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Now that things seem to be heating up a bit and players are finding new players every turn

the question of how the alliance settings work in relation to ROE settings should be addressed.


Unless Ive missed and errata somewhere a position can have only one other position

that it can swear alligence to.


Lets say you have 3 positions A B and C


Position B swears allegiance to A and C also swears Allegiance to A. Does this mean that

B and C are also allies? or how about B swearing allegiance to A and C swearing allegiance to B. Does that mean C and A are also allies? This can get very confusing in fleet battles

with multiple positions and different ROE orders.


Is it safe to assume(god I hate that word) that positions tied together by swear allegiance orders(even if they have never met) are allied?

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Swearing Allegiance to somebody has absolutely nothing to do with being allied. You get no known benefit from it other than having that empire show up on the TREE order. The game cares very little if you are allied or not. The ROE settings are really just you own way of dealing with your neighbors and have nothing to do with alliances either.


Maybe when the religious alliances get rolling the allegiange order will mean something. :alien2:

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I agree most emphatically with that statement. We have consolidated a strong local defensive alliance in my region of space but ingame all our PAPs and ALLGs only amount to that we don't shoot at each other in combat.



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Unfortunately a lot of what is written in the rules does either not exist in the game or not in the form that was written hence the urgent need for a rewrite of them. The whole diplomacy section with various states of worlds loyalty etc is just vapor right now, hopefully it'll come about in the future so those of us who like playing federation type empires who sway neutrals with diplomacy instead of divisions won't come up short for spending all those DIPs.


Alot of issues like alliances and the ALLG order etc have also been left very vague when it comes to ingame effect which hopefully will become clearer once Pete gets around to fixing those parts of the game.



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Im sure in time the points you spent on Diplomacy will bear fruit Locklyn. I just wish there

were more of them neutrals about. Found a remnant in my Home System on turn #2

and have yet to find another. :drunk: Perhaps with the advent of new sensor technologies they will be easier to find. :alien2:

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I know Honored One...I just wish that I had been shown the playing field from the beginning. Along with Mental powers having an alternate tech path according to the "rules" the diplomacy section was what sucked me into the game initially. I was thrilled at the idea that if you brutally conquered a world then it would be subjugated and you would have to garrison it heavily which you wouldn't if you peacefully convinced them to join you. Heck invading a homeworld of a dropped player doesn't mean any risk of insurrection and you can gladly invade away with neutrals without diplomatic ire from them and little military risk as only the most advanced ones have military forces or starships of their own. They are a bother to find but I reckon with the new SPs this will become an easier task. I've found some 20 neutrals so far with the GGT the majority being primitive neutrals but some really really interesting. The sad thing with neutrals is that there is very little you can do with the aside from robbing them blind of whatever tech goodie they have.




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I have long since learned that what actually happens in the game is more important than what is written in a rule book that barely reflects the game. There are countless examples of stuff in the rules that are completely different in game. Many of these are real strategy breakers too, like being able to refuel at just about any planet with atmosphere.


In that regard, my comments are based on actual play and answered questions from the GM's.


I do have to agree that there is some pretty nice stuff in the rules. One hopes that evolution will get some of that stuff rolling.


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