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Poll: How many would like to have two full weeks?

Lord Uriel

Do you want two full weeks between turns?  

38 members have voted

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I would not have gone this route, but Valwyn closed his poll to comment, so I thought I would add my own poll and get on everyones nerves.


I know it can be frustrating to have to wait for turns, but chances are that business concerns dictate not only this poll, but Valwyns as well. Maybe it's done this way for a reason that has absolutely nothing to do with business concerns.


Considering that Pete has a family, maybe it works best for him to do it this way. Ya know, the wife knows that it provides for the family, but to her it's still a silly game and she doesn't want her life impacted by it. How many of you have heard that before. <_<


Or the children are destined to be soccer stars and the practice and game schedule is a real inconvience to this whole game thing?


If you absolutely have to print your turns from work because you don't have internet access at home, either buy the pc, or pay for internet. Considering what you're paying for this game, I'm sure an extra $10 for cheap service won't bust the wallet.


Just my two cents, take it for what's worth.


(let the fruit bombardment begin)

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I could go much faster. However, I think the problem for most people is not knowing exactly when the turn is coming, NOT the time between turns, IE changing the due date to get the result sooner, will not really change anything, as processing problems and lots of battles and such will still change the time recieved.


Anyway, why are you all printing out your turns? Too old to figure out how to read them on the computer?






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I think we are overlooking RUSS's schedule (ie the Victory factor) more importantly.


2 weeks seems to work fine :thumbsup: and I like the fact results come out on the weekend. 2 weeks is PLENTY of time to jam out a turn (or five <_<) but I can understand that some people are busier than others (but I wouldn't give my schedule to my worst enemy these days)


My 2 sunflower seeds

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I could go much faster.  However, I think the problem for most people is not knowing exactly when the turn is coming, NOT the time between turns, IE changing the due date to get the result sooner, will not really change anything, as processing problems and lots of battles and such will still change the time recieved.


            Anyway, why are you all printing out your turns?  Too old to figure out how to read them on the computer?







Lets put it this way Gary, not everyone has a laptop. Print out allows me to take my turn with me where ever I go and make notes on what I need to do the next turn and study what I need to do. Now if you are volunteering to get us all a laptop, put me on the list. <_<


I love the idea of making the deadline on Tuesday so people can have turns during the day on Friday. I would love to be able to print my turns before I leave town or just to check things out before I leave if nothing else. This would make things much easier for most everyone. Face it those last second people are always going to be last second people, you could give them a month and it would not change. Moving the deadline up a day means getting them back a day early so your not losing anything time wise between turns.

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Lord Uriel,


<No hostility or vitriol intended or implied..>


I purposely closed my poll to comment for this very reason. Based upon my previous experience with this board, it seems almost impossible to attempt to solicit feedback without the topic being mangled by politics and other agenda's. I was simply trying to measure how the players on this board felt about the question I posed. I made every effort to word the question in such a way that it was free of any subtle attempt to influence voter repsonse in any way.


I am well aware that there are potentially other factors at play here and have already mentioned this idea to RTG in the past. It is a given that the needs of RTG trump any other concern.


How and why I choose to print/access my turns is immaterial to the question posed in my poll.


My proposal would not change the time between turns, it would simply move everything forward one day so that turns were received early Friday rather than during the weekend..


/rant on (Not directed at Lord Uriel)


I am not alone in having mostly abandoned posting to this board over the past year or two. What could be an excellent resource for the game is far from that due to some players who lack civility and respect for the opinions of others. All too often good sportsmanship is trampled by those who use personal attacks, rhetoric and misinformation to destroy a discussion/debate.


/rant off



Mark/Lord Valwyn


P.S. Ironically, I find Fruit Bombardment a fruitless act..<_<


P.P.S. Gary, I also have to admit that I prefer printed turns. I work on a PC all day and by the time I am ready to do my turns I find it more fun and relaxing to spread out on my big table with maps and turns, crank up the tunes and plod my way through it. 'Course my secondary positions are far less time/order intensive so it is mainly my primary empire that I refer to. When I have been forced to work on my turns on a PC, I find it irritating. Whether that is age related, old habit or just preference I couldn't say..:thumbsup: (I know you were j/k, just commenting ..:drunk:

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I could go much faster.  However, I think the problem for most people is not knowing exactly when the turn is coming, NOT the time between turns, IE changing the due date to get the result sooner, will not really change anything, as processing problems and lots of battles and such will still change the time recieved.


            Anyway, why are you all printing out your turns?  Too old to figure out how to read them on the computer?







Lets put it this way Gary, not everyone has a laptop. Print out allows me to take my turn with me where ever I go and make notes on what I need to do the next turn and study what I need to do. Now if you are volunteering to get us all a laptop, put me on the list. <_<


I love the idea of making the deadline on Tuesday so people can have turns during the day on Friday. I would love to be able to print my turns before I leave town or just to check things out before I leave if nothing else. This would make things much easier for most everyone. Face it those last second people are always going to be last second people, you could give them a month and it would not change. Moving the deadline up a day means getting them back a day early so your not losing anything time wise between turns.






I love the idea of making the deadline on Tuesday so people can have turns during the day on Friday.



Am I allowed to say how much I agree with this?


I do not wish to disrespect others on this, but I would really like to get my turns on Friday just like Steve Kort.


I read guite a few posts that say "Saturday is fine with me". I haven't noticed a lot that say "boy, I really do not want them on Friday"


Is there any logic that implies getting the turns on Friday (say 5pm mountain) would be great for all the players and Pete/Russ can share a pizza with their significant others at 5:01 pm?

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My response to the pole was I wish they could be ran everyday. However, I would like to qualify this more so.


1. Having a set schedual of-- for example, 1st and 15th of every month, would be good because it would set a precedent on turns being due.


2. In the same mannerism, since we pay for this on a per turn basis, if all the turns are in earlier, it would be conceivable to have more that 2 turns a month....... = more $ per month = messed up budget. (I realize other factors then arise, but just thinking outloud).


3. As to print outs. Yes, I do prefer printouts. Laying in bed w/large Tea and perusing my turn (or reading)... is enjoyable and a tension releaser for me. Cost of ink etc... would cause the turn price to rise. But even at $1.00 / turn cost increase, that would enable the parent company to actually make a profit from the printing....


3a. Okay --- printing has some other inherent nasties -- postage etc.... This too would have to be addressed.


4. Back to main topic. Overall, my main thought would be to have the turns due on a particular day of each month. This would enable me to better plan my turn working time.


5. (shameless plug) --- Either way of turns working, both Pete and Ross do a great job!!!


6. Nothing here, but a filler <G>



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Its a math thing, not everyone is counting from the same days. Two weeks is just fine here.

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