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Turn sheet change requested

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Was sorting through my turn sheet and found myself wondering something.


Currently, all pop centers are listed in order of database number. I'm wondering if it might not be more useful to sort by planet names, and -then- database numbers. This would help management of those planets with multiple population centers.



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Probably require a re-index and an additional sort before the turn reports could be generated, might well slow the turn run too much, at the moment they are probably extracted by a straightforward select with the owning empire's id as the match criteria.



Was sorting through my turn sheet and found myself wondering something.


Currently, all pop centers are listed in order of database number.  I'm wondering if it might not be more useful to sort by planet names, and -then- database numbers.  This would help management of those planets with multiple population centers.



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Was sorting through my turn sheet and found myself wondering something.


Currently, all pop centers are listed in order of database number.  I'm wondering if it might not be more useful to sort by planet names, and -then- database numbers.  This would help management of those planets with multiple population centers.




I'm sure everyone has their own way of doing things. Myself, I would like to see everything in Star/Planet order ... and then listed for the Planet I would like to see in order the Installations, Build Queue, Ship Queue, and then Quantities / Goods. When I'm going through the quantites, then have to go up 5 pages to confirm what is in the queue, and then up another 4 pages to find the installations on the homeworld ... all the jumping around is driving my batty.

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Was sorting through my turn sheet and found myself wondering something.


Currently, all pop centers are listed in order of database number.  I'm wondering if it might not be more useful to sort by planet names, and -then- database numbers.  This would help management of those planets with multiple population centers.




I just want to say "I LIKE THIS IDEA!!"


While we are making suggestions for changes to the turnsheet,


1. I would like to see the Cargo Report and Fleet Report combined. When you have lots of fleets (as I do) it can take a while to scroll through all of the pages and in addition it has the added benefit of reducing the overall report size.


2. I would like to also have the unsurveyed warp points listed with the Surveyed points rather than on a separate report appended to the Production report.


These are personal preferences I realize but I think it would help in the readability of the report and also make it more concise.



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Everybody has there own preferance as to style so what would really be nice was a simple DB format that would let us move things around how we want. Then we can get really good with extraction programs to spit out the reports that do us the most good in the format that would be the most friendly.




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2. I would like to also have the unsurveyed warp points listed with the Surveyed points rather than on a separate report appended to the Production report.



I like this idea.


But hey- there's probably more urgent things to sort out.


I also like the idea, but my spreadsheet has them listed together. Therefore, my personal opinion is to leave this at the bottom of the To Do list.


As far as changing the listing of colonies to system first and not population number, I am ambivalent. My keystrokes are probably fewer the way it currently is, since two numbers get me to the right colony. In one system, I have 3 colonies. I think the change would cause me to either use the pull down menu more or need more keystrokes. IMHO, another low on the To Do list item.

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2. I would like to also have the unsurveyed warp points listed with the Surveyed points rather than on a separate report appended to the Production report.



I like this idea.


But hey- there's probably more urgent things to sort out.


I also like the idea, but my spreadsheet has them listed together. Therefore, my personal opinion is to leave this at the bottom of the To Do list.


As far as changing the listing of colonies to system first and not population number, I am ambivalent. My keystrokes are probably fewer the way it currently is, since two numbers get me to the right colony. In one system, I have 3 colonies. I think the change would cause me to either use the pull down menu more or need more keystrokes. IMHO, another low on the To Do list item.



Octus, I interpreted Sha-Thar's suggestion for the output, not the input program. I am not sure that changing the way we input orders would make sense since like you I just need two or three keystrokes to identify the colony but listing them on by System and planet on the turn results would make it easier for me to visualize my empire.

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2. I would like to also have the unsurveyed warp points listed with the Surveyed points rather than on a separate report appended to the Production report.



I like this idea.


But hey- there's probably more urgent things to sort out.


I also like the idea, but my spreadsheet has them listed together. Therefore, my personal opinion is to leave this at the bottom of the To Do list.


As far as changing the listing of colonies to system first and not population number, I am ambivalent. My keystrokes are probably fewer the way it currently is, since two numbers get me to the right colony. In one system, I have 3 colonies. I think the change would cause me to either use the pull down menu more or need more keystrokes. IMHO, another low on the To Do list item.



Octus, I interpreted Sha-Thar's suggestion for the output, not the input program. I am not sure that changing the way we input orders would make sense since like you I just need two or three keystrokes to identify the colony but listing them on by System and planet on the turn results would make it easier for me to visualize my empire.


My mistake, I guess. I had misread turn sheets as input. Guess that's what I get for reading this forum while (kind of) paying attention to a teleconference...



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2. I would like to also have the unsurveyed warp points listed with the Surveyed points rather than on a separate report appended to the Production report.



I like this idea.


But hey- there's probably more urgent things to sort out.


I also like the idea, but my spreadsheet has them listed together. Therefore, my personal opinion is to leave this at the bottom of the To Do list.


As far as changing the listing of colonies to system first and not population number, I am ambivalent. My keystrokes are probably fewer the way it currently is, since two numbers get me to the right colony. In one system, I have 3 colonies. I think the change would cause me to either use the pull down menu more or need more keystrokes. IMHO, another low on the To Do list item.



Octus, I interpreted Sha-Thar's suggestion for the output, not the input program. I am not sure that changing the way we input orders would make sense since like you I just need two or three keystrokes to identify the colony but listing them on by System and planet on the turn results would make it easier for me to visualize my empire.


My mistake, I guess. I had misread turn sheets as input. Guess that's what I get for reading this forum while (kind of) paying attention to a teleconference...




That's quite understandable. I have had teleconferences like that too. :wacko:

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Hey Pete,


  Couldyou turn the WARP Ability bar RED if the fleet is out of fuel?


The fleet listing in the Fleet Summary report shows an "*" in front of fleets that have zero fuel, and the little box next to fuel on the Fleet Report does turn red...but it is very small...


What we'd need is something that turns red when a fleet doesn't have enough fuel to jump a specific class warp point... Since there are 6+ classes of w.p. would we set it to turn red only when the fleet cannot jump a class A w.p.?




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Hey Pete,


  Couldyou turn the WARP Ability bar RED if the fleet is out of fuel?


The fleet listing in the Fleet Summary report shows an "*" in front of fleets that have zero fuel, and the little box next to fuel on the Fleet Report does turn red...but it is very small...


What we'd need is something that turns red when a fleet doesn't have enough fuel to jump a specific class warp point... Since there are 6+ classes of w.p. would we set it to turn red only when the fleet cannot jump a class A w.p.?





Sounds good!

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