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Orders Supplement


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Hello all,


I'm working on the new Orders Supplement - those wishing to contribute and assist on the project are welcome to do so by participating in this thread (and thanks to those folks in advance :jawdrop: ).


I'm planning on reorganizing the supplement along the lines given in this orders summary doc. Check it out and give me your opinion.






Edit: Old version removed - see Post # 16 for current version

Edited by RTGRuss
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Looks good! I like the indexing into different sets, gives better oversight. Will look over my orders booklet when I get back from the beach and see if I can send some comments your way that may or may not be helpful :jawdrop: But it is good to see an update underway, kudos





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Russ, I appreciate the idea of a new order supplement as there are orders that were developed after the first one was published. Those additioanl orders are not easy to find for a newbie so this will be a big help for them.


I also like the idea of organizing the orders as you ahve done but I have some suggestions.


1. Seperate out from the naval orders the Convoy Route orders (CNVR, CONV, ECNV) and the Exploration orders (CSV, EXPL, GEO, ORB, PMAP, SS, SURV) and place them in their own categories.


2. I would have thought that FORM and NFBP would be under naval orders since they involve the organization of fleets. The I would have thought was true for Naval design orders (DD, ED, NUD).


3. A list of the Standing orders would be nice. I don't think a description is necessary as you already have the description under the regular order but just having a list in the supplement would allow you to quickly look up the accepted orders. I know that this list already exists in the order entry program but when I was a newbie I would have found it helpful to have the list in another place.

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Hello all,


I'm working on the new Orders Supplement - those wishing to contribute and assist on the project are welcome to do so by participating in this thread (and thanks to those folks in advance  :jawdrop:  ).


I'm planning on reorganizing the supplement along the lines given in this orders summary doc.  Check it out and give me your opinion.









Could I suggest that each page of this sort have a footer (?) at the bottom saying this version was revised on 7/?/05. (actually all pages should have the same date since that becomes the "OFFICIAL" rules version. :python:

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1. Seperate out from the naval orders the Convoy Route orders (CNVR, CONV, ECNV) and the Exploration orders (CSV, EXPL, GEO, ORB, PMAP, SS, SURV) and place them in their own categories.


2. I would have thought that FORM and NFBP would be under naval orders since they involve the organization of fleets. The I would have thought was true for Naval design orders (DD, ED, NUD).


3. A list of the Standing orders would be nice. I don't think a description is necessary as you already have the description under the regular order but just having a list in the supplement would allow you to quickly look up the accepted orders. I know that this list already exists in the order entry program but when I was a newbie I would have found it helpful to have the list in another place.


1. That's certaintly possible - anybody else have an opinion, pro or con, on this idea?


2. That was a judgement call - the orders in question didn't directly involve naval units so I thought maybe General Orders would be a better place. Any other thoughts out there on this one? Leave them in General or move them to Naval?


3. I put in columns for Standing Order and Convoy Route to check off the availability of the particular order for each situation. I'm not sure seperating them out by Standing Order/Convoy Route options is a good idea organizationally but I could put some reference charts in at the end maybe to serve as a quick reference page? Thoughts?



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3. I put in columns for Standing Order and Convoy Route to check off the availability of the particular order for each situation. I'm not sure seperating them out by Standing Order/Convoy Route options is a good idea organizationally but I could put some reference charts in at the end maybe to serve as a quick reference page? Thoughts?


A quick reference chart is exactly what I was thinking of. Thanks.

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I feel that wherever the NUD order goes, so goes the DD and ED orders.


I think PRIV should be under Diplomatic Orders, since it directly affects the REA order.


I agree that Convoy Orders should probably have their own category.


I would assert that FORM and NFBP are Naval Orders and should go there. Unless you have a Strategic Orders section and move FORM, NFBP, RN, FOB, NEWA, EAF, NEWF, RA and ABP there. However, I think that's too much differentiation.


I don't think that Exploration Orders should have their own category. I'd rather see Naval Combat and Naval Other orders.


I think there should be a straight alphabetical listing somewhere cross-referencing the details section, an index, if you will.


Other than that, good job Russ! :)


-SK B)

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When do you need comments in by?  I don't want to rush, but life intrudes this weekend.  B)


There is no hard deadline - I work on the project on a time available basis and I can include changes, requests, additions, corrections, etc. as we go. I'll be putting up different versions from time to gather input. When the final document is nearly ready we'll probably have a deadline for final comments before I make it the official version, put it on the website, etc.



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I think that columns with checks for legal Standing Orders and Convoy Route Orders are appropriate. A second separate list of Standing Orders is still also redundant. B)


SCRP and SCUT could be moved to the Industrial category along with the SHIP command. I agree with moving PRIV to Diplomatic Orders. I agree that FORM, NFBP, NUD, DD, and ED could be included with Naval Orders.


An alphabetical index would also be nice.


In general, I feel that fewer categories are better than more categories. Separating Naval Orders into several sub-categories that only have 3 orders in them is a bit excessive. With this criterion, it would be OK to have an Exploration category with 7 orders in it. But a Convoy category with only 3 orders in it is going too far.


But that would put a lot of orders in the Naval category. So maybe it would be good to break it up a little. Perhaps a category for strategic type fleet and ship design orders, and another category for individual fleet commands.




Individual Fleet Action Commands: BOMB, COLB, CONV, CSV, EAF, EXPL, FUEL, GEO, JETT, LC, LFE, MOVE, NM, OC, ORB, PMAP


RN is kind of questionable as to which category it should be in.


Maybe it would be better to separate the Individual Fleet Action Commands into two categories. Have one category for Fleet Exploration Commands, and another category for the other Fleet Action Commands.


Well anyway, the category groupings are kind of a minor detail to be arguing about. Overall, a complete listing of orders with any kind of category groupings is great!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I assume this index is meant to be part of a revised Orders Supplement?


If so, all these categories are not really that necessary: the Orders Supplement should remain in alphabetical order since that makes it simple to find an order. I wouldn't want to see the supplement broken up into 'chapters', it would just make it slower to look things up.


What is useful is the convoy and standing order charts, having that along with a brief description of the orders makes a very useful quick reference guide. A simple category scheme (i.e., just a few categories) for the reference guide is helpful to zero in on orders a bit more quickly, but considering there are not that many orders we don't really need to get too specific...





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