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I'm sure this topic will have lots of opinions, but here is my first question for debate.

What do you do when you encounter another alien, and there is no response. Doesn't fire at you (obviously not a Whapo member), doesn't talk to you (obviously not a Senator) and doesn't respond to emails?

Thoughts? comments?




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I'm sure this topic will have lots of opinions, but here is my first question for debate.

What do you do when you encounter another alien, and there is no response. Doesn't fire at you (obviously not a Whapo member), doesn't talk to you (obviously not a Senator) and doesn't respond to emails?

Thoughts? comments?




Sounds like a target to me. (And I'm a nice, friendly, peace-loving Federation type) :thumbsup:

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If no communication-


I set up pickets in the area pronto and throw a few high end survey ships in that direction to get a look-see at their nieghborhood.


I set my picket ships on Yankee and give them as much breathing room as possible (especially if 6+ systems out from my HW) and set my exploration ships (usually armed) to mellow ROEs.


I've stumbled across "The Saurian Approach" pathfinders on several occassions and finally have a bead on their home system (99% sure) I issue a MESS order every other turn....no word...so I presumed they have dropped.


If I ever do hear from them, I'll strongly consider stopping in my tracks and establish yet another trading relationship.

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I have thought about this scenario although I have yet to encounter any one. If I encountered someone who did not shoot or speak to me I would start exploring in their direction so that I have as much knowledge about their terrain as possible in case they are playing possum. One I have located their HW (assuming that I find it) I would decide if it makes sense to take it and I believe that they have dropped. (Better for me to do so than someone else.)


Of course if things change and the person starts talking I would work to set up a trading relationship. And if they start shooting, shoot back. :thumbsup:

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I'm sure this topic will have lots of opinions, but here is my first question for debate.

What do you do when you encounter another alien, and there is no response. Doesn't fire at you (obviously not a Whapo member), doesn't talk to you (obviously not a Senator) and doesn't respond to emails?

Thoughts? comments?




Blast them.


If they are silent because the race is dropped, well, you'll want to blast them anyway so you can take over non-player territory.


If they are silent because the player chooses to be, you can't let them keep exploring into your space, gaining precious information on warp points and worlds. Doing so without knowing their intention merely gives away your defense while gaining nothing. So, they have to be crushed to minimize the damage and danger. As an added bonus, having their ships blasted may cause them to contact you.


So the rule is simple: Silence = Extermination

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If one sights the ship then one should have access to the empire number and therefore be able to send an in-game message which that ship's owner will receive. This is slower than e-mail. In conjunction with pickets, however, this seems like a resonable approach. If the ship continues to advance the pickets will do their job. If the ship stops or turns away with out comment then all the better.

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Blast them.

Thanks to all for the advice, but at the moment, I only have a single Pathfinder there and it is outnumbered (tonnage wise) about 8-1. Which of course is about right, I should win quite easily with those odds. :):taz:

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C'mon, give it a try. You've got weapons, and odds are they don't. So, go get em! Look at all the battle experience I have. I'm sure you can trust my advice. :rolleyes:


(All right, I can hear you over there in the corner laughing MadMartin. Stop trying to give me an inferiority complex).

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If one sights the ship then one should have access to the empire number and therefore be able to send an in-game message which that ship's owner will receive. This is slower than e-mail. In conjunction with pickets, however, this seems like a resonable approach. If the ship continues to advance the pickets will do their job. If the ship stops or turns away with out comment then all the better.

Actually there's a real problem with this.... :rolleyes:


None of the MESS options are any use - we cannot choose the e-mail addy to use....... :blink:


That rather restricts the possibilities......


Lord High Seneschal to Ur-Lord Tedric

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It must be cattle. So you can eat it

Sorry, I'm one of those Herbivore types, but hey, there is nothing keeping me from cooking steak for my friends and acquaintances!!!! :cheers:

BBQ anyone? :rolleyes:


I've emailed him, pm'd him and so far no reply. I also was able to locate someone from his same town, and still no reply.

Guess we'll have to see what happens.... :blink:


P.S. and this is the third alien I've encountered!

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I agree that silence means that you must take some military action. Call it paranoia or just plain common sense but to do nothing would certainly come back to haunt you in the future.

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