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Bring Back the GM Galactic News Reports!


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There was an early movement to develop a player-based newsletter but I think its been abandoned due to time restraints.


I think this board is as close as it gets.


I think region reports would be cool - but perhaps such reports would undermine the current design of this game and future implementation of espionage?


I mean - we can get battle reports from afar but have to use diplomats to establish contact between neighboring empires and are relegated to spaghetti maps as our understanding of the physical layout of our galaxy?



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  • 2 months later...

I'm bumping this old thread regarding bringing back the newletter format that was used in SNII. Now that combat is heating up it really would add to my gaming experience to have some factual information provided by RTG. This forum is fine for some good old fashioned trash talking, if you like that kind of thing, but I'm wondering if Pete and Russ could find the time to generate very brief reports on major battles. It really was one of the highlights of SNII.



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Some players could get pretty mad if detailed information was given out about their battle reports. However, spies (special agent characters) might be able to get at battle report data....I want to finish up special agent coding soon :blink:


By the way, I wrote all of those SN II galactic news reports by hand, going through battle reports to find good ones. Burns time like gasoline :P

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For both this forum and in preparation for another (well, Part 2) Flagship article we did promise to write in full about the 'liberation' campaign against the drop the Star League have discovered.


The idea being to have some 'real' Naval Combat results to share in this forum as soon as 'The Powers That Be' have finalised the revised Naval Battle Report and generate discussion...


We are in position to start this process and just await confirmation that Uncle Pete is ready and the coding is complete (plus hopefully the updated FOB result, which would mirror the battle detail, but just for your own fleet - which will allow tests and design decisions).


Be aware, however, that I suspect that such campaigns take lots of time.....


And, before the 'band wagon' is leaped upon - yes, even though we are espoused 'white-hats' and proponents of Intra-Galactic Peace & Security, we will actually be 'attacking' another empire - but only because it is dropped!


If you want (and we want to write about) some battles, then an egg has to be broken.......


Will the Star League hopefully gain something as a result, we hope so, as something has got to offset the cost of the campaign....


Chief Warmaster to Ur-Lord Tedric

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Well then, as long as I stay active and don't drop I should be safe from Tedric and his cronies....... :lol:


Sakarissa :P

"Cronies" what cronies....? :unsure:


But being safe kind of depends what 'activities' you indulge in....... :oops:


This wonderful game does seem to offer opportunities and styles of play that may also be viable, beyond the classic conquest empire-building one.


Actual viable piracy is one aspect as is the antithesis of co-operation and trade. The Star League are going to try out the latter.......


If we manage to gather other adherents, then all to the good. But 'cronies', nay. Pirates and Warmongers have cronies - we're looking for other White Knights and those who dare to be different.


We're quite sure that there are quite enough more typical types to give us the added interest in anti-pirate activities and perhaps even long drawn out military campaigns. :thumbsup:


But, essentially you are correct. Deal with us in honour and peace and you will have nothing to fear...... :thumbsup:


Lord High Seneschal to Ur-Lord Tedric

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*shakes head* You misunderstood my comment, Tedric. Cronies should be equated to the seemingly endless number of your <insert name> Assistants. Ye gods, how many of them DO you have? Do you have bureacracy as one of your two government types?


Sakarissa :thumbsup:

Ah ha!


Yes, we misunderstood...... :oops:


You mean the "Happy Band" or "Merry Men"......cronies they certainly aren't....


A year ago we used this partly so we didn't seem so alone in the gameverse, but also because we've just made our IC comments third person, and not due to a multi-personality disorder (unlike some we know of :lol: ).




Actually I find it a lot easier to write descriptive prose in the third person, rather than first person dialogue, and this is how I shall attempt to add to the other interesting threads/stories with the first of the Chronicles of the Star League - as and when I can report on the new Naval Battle Report style.... :P




The Star League are currently a Federated Imperium, so no bureaucrats allowed, just carefully selected individuals who work tirelessly for Ur-Lord Tedric in attempting to control and guide the Star League in it's attempt to bring Intra-galactic Peace and Security.....whatever WHAPO and Buddies try and do..... :thumbsup:


Chief Existentialist to Ur-Lord Tedric (who occasionally forgets 'he's' writing for 'others')

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*shakes head* You misunderstood my comment, Tedric. Cronies should be equated to the seemingly endless number of your <insert name> Assistants. Ye gods, how many of them DO you have? Do you have bureacracy as one of your two government types?


Sakarissa :P

In Ur Lord Tedric's defense, I didn't realize who you were referring to either. :lol: (Though in retrospect it was a funny joke that went sailing right over my head)


Either I completely had missed something on the boards or you were talking about the shadowy cabal of Logisticians that have swore absolute fealty to the good Ur Lord.






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........ shadowy cabal of Logisticians that have swore absolute fealty to the good Ur Lord.........



Now that's a definition we can get behind.....




Chief Planner to Ur-Lord Tedric

Chief Warmaster to Ur-Lord Tedric

Chief Scientist to Ur-Lord Tedric

Lord High Seneschal to Ur-Lord Tedric

& Chief Existentialist to Ur-Lord Tedric (just to counter the really weird out there...)


So = 5 so far???? Have we forgotten anyone.... :P

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