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i want to do a revo order.... and i'm curious. your emporer is the #1 character... when he "disappears" does your #2 character become #1? uhh... and also will the new emporer be a diplomat as well as a whateverheis. or will he just become a class 7 whateverheis.

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want to do a revo order.... and i'm curious. your emporer is the #1 character... when he "disappears" does your #2 character become #1? uhh... and also will the new emporer be a diplomat as well as a whateverheis. or will he just become a class 7 whateverheis.


When you do the REVO you lose your #1 character and the #2 replaces him. He keeps his prior skills and he also gains diplomatic skills as well. I dont bleieve that he automatically gets to the top level in his prior skills however. In diplomatic skills I believe that he does get level seven but I have yet to confirm that fact.

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It is not a good idea to do a REVO oder unless you have achieved ...

It is a major loss to your empire of you do not get it.

It is also rare and a secret.. :drunk:





Richard Johns

Currently at war with the Pheonix Arisen Alliance

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The REVO order banishes your former Emperor, and the next highest-ranking character becomes the new Emperor. If you have several characters tied for the highest rank, the oldest one wins the throne. This may or may not be your character #2.


The new Emperor retains his old abilities as whatever kind of character he was, but gains the title of "Emperor".

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This is a game where you end up learning your prefered strategy long past when you can actually use it most efficiently. Government types are an example in my case. To do it all again, I would take a government that was heavy in explorers with a good mix of everything else, and send all those explorers out on survey ships. Then around turn 20 to 30 I would do a REVO to change to science leaders.

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it seems that having a primary of technocracy gives the best chance for scientists and explorers... guess what i'm revoing too? *evil grin*


although... i am concerned i may lose a scientist (when he becomes an emporer) that's my ultimate concern.

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The REVO order banishes your former Emperor


Please note what is NOT said here. Your Emperor does not die, he is banished. Sooo, if I wanted to take out your Empire, I'd send my Special Agents to find your banished Emperor (who took refuge in the HBOB member Sabeli, where else?) and use him to set up a puppet government in exile, lead another revolution and install my, errrr your former Emperor on the throne. mmmmmmmwwwwwaaaahhhhhaaaaaaaa!!!!! B):alien2: :lol: :cheers::cheers::cheers::thumbsup:



The Puppet Master

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:alien2: that answered my question





in Athonian Space we kill our former emporers and shove a pike up their arse and show them off to the whole world.


(it makes it hard for him to sit in his throne B) )






Emporer ALi, who may soon find a long iron shaft in a place he doesn't want it

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It seems to me, that all that they gain is the title, as my Army Officer who promoted himself

to emperor has done NOTHING to calm workers, as his predecessor and all the lowest ranking diplomats did. I think he is still a General by Heart.



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