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Mis-jumps and terrain

Palladium Regency

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I suffered my first mis-jump after 54 turns. I talked to Pete about it because I lost about 5 order blocks after that since it was a TWD ship. I wanted to know why it happened since the system where it happened is well know to me and I have numerous ships passing through it. Warp bubble doesn't seem to have anything to do with it as my ship has a bubble of one.


Pete sort of indicated the following:

1) This is a very "rare" event and he would be surprised if I ever saw it happen in that system ever again.


2) Terrain plays a part in this happening.


3) Certain tech systems can help protect against this sort of thing.


I would like anyone else that has suffered this problem post the terrain type, so we can build a list of potentially hazardous areas. Anyone that cares to speculate on what systems can protect against it happening is welcome to do so, but I figure there will be less of that sort of sharing. To get things rolling:


My mis-jump occurred in a system that has an X-Ray Burster as its primary.


Btw, if anyone bumps into fleet 400 of the Regency we are lost in space. I have 2000 cargo holds, so could accept the transfer of a colony beacon to setup build facilities. Since I gather it is unlikely the fleet will ever find home, I will be willing to trade the production of weapon techs and such for information. (Pete indicated that the fleet is probably far far far away from my space.)

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I have suffered a misjump. I do not believe the system I was leaving had any special terrain- I will have to check. I also have met someone who misjumped into my area.


Losing a surveyer ship in such a manner is mostly a nuisance, but I have serious concerns that the loss of a major fleet to a misjump could cripple an empire. Out-of-homesystem colonizing convoy route provides quite a few opportunities to lose massive production investments. Not to mention a warfleet. If I spend 50 turns hoarding materials for warships and lose that collected investment through a misjump, I'm not sure I would continue to play this game.

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If I spend 50 turns hoarding materials for warships and lose that collected investment through a misjump

No worries. Unusual jumps are in the game to add some spice, not to move huge amounts of production halfway across the galaxy, mess up invasion plans etc. And...they are very rare. :(

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I would like anyone else that has suffered this problem post the terrain type, so we can build a list of potentially hazardous areas. Anyone that cares to speculate on what systems can protect against it happening is welcome to do so, but I figure there will be less of that sort of sharing. To get things rolling:

My mis-jump was from a Warp nexus with no terrain. It was however through I warp point I'd never tried before. Subsequent warps through the same warp point were without problem.

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So far this has not happend to me, but I do remember a post that i seen in the past about his happening to someone else.


There was something both ships have in common... They both were equiped with a Nuclear Transwarp Drive. Is this true for everyone else? Would be a cool negative to using the Transwarp drive technology.

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Just to clarify....


By a mis-jump you are referring to a jump through a known WP that goes to some unexpected location and can not be repeated.




BTW - since you can't transfer cargo between fleets or empires you will have to hunker down over a planet and hope to find one while conductin explore orders. Or the other more likely option is to find a neutral of some sort and then get them to join you.



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I recently got thisss report, and the ssship no longer appearsss on my fleet sssummary or anywhere on my turn.


-----WARP (Warp Movement)-----

WARP: xxxx

xxx Fuel is expended during the transition through this Class X Warp Point

Fleet xxxx #xxxx located in the XXXXXX star system enters the Warp Point it is stationed at and attempts to jump to the XXXXXX star system. The fleet is never heard from again, and is assumed to have been destroyed in transit.


Any thoughtsss?


CTO, Sssarasss

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Here is some more information, for those interested:


WARP: 400


163 Fuel is expended during the transition through this Class A Warp Point

Your ship encounters unusual conditions as the wormhole it is traveling in

becomes unstable for a few seconds. Its warp bubble very nearly contacts the

interior of the warp tunnel, but some deft maneuvering avoids this disaster

and the vessel makes it through safely. It's a harrowing experience to say the

least, leaving the crew shaken but alive. However, they don't show up where

they expected to arrive.... Morale plummets when they figure they might never

see home again, but the crew has gained some valuable experience.


It has the following systems:

Force Shields

Computer System

Medium Range Sensor

Jump Survey Sensors

Fusion Engines

Nuclear Transwarp Drive


Perhaps there is a reason that the original Pathfinder design had Type A Defense Screens. Unfortunately, I don't know of a good way to test/reproduce this given the apparent randomness of the event.


Btw, does anyone know the following systems: Chayann, Kraie. My fleet ended up in these systems.

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