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Load AIr Force ?


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Does the air force being loaded onto a ship require to be based at the port city of the loading operation?


The LAF rules have discussion of the airplanes being crated and loaded onto ships. If they are crated they would also be transportable by rail over the AIC net one would think.


I have lots of concerns and problems with port operations in the game. Haveing to keep a airbase in a port city is not a comfortable policy if enemy battleships are prowling around looking for good coastal ommbardment targets.


I continue to also be frustrated by not haveing a ground force Load Army force split mission. Loading the army force in a port city onto ships does not allow any defending force to remain in the port city. The city remains undefended if more troops are not available to bring in or fail in a movement mission.

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Does the air force being loaded onto a ship require to be based at the port city of the loading operation?


The LAF rules have discussion of the airplanes being crated and loaded onto ships.    If they are crated they would also be transportable by rail over the AIC net one would think. 


I have lots of concerns and problems with port operations in the game.  Haveing to keep a airbase in a port city is not a comfortable policy if enemy battleships are prowling around looking for good coastal ommbardment targets.


I continue to also be frustrated by not haveing a ground force Load Army force split mission.  Loading the army force in a port city onto ships does not allow any defending force to remain in the port city.  The city remains undefended if more troops are not available to bring in or fail in a movement mission.


Yes - the air force would have to be in the port city as the naval force when the LAF order is issued. The LAF order is a secondary mission though so you can sequence your orders so that you fly into the port city on an OMA, BT mission on one order then LAF aboard the naval force on the second. The port city would need to have a sufficient air base level to support the air force temporary but your air force would not have to risk a coastal bombardment. Air force units are not transportable by rail so AIR either has to be railed to the desired location and the units built on site or they need to base transfer in from another air base.


There is no way to load parts of an army force as you noted. In most cases you can sequence your orders so that when an army force is embarked another army force is moved into the city but you may have to rely on fixed defenses now and then. Building up fixed defenses can be expensive but it can be a very good idea if the city is a port (and your enemy has amphibious assault potential) or if you are at the stage of the game where airborne operations are viable (due to the enemy building up a large force of decent transports). Fixed defenses usually are not capable of stopping a regular attack on their own but they can often turn back an airborne/amphib assault and they cannot be targeted directly by air attack as regular units can.



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If you wish to keep troops in your city what you can do is EAF. (Embark Army Force)


Then split your force with a RG (Reorganization, Ground) on the ships.


Then DAF (Disembark Army Force) the force you wish to keep in your port city.

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If you wish to keep troops in your city what you can do is EAF. (Embark Army Force)


Then split your force with a RG (Reorganization, Ground) on the ships.


Then DAF (Disembark Army Force) the force you wish to keep in your port city.


I knew there was a reason why I read this forum. That's quite a useful tip.

Of course, you still can't set the army to DD, but it's better than relying on LDBs

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Don't forget, you will also need an airbase in the port city that you offload the airforce too as well.  :laugh:



I concur with Hamish....that is a neat little trick!! Not a perfect soulution to the dilema but it works given the weakness of the rules in this area. Of course the primary drawback is the "extra" transport capacity required by the transport ships to pull off this manavuer but if you plan to also load up air forces, CP, GEN, etc... that is not a overwhelming problem and keeps transport capacity from going to waste.




Semper FI!

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