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Interesting happenigs

Octus Imperium

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Well, had a very interetsing discovery by one of my explorers this last turn. Because we found some ancient technology, we were able to make progress on researching the (yes, you will be reading this right) Mk VIII Force Shield. :unsure: (Yes, roman numeral 8.)


While this is exciting news, one hopes to live long enough in real life to take advantage of this reserach advance. (Would have welcomed either research on Mk II Force Shield or preferred to have a few Mk VIII's found intact.)


I also found power during exploration last turn AND it transferred to the colony this turn! Not on an inventory list and wonder if it would be used if needed. Anyone else explored some power out there?




(You can't believe the swaggering of that exploration vessel crew making the Mk VIII Force Shielf advance. Bet they really don't even understand the basics of what they found!) :drunk:

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Cool find!


The best that I have come across was Mk VI Fusion Pulse Engine. (Ironically, It was this turn that the explorers were able to learn much about it...)


I haven't discovered power yet.

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I think you will find that a Mk VIII exists for many technologies. I have found Mk VIII for Computer Systems, Pursuit Missles, and Standoff Missles. I've heard of Mk VIII being found for Short Range Sensors and Fusion Engines.


Power is a cool find. If you've got cargo, you store it in the ship. You can then transport it and offload it at any colony. Note that you never see power in the stockpile for a colony as the game eliminates all excess power (unused) at any colony at the end of each turn. But it never does this for ships or Cargo. SO, only OC the power you know will be used. The rest will be lost.


A couple of more interesting tech finds to keep you searching (just the tech, no such item found yet). Just a few of the more interesting things I have personnally found.


NWTX-4000 Planetcracker

Transdimensional Shifter

Nova Bomb

6th Generation Life Science

6th Generation Industrial Science

Colossus Drone

Holographic Generator

Neptune Wide Array Sonar

Mk II Universal Gate

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Nice finds.


I have all kinds of whacky exploration hits. I can only DREAM of the day any of these come to fruition. :unsure:


This game is so wide open and long term. It tries my patience at times (especially when I make stupid mistakes) but seeing those tech items has me wonder what the game will look like a year from now.


Diverse empires -- scattered technologies -- tense borders.....


:cheers: <--- for those sticking it out through the slow parts of building thy mighty empires to one day fire up a NWTX-4000 Planetcracker :drunk:

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Yep. Don't forget, as discussed on another thread long ago, someone mentioned getting hits on


Ring World Construction


and of course the greatest advance of all


Dyson Sphere Construction


It brings angst to my heart to think it will be another 3-5 years until I see any of these wonders...

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My legion of scientific minds have been rather fascinated by one of the technologies currently under research by my think tanks. Including this most recent turn, they have been pondering the mysteries of 4th Generation Space Science for 6 turns. In those 6 turns, they have had 5 breakthroughs. This puts me in the 70% range. Not bad. The only thing that would rival this would be the 10 explore tech finds towards Advanced Refined Crystals. I then put a single RC towards that tech and uncovered it's mysteries in only 6 turns. Having 17 Scientists is rather nice.


Sakarissa :unsure:

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My legion of scientific minds have been rather fascinated by one of the technologies currently under research by my think tanks. Including this most recent turn, they have been pondering the mysteries of 4th Generation Space Science for 6 turns. In those 6 turns, they have had 5 breakthroughs. This puts me in the 70% range. Not bad. The only thing that would rival this would be the 10 explore tech finds towards Advanced Refined Crystals. I then put a single RC towards that tech and uncovered it's mysteries in only 6 turns. Having 17 Scientists is rather nice.


Sakarissa :unsure:

Envious. Very envious.


Octus :drunk:

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3 RCs on 4th Generation Space Science for those inquiring little, non-reptilian minds out there. Only had the two extreme examples of luck so far. And keep your paws, claws, tentacles, fronds or what have you off of my turn results.


For comparison sake, here is the breakdown of my 17 "brains".


Chief Scientist x 1

Senior Scientists x 9

Academician x 4

Technologist x 1

Professor x 1

Scholar x 1 (give him time, we just discovered him after all)


If any of your scientists wish to defect to The Skaarl of The Circle, we will be most happy to eat.....er, greet them.


Sakarissa :beer:

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Devoting an individual life to the pursuit of scientific advancement? What an odd prospect. We have no such people among the Zraaknod, but we would like to initiate a student exchange program of sorts, if you could send one of your scientists, we'll gladly part with the services of one of our eight religious leaders for a time.

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Religion is something of a novelty among the Skaarl. We actually have a couple of religious nuts.....er, leaders. In general we just point and laugh at them most of the time. I will have to decline your generous offer, Krelnett. Besides, we are still working on Mk I Chocolate Covered Insects. When we have that perfected we will revisit your offer.


Sakarissa :beer:

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