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Okay, I am now officially in the game. Lot of information to get my hands around! :P


First, am I allowed to complete more than one research project per turn? I know I'm allowed to work on many, but can I complete more than one per turn?


Next, how many research points does a second generation item costs? For example, say the MkII Jump Survey Sensor. How many research points would that cost? I have no idea, so any ballpark figure would do. I don't know if it cost 5 points or 500. :pirate2:


Third, what are all these Improved items, such as Improved Construction Materials, Improved Steel, etc? I assume they're better than the regular items, but do I have to research them to find out exactly what they are, and how they're better?


Fourth, space fighters: do I have to build fighters and fighter bays? Or just fighter bays?


Kevin (lots of questions)

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Okay, I am now officially in the game.  Lot of information to get my hands around! :P


First, am I allowed to complete more than one research project per turn?  I know I'm allowed to work on many, but can I complete more than one per turn?


Next, how many research points does a second generation item costs?  For example, say the MkII Jump Survey Sensor.  How many research points would that cost?  I have no idea, so any ballpark figure would do.  I don't know if it cost 5 points or 500. :pirate2:


Third, what are all these Improved items, such as Improved Construction Materials, Improved Steel, etc?  I assume they're better than the regular items, but do I have to research them to find out exactly what they are, and how they're better?


Fourth, space fighters: do I have to build fighters and fighter bays?  Or just fighter bays?


Kevin (lots of questions)




Yes you can complete more than 1 research item at once - the most would be all 25!


About 12 RCPoints....


You will need the Improved items to build higher technology items. As you see future ANZ results, then you'll see the necessary resources you need.


Yes, the various types of fighters go in fighter bays. Each bay can hold 10,000 tons of fighters - ditto for Drone Racks....


Chief Planner to Ur-Lord Tedric

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QUOTE(Kevin.C @ Jan 16 2005, 06:01 PM)

Okay, I am now officially in the game.  Lot of information to get my hands around!


First, am I allowed to complete more than one research project per turn?  I know I'm allowed to work on many, but can I complete more than one per turn?


Next, how many research points does a second generation item costs?  For example, say the MkII Jump Survey Sensor.  How many research points would that cost?  I have no idea, so any ballpark figure would do.  I don't know if it cost 5 points or 500.


Third, what are all these Improved items, such as Improved Construction Materials, Improved Steel, etc?  I assume they're better than the regular items, but do I have to research them to find out exactly what they are, and how they're better?


Fourth, space fighters: do I have to build fighters and fighter bays?  Or just fighter bays?


Kevin (lots of questions)









Yes you can complete more than 1 research item at once - the most would be all 25!


About 12 RCPoints....


You will need the Improved items to build higher technology items. As you see future ANZ results, then you'll see the necessary resources you need.


Yes, the various types of fighters go in fighter bays. Each bay can hold 10,000 tons of fighters - ditto for Drone Racks....


Chief Planner to Ur-Lord Tedric


Some added information to what the Ur-Lord has stated.


RC points you need will vary with any Research bonuses you have. The bonuses are based on your racial characteristics that you selected at the beginning. You can also research to improve those characteristics.


Some items will require Advanced resources to produce. Those will be revealed once you complete Improved resource research. Keep in mind that the research tree is deep and vast.


How many fighter and drones will fit in their respective bay/rack will depend on the mass of the fighter or drone.

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and obviously the more advanced the item the longer it takes to research. so when picking what to research tread carefully. if it sounds nifty its bound to be far superior.


also research centers are at maximum efficiency at 1 per tech item. however if u know a path u want to go down then you can devote mroe to that path. however in doing so the effectiveness is degraded. i didn't read much into it. and i probably should i think its the square root of how many u use....


so if u use 4 on a project its like using 2.


however if u know u need something... like say improved steel (u will. u so definitely will) i would devote more jus tot get it done with faster...



or maybe if u know the end results of a path. for example if u want to get :ranting: Class C6 Novae Bombs :) then u need to research Thermular Anti-Matter Bombs and then Mk I Black Mass Generators and then a few techs later you can finally research Class C6 Novae Bombs. If u meet an enemy in space u may want to speed research down that path.

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however if u know u need something... like say improved steel (u will. u so definitely will) i would devote more jus tot get it done with faster...


Improved resources take the same amount of time to research as Fair weapons which means that you will need to take 12 turns without any bonuses or penalties or breakthroughs. Therefore you need to decide how quickly you will need an item. Myself, I only apply one RC to techs at this level.

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I'm currently researching 23 techs and 12 of them have had 1 or more Scientist breakthroughs and 2 different ones have Explore hits. Nice being a 'brain blob' race. Also, got 3 Sci hits on an Improved Item last turn and went from the 20% range to the 80% range in one turn. I expect to get it in a total of 4 turns. I've gotten really lucky with those breakthroughs. :thumbsup::cheers::P:P


Sakarissa :laugh:

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12 turns? Wow, it only takes me 8 turns to research an Improved item. You guys are slow.....




That is the standard amount of time without any racial bonuses.


You can also ANZ anything that you can research.


You can also ANZ anything you find though EXPLs and XEXPLs. Just type in the exact name of the item.

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You can also ANZ anything you find though EXPLs and XEXPLs. Just type in the exact name of the item.

Only if you get it to a colony with a science center of some kind, though.

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