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Star Clusters - you have em?


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How many of you notice "clusters"?




Just curious.


Clusters are niiiice. With 2 and 3-tier systems connecting to each other, you can focus on a few key systems for defense.


The other phenomenon is not worrying about that seemingly mysterious class E or higher warp point, assuming, of course, that it leads to its logical destination.




Alpha connects to Beta through Warp D (Alpha was more than two warp points in the system)

Alpha connects to Delta through a Class B (Alpha was more than two warp points in the system)

Beta connects to Delta through Class C (Beta has two warp points in the system)

Beta connects to Alpha through Warp A (Beta has two warp points in the system)

Delta oonly has two warp points, one connects to Alpha through a class A, and the other is a Class E




(Alpha connects to other systems)




| (Class D goes to Beta from Alpha)

| (Class A goes to Alpha from Beta)

Alpha <-----------------> Beta

|....................................^ (Class C goes to Delta from Beta)



|.....................................V (Class E from Delta has unknown destination)

|------------------------> Delta

(Class B goes to Delta from Alpha)



Crud - edit out the periods Sorry for the crappy illustration...best I could do with format and I dont know HTML from a hole in the ground :thumbsup:


But anyway....we can safely assume that the class E warp point from Delta leads to Beta, can we not?


Further, Alpha will serve as the point of entry for this little three-system cluster.


Now we dont have to do silly things like camp ships at warp points in Beta and Delta unless we are SUPER paranoid, and we can focus on protecting Alpha.


The larger the cluster, the bigger the strategic advantage. If there are colonies in Delta and Beta, they can "feed" Alpha. Alpha would also be a nice spot for some fuel depots etc etc etc etc


This may explain why we some of us dont recognize each other's system names. Perhaps some of us havent ventured outside of a cluster, yet. :thumbsup:

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In the example, Beta and Delta logically connected with C-E class warp way. You send a ship to C warp and at the other end you see the warp point # and check if it is the E one at Delta.


I think warp classes represent distances. So in my opinion, high class warps go to far stars, they doesnt have to be in the cluster.

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We've drawn a few maps and Eternus may well have a point - we've asked the same questions ourselves.


However, it's not proven yet and it certainly seems that E's can also go 'short' distances - witness B out and E back.


Now the F & G we've just found might be a little more interesting....


Chief Cartographer to Ur-Lord Tedric

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We have 1 comfirmed E loop, for lack of a better term. Now that could just be a fluke. Hopefully over the next turn or two we will see if the other E and F warp points take us back to someplace usefull. I'll report more if I discover anything of interest. But just for note the E jump while shorter takes twice as much fuel as if I had just spent the time taking the long 2 warp point route.



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I went through a G WP and it was a G going back. But instead of being some long distance away I found at least one connection to a system I had already mapped. It was just part of a big loop. I have found several loops; they make mapping interesting.


John Stanton


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My other empire has found 3 systems in a triangle. One warp path is class A on one side, class D on the other. The second path is A and C. The third path is A and A.


Each system has an additional warp point that leads to some other system. Unfortunately there are no planets, so its a nexus of nexuses. Or is that nexii? :angry:

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I have a warp line E and B ends ...

So it seems class doesnt represent the distance... :angry:

We need to study more Space Sciences to learn more about warps... :(


However we learned some strategies having searched the loops; the battles or trades look will take action on some gate/fortress stars...

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Add another 8 Star system loop. Imagine my surprise when surveying one warp point I found it circled back to another star. This was A-B-C-D-E-F one route, and A-G-H-F on the other. Another interesting fact is this is a ONE WAY loop. C -> D is a One Way warp point. Of course the whole loop is pretty useless as most of the locations are Nexus with no planets. Still, it leaves me to wonder if certain stars can be identified as being much more important to control for some empires due to such "loops".

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I think you're right, WKE. Loops will have important roles in the future and control of certain systems will be critical. Aggressors will have to assemble the muscle to invade and monitor those systems where they can be flanked (loop systems)...if they know about them :huh:

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I wonder if we are separated by clusters.....


It sounds like many of us have little clusters...I wonder if the little ones connect to OTHER little clusters within a main cluster...and there is a junction of Warp Nexus that connect all the clusters...


Only time will tell :huh:

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I think there has to be clusters out there as there are folks whose system names seem to follow a general theme or at least groupings of similar named systems. I think I am in the nonsense word cluster. The computer just randomly selects 5-12 letters and sticks them together - voila a new system name. :unsure:

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From a logical standpoint as well... I could see RTG having implemented a "loop" system of sorts for "plug-n-play" empire addition. New players get added to the existing web within their very own cluster of sorts. This would lead to every empire having some home turf of sorts... interesting... wonder if its accurate..:unsure:




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