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Ultimatem to Romans and Valkor


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To The Valkor Star Kingdom and The Roman Empire,


The destruction of the 215th Recon Sqdn (VSK), 115th Recon Sqdn and 109th Recon Sqdn (ROM) in the Shai system is our way of saying "You are not welcome!" :P Any ships you send into this system will be hunted down and destroyed like the snivelling pansies they are. :pirate2: You have been warned!



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*transmission fades in*


To The Valkor Star Kingdom and The Roman Empire,


The destruction of the 215th Recon Sqdn (VSK), 115th Recon Sqdn and 109th Recon Sqdn (ROM) in the Shai system is our way of saying "You are not welcome!" :P  Any ships you send into this system will be hunted down and destroyed like the snivelling pansies they are.  :pirate2: You have been warned!



*transmission fades out*

The power you displayed by destroying Pathfinders was VERY impressive. And now the addition of such a scary ultimatum has the Roman government running for the hills. Should you post the details of your awesome power or shall we? I tell you what...such a mighty display of power must be shared.


BTW, did you have to say "Slishy Power Activate!" to get your ships to go the extra mile in battle? Or are they so darn powerful against big warships all the time? Remember, we pansies are over here in Ovitrigailo if you'd like to come pick up our surrender. Once you warp in, take a left by the remains of the last Slishy vessel that tried to pick up the surrender. Hope to see you soon.




----- SHAI [ F (Yellow-White) 8 V ] [single Star] - Warp Point 5831 -----

Tentacled Horrors From Beyond #3164 Total tonnage: 415,000 Base Fire Control: 2 [1,100,000 bridge]

Valkor Star Kingdom #232 Roman Empire #760 Total tonnage: 27,100 Base Fire Control: 1 [2,000 bridge]

** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle **

Valkor Star Kingdom # 232 [A Three-Pointed Golden Crown Fixed Above A Shield Of Vertical Blue And White Stripes, All Set

Upon A Field Of Black]

215th Recon Sqdn [ROE: R] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 15,100)

--------------------[Deploy Location 11] 1 FS LEWIS III (Fleet Scout - 15,100 tons [each])------------------------------

Fire Control: Poor .. Maneuverability: Ponderous .. Sensors: Oblivious .. Shields: None .. Structural Integrity: Sturdy

1,000 Titanium Composite Armor .... 1 Type A Defense Screen

** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle **

Roman Empire # 760 [Golden Eagle Enshrouded By A Wreath Of Olive Branches]

115TH RECON SQDN [ROE: Q] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 12,000)

--------------------[Deploy Location 2] 1 FS Pathfinder (Fleet Scout - 12,000 tons [each])------------------------------

Fire Control: Fair .. Maneuverability: Lumbering .. Sensors: Average .. Shields: None .. Structural Integrity: Sturdy

1 10cm Autocannon (Projectile) .... 1,200 Standard Hull Plate .... 1 Type A Defense Screen

** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle **

Tentacled Horrors From Beyond # 3164 [Tentacled Horror Devouring Planet]

Fleet 318 [ROE: Y] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 415,000)

Cargo Bays: ... 1,000 ...

Explorer 19 of 250

--------------------[Deploy Location 11] 1 AUXH Barracuda (Heavy Auxiliary - 415,000 tons [each])-----------------------

Fire Control: Phenomenal .. Maneuverability: Nimble .. Sensors: Oblivious .. Shields: Feeble .. Structural Integrity: Sturdy

100 10cm Gauss Gun (Projectile) .... 500 Mk I Force Shield .... 100 Mk I Lightning Arc Generator (Energy Discharge) ....

50,000 Titanium Composite Armor

** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle **

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 11 ------------------------------------------------------------

AUXH Barracuda (Heavy Auxiliary - 415,000 tons) [integrity: 700,800] [shields: 150,000] (Green, Timid)

100 10cm Gauss Gun, 50 Battle Imaging System, 1,000 Cargo Bay, 5 Fuel Shuttle, 10,000 Fuel Tankage

50 Laser Communications Gear, 500 Mk I Force Shield, 100 Mk I Lightning Arc Generator, 50 Mk I Medium Range Sensor

50 Mk I Short Range Sensor, 50 Mk II Computer System, 1,660 Mk II Fusion Engine, 3 Mk III Jump Survey Sensor

1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive, 50,000 Titanium Composite Armor

Energy Discharge: 110,000, Projectile: 44,000

Maneuverability: 8.000, Sensors: 0.090

** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle **

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 2 ------------------------------------------------------------

**DESTROYED** [2nd] FS Pathfinder (Fleet Scout - 12,000 tons) [integrity: 13,200] (Green, Timid)

1 10cm Autocannon, 1 Fuel Shuttle, 1,200 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk I Computer System, 1 Mk I Jump Survey Sensor

1 Mk I Nuclear Engine, 1 Mk I Nuclear Jump Drive, 10 Mk I Short Range Sensor, 1,200 Standard Hull Plate

1 Survey Lander, 1 Type A Defense Screen, 1 Type A Science Lab

Projectile: 110

Maneuverability: 0.025, Screens: 0.416, Sensors: 0.208

**DESTROYED** [1st] FS LEWIS III (Fleet Scout - 15,100 tons) [integrity: 19,100] (Green, Timid)

5 Fuel Shuttle, 3,000 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk I Computer System, 1 Mk I Medium Range Sensor, 1 Mk I Nuclear Jump Drive

1 Mk I Short Range Sensor, 1 Mk II Nuclear Engine, 1 Mk III Jump Survey Sensor, 1 Survey Lander

1,000 Titanium Composite Armor, 1 Type A Defense Screen, 1 Type A Science Lab

Maneuverability: 0.033, Screens: 0.331, Sensors: 0.049

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*transmission fades in*


I never said it was "VERY IMPRESSIVE" or anything like that. I just stated that those fleets were destroyed. And destroyed by a simple Warp Explore ship that actually could defend itself. Besides, I didn't want them hanging around to give you free intelligence on enemy fleet movements. BTW, how many 1,000 ton DefSats do you have waiting in Ovritgailo?


And don't you feel so big and bad about destroying my completely defenseless cargo ship? I bet that was worth a healthy celebration on the homeworld......


*transmission fades out*

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*transmission fades in*


I never said it was "VERY IMPRESSIVE" or anything like that. I just stated that those fleets were destroyed. And destroyed by a simple Warp Explore ship that actually could defend itself. Besides, I didn't want them hanging around to give you free intelligence on enemy fleet movements. BTW, how many 1,000 ton DefSats do you have waiting in Ovritgailo?


And don't you feel so big and bad about destroying my completely defenseless cargo ship? I bet that was worth a healthy celebration on the homeworld......


*transmission fades out*

Well, first off Slishy, there's no getting around the fact your ultimatum was delivered in the wake of a pretty pathetic skirmish.


And as to your "defenseless" cargo ship--now you're just sailing your pirate ship into the reef. Let's do remind your audience that your cargo ship lost all rights to defenseless when it attempted to engage in the dropping of MDD's on our HW. Not to mention you had the fortitude to do it without so much as a declaration of war. So to answer directly, yes it was quite satisfying to destroy your ship and its cargo of war. The entire HW went on a week-long bender.


And if you want to know what's in Ovitrigailo, c'mon in. For you, I'll make it a standing invitation. But we all know you'll want to bring a date--seeing how "tight" you and MMB are. :P Not saying there's anything wrong with that, but the other emperors are starting to talk...... :pirate2:

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Ultimatum? I see no ultimatum by the Valkor here. An Ultimatum would be something like...


Puny Romans, behold the power even the meekest of Valkorian ships holds. Tremble in fear at a race that uses Cruisers for scouting of warp points. Wet yourselves in panic at the anticipation of the ships of monsterous size which are to follow. You are nothing but insignificant slugs to the great Valkorian might. Still, even slugs may serve a purpose within our great and all powerful empire. Surrender now or suffer being cleansed from the universe forever.


Now, THAT'S an ultimatum. All the Valkor posted before was a simple warning .. stay out of the star system Shai. And it was a pretty wimpy warning as well, since all it said was ships will be hunted down an destroyed. Nothing grand in the warning like "Violators of Shai space will be smashed upon entering our space, and any survivors will be forced to suffer horrors, beyond the ability of your tiny minds to imagine, as penance for intruding upon our stars". That would be a decent warning.


All in all, a very simple and weak warning. Far from any type of Ultimatum.



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Ultimatum?  I see no ultimatum by the Valkor here.  An Ultimatum would be something like...
While your view of an ultimatum was interesting indeed WKE, please note that Valkor is not issuing any ultimatums. We heard someone named "Slish" (was he not a guitar player in an ancient rock band?) wanted to dictate terms to our fleet movements but the transmission keeps fading. All we heard was,
Shai system...welcomes...ships...hunting...shriveling...panties...
We've heard the rumors circling about the pirates and their "allies", but chose not to believe them until this message fragment was received. Now our foreign ministry is wondering if maybe the enemy is worried about a resurgence in thong undergarments (shriveling panties?) among their ship crews, providing evidence for the rumors. We knew the pirates always enjoyed the lash a little bit too much......


Valkor sends

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ok guys. b4 u do anything. just think about how long turn results will take and be kind to us.





my version of an effective ulitmatium would be: if any ships apporach shai i will start a battle that will take 3 weeks to resolve! boo! hiss!

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Yawn...Sorry for not being actively involved in helping destroy you Lord Galreth. We were just mopping up one of your other neighbors...(mailed fist ring a bell) so as to add additional economic base to the encirclement.

"Mopping up"? Would you care to share with the audience your definition of "mopping up" operations? Methinks you are all bluster again.


BTW, Slishy is looking for your panties in Shai System. If you fellas want some privacy, could you take it to Wsech System? :ranting:


Valkor sends

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wow you guys must hate each other.

Where have you been? :)


These guys have been ripping on each other for most of the game. Although I don't truly know any of the details, I believe there was an early game (maybe out of game) rift between them that has resulted in this animosity. Just sit back, grab a beer and a bowl of pretzels and enjoy the soap opera. Oh, and both sides believe the other is evil (editorial comment). :cheers::ranting:

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wow you guys must hate each other.

Na, I don't hate anyone. I just raise the BS flag when I see BS. And when I see unabashed bragging over nothing, I can't help but call attention to it. I don't hate MMB...I just dislike his overinflated self-infatuation intensely. :ranting: Other than that, all is well.


Some folks will say you gotta have an enemy to truly appreciate your friends--did I mention I really appreciate my friends?

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