the prison system and the capturing of characters. Our empires have a prison installation; It would be really cool if at some point the game evolved allowing prisoners to be held for ransom or political maneuvering. I would hate to lose my best explorer. Without him I would be unable to knock down those "G"'s since my technology is not sufficiently advanced.


When alliances members actually start to hook up with each other there will be less to strive for except war. As we all know, war favors the defender greatly. With the rules written the way they are it actually becomes a possibility that game could turn more political since the threat of extinction is less than in other games. Also, when alliances start to use their political muscle there will undoubtably be those rebel forces that will try to thwart those efforts.


I see some exciting times ahead if we can all focus on what's important about the game and not nit-pick every little thing that is wrong with it. Positive energy is expanding.

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Hello Ed,

I am also looking forward into the political aspects of the game and see if it evolves to something good. With all these warp points out there, each empire could have a lot of neighbours, and thus many opportunities for diplomatic actions.

Kind regards, AKO

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I share your enthusiasm, Ed and I like your vision.


The best part of this game is how open ended it is and I hope that down the line once there is a lot more contact, espionage will be a key consideration.


I second the prison idea.


That would be cool if there was a chance that a leader survives via an escape pod at the end of a losing battle and is captured by the enemy ship.

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What would be cool is if NPCs were not always killed, but could be captured. They would then be subject to rescue, and some facility like the Imperial Penal Colony would make it more difficult. Of course, 00x type characters could make such a rescue more likely, as could special forces led by some martial artist, etc. Not at the top of my list, but it would be fun.

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Nice - PLUS


How about you HIDE your agents on the ships anticipating capture/destruction and the agents don't appear on the battle report. When the ship gets hit, the agent sneaks aboard the enemy vessel. :cheers:


Options once on board: follow the fleet around for a while -- destroy the fleet -- break into the ship's database and steal empire data -- etc etc


Countermeasures ---- Space Marines, Computing Systems, Counteragents..... :P

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