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Quick Question on Warp Points


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Hi, just joined and looking forward. Not sure to what but we'll see what's out there.


Quick question about warp points: Do you start with all warp points in your system surveyed?


If not then a second question: how long would it take to survey a class D warp point. I have an explorer and some pathfinders, and going on the manual I've a feeling it may take a while.


Thanks in advance,



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You start with all Warp Points in your Home System pre-surveyed. You also get a significant bonus on Surveying any Warp Points that lead into your Home System. Your scientists have been staring at these stars and stellar phenomena for a long time. :unsure:


Short answer: You don't need to do any surveys to travel out of your Home System.


It only takes one successful survey order to survey a Class D Warp Point. However, failed attempts do not increase subsequent survey attempts. You need Jump Survey Sensors for the Survey. A Mk III JSS will penetrate a Class D with ease. Mk IIs will require a greater quantity or the assistance of either an Explorer character, a Scientist character or both.


There is a PDF on the RTG website that goes into greater detail about the ins-and-outs of Stellar Cartography. :drunk:


-SK :cheers:

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Your Pathfinders will be able to break the Warp points (WP) leading into and out of your home system automatically - thanks to years of your scientists sitting there observing them. But after that it gets much tougher.


Outside of your home system your Pathfinders will be restricted to WP classes A & B. Soon you will develop the Jump Survey Sensor(JSS) II which will breaks C's easily.


Suggest that you prioritise JSS II with your research groups in slot 1 and use a remaining life point bonus on getting this tech, if exploration is important to you.


Before approaching a D WP you will need at least a JSS II carrying a good scout

and scientist. Better still use a JSS III or IV!


See the Warp Point Survey supplement for more ideas...


Warp Point Survey Supplement


Hope this makes sense, if not please ask away - we are all pretty happy to help new players out.





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:beer: The best WP Scout would have (5) Mk IV JSS's with both a Explorer and Scientist character assigned to the fleet. You could sail anywhere with this config!

Just curious - why 5 and not 4??? :blink: Or even 3, or 2 or 1 would be enough with a Legendary Ranger......plus that Scientist


Chief Scientist to Ur-Lord Tedric

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:beer: Way back 'when' talking with another grop of folks, sharing data and details it became clear that although 4 would be enough to eac h the next higher level, that 5 adds a little bit more '%'...so I have always created my ships with 5 of whatever level JSS level I was building. Now since I have tons of Explorers and Scientists too...they make and add a better bonus to cracking those higher WPs too.


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They don't stack. Only the highest rated character on the fleet is used. If that is an explorer then he is used. If the scientist has a greater chance then he is used.


If I am wrong then I would love to know when this changed.

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They don't stack. Only the highest rated character on the fleet is used. If that is an explorer then he is used. If the scientist has a greater chance then he is used.


If I am wrong then I would love to know when this changed.

In the words of Sydney Greenstreet in Casablanca... I do not know why I tell you this, since it will not profit me, but...


The highest rated explorer and the highest rated scientist aboard a fleet BOTH contribute to SURV success.


They do not stack directly; rather, the secondary character modifies the already modified chance of success. The scientist assists half as much as an explorer of the same level.


Hope this helps. :beer:


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