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The Voice Speaks

Voice of Synergy

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Phoenix Arisen's members are playing cat and mouse. It is all a distraction. Treaties are made to be broken. Borders are meaningless without force and they always use it first to cow their neighbors. The Colony is a mole in the Galactic Senate and it is in League with the Bashkar. Rise up yourselves and lance them both before these boils pop on their own and crud up the mirror. Synergy is on your side.

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Everyone is free to join the Galactic Senate.


We don't share much intel - so - if they have Norm, Ed or Martin in the Galactic Senate to be moles....their intentions are misguided.


The Galactic Senate has no secrets. Everyone who has access to these boards has complete access to every shred of Galactic Senate business.


Senators might be making quiet deals between thier empires - but the Senate does not operate to control the minutae of empire management.


As for 'lancing' these guys....I believe they have lanced themselves.


I have no interest in declaring war even though Norm is my neighbor - unless he provocates an ally and I am asked to join a defensive alliance.

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It sounds more like Synergy is just Alliance bashing...Is there any alliance out there that hasn't been the target of paranoid players?


Since I imagine most empires have little or no contact with any members of ANY alliance. It is a little short sighted to just blast the first empire you find.


For all any of us really know the PA are really the good-guys and the Senate are the ones plotting against us.


However, the slings, arrows and mind-games do make an insteresting read.


Lord Sa Heru

Duat of the Evening's Twilight.

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Well, I've heard that they diltue their beer and use mindcontrol addatives.


That they swap their microbrew companies around just so they can have better market position.


I have also heard that there are tiny microphones in all of their glasses and bottles and use them as the ultimate intelligence mole.


And I'm sure there are much more sinister secrets we have yet to discover. They are Evil I tell you, EVIL!


Now despite that, the Duat are still offering, what we consider, a very nice tax incentive for them to setup in our neck of the woods. :D


Lord SaHeru

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Now despite that, the Duat are still offering, what we consider, a very nice tax incentive for them to setup in our neck of the woods. :thumbsup:


Lord SaHeru

We'll be there. Tell us, do you have nice, nectar-laden flowers? :drunk:

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Well, I've heard that they diltue their beer and use mindcontrol addatives.


That they swap their microbrew companies around just so they can have better market position.


I have also heard that there are tiny microphones in all of their glasses and bottles and use them as the ultimate intelligence mole.


And I'm sure there are much more sinister secrets we have yet to discover. They are Evil I tell you, EVIL!


We do NOT dilute our beer! That would be a great sin! :drunk:


And we love tax incentives!!! :thumbsup:

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