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Minor Research Breakthrough


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I had always presumed that a "minor research breakthrough" gives you the equivalent of 1 SRP. However on my level 2 tech (27 turns) they appear to give me 2 SRPs each. Is this correct? Do they give variable bonuses? What is the formula?


BTW, has any ever made a "major research breakthrough"?

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To me they seem to give a random value between 1-4 SRP, but leaning twoards the higher end.




I'm not sure, but, the value may also be based on the level of the scientist involved in the breakthough.


Not in my occurences,


I had even a Scholar doing approx. 4 RC's worth of breakthrough.


It was easily spotted, as it was a 12 RC item.


Or were you referring, that higher Scientist tend to do more RC's worth of breakthrough?


As for that one breakthrough of a Scholar does not give a statistics base :-)


But I think the level of a scientist increases only its chance for a breakthrough.


My Master Scientist are pretty close to 50%.



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There are many variables and not every breakthrough is worth the same amount. Some of this is based on available installations and such and some based on character level.


Higher level characters will generally give you more frequent breakthroughs and bigger returns when the do breakthrough.


There are many theories floating about that sort of work, some of the time.



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And there are installations and horizon techs down the line that make, well interesting additions :woohoo:




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Ever since the Research Progress bars appeared we've been doing our best to track research breakthroughs as closely as possible......


From our calculations it almost seems that Scientist Breakthroughs run from 2 to 8 RCPoints - indeed also seeming to stick to even numbers (2, 4, 6, 8).


Get a few of the higher ones on a single tech and it starts to come in very quickly indeed.


Chief Scientist to Ur-Lord Tedric

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Ever since the Research Progress bars appeared we've been doing our best to track research breakthroughs as closely as possible......


From our calculations it almost seems that Scientist Breakthroughs run from 2 to 8 RCPoints - indeed also seeming to stick to even numbers (2, 4, 6, 8).


Get a few of the higher ones on a single tech and it starts to come in very quickly indeed.


Chief Scientist to Ur-Lord Tedric


Do scientific installations make a difference in the number of points or frequency of breakthroughs? I have several scientists and breakthrough seem to come rarely and only for a few points.

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