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Hellenic Warp Points Fall!


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It was all lost…


The defenders had put up a valiant struggle but the sheer firepower and technological advantage of the Alliance ships had broken through the Hellenic warp point defenders and scattered their Tckon hulls like so much ashes to the wind.


Grand Admiral Paulette DeVries looked away and mentally disconnected from the Holographic Cybernetic Battle Director that had so graphically outlined the daring raid that the she had suggested to the Alliance High Command and that had so far gone so well with overwhelming losses to the Hellenic forces and more importantly cleared the way for Alliance reinforcements through the now open warp points. As reality reaffirmed itself around her she noticed the confused look upon her J.C. Aide Vasquez. “Anything puzzling you Vasquez?”, before he had a chance to reply she continued curtly “If you had been paying attention during the pre-raid brief instead of being hungover after partying and gambling with the fighter jocks you would have understood what we won here” Too late she realised her mistake, that Vasquez look was not one of befuddlement from lack of knowledge but rather an all to deep understanding of the level of causalties that had been inflicted upon the fighter crews during the raid.


“I’m sorry Paul, I know you made a lot of friends in hangar town, but they know the risks and the important role they play during warp point assaults, and we shall endeavour to make it all worth it” Paulette locked eyes with the junior commander letting him full well know that she too realised the depth and value of their sacrifice and she hoped that the use of his first name would take the sting out of her earlier rebuke.


She continued, watching him softly as she outlined the situation on her viewscreen. “As you know the Hellenic home world system of Khuzha has 3 warp points leading into it.

(Symbols delining the different warp points appeared on the screen as she continued)

“WP 152134 leading to the Lilia system which we fully control has been heavily fortified by the Hellenes and has a major task force sitting upon it as our most recent probe determined (numbers and details from the probe before it was destroyed scrolled over the screen)


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------** NAVAL BATTLE REPORT **

----- KHUZHA [ K (Orange) 5 V ] [single Star] - Warp Point 152134 -----

The Genesian Gremloid Technocracy # 2060 (No Naval Commanders)

Total tonnage: 4,000.....Base Fire Control: 1 [0 bridge]

Hellenic League # 4991 (+10 [Leaders * Lifeform])

Total tonnage: 60,649,400.....Base Fire Control: 15 [955,500,000 bridge]


GGT H K Hellenic League #4991 Fleet Admiral

------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** --------------------The Genesian Gremloid Technocracy # 2060 [black Phoenix Rising From Golden Egg On Red Trimmed With Purple]


Delta Probe [ROE: R] *Void Striker* (Fleet Tonnage: 4,000)


[Deploy Location 3] 1 ML IML Thorn Of The Rose (Minelayer - 4,000 tons [each])


------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** --------------------

------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** --------------------


Hellenic League # 4991 [sailing Ship On A Blue Sea With A Shining Star Above]

GGT H K [ROE: Y] *Standard Line* (Fleet Tonnage: 39,737,500)

[Deploy Location 1] 9540 DSAT GGT Speed Bump (Defense Satellite - 1,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 2] 1 BATS GGT Betrayers R Them (Battle Station - 13,750,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 2] 1 BATS GGT Attack Sat A (Battle Station - 12,000,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 12] 1 BMZ Hauler II (Assault Monitor - 2,447,400 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 12] 1 BMZ GGT Hauler (Assault Monitor - 2,000,100 tons [each])


GGT Test [ROE: Z] *Standard Line* (Fleet Tonnage: 20,911,900)

[Deploy Location 1] 1000 DSAT GGT Speed Bump (Defense Satellite - 1,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 2] 1 BATS GGT Standard I (Battle Station - 15,000,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 12] 1 BBZ Hauler III (Assault Battleship - 4,911,900 tons [each])


** Battle Damage Assessment Report **

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 3 --------------------------------------------------


**DESTROYED** [1st] ML IML Thorn Of The Rose (Minelayer - 4,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 1,302,400] (Line, Fanatical)

17 Burst Mine Rack, 300 Fuel Tankage, 4 Mk II Nuclear Jump Drive, 3 Mk VI Nuclear Engine, 1,300 Tckon 68

Mines: 8,976

Maneuverability: 6.00, Missile Defense: 42.90 %


** Battle Damage Assessment Report **

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 1 --------------------------------------------------DSAT GGT Speed Bump (Defense Satellite - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 3,000,000 / 3,000,000] (Green, Resolute)

1,000 Tckon 68

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 2 --------------------------------------------------BATS GGT Attack Sat A (Battle Station - 12,000,000 tons) [integrity: 21,015,000,000 / 21,015,000,000] (Green, Reliable)

7,000,000 Tckon 68, 50 Type D Plasma Torpedo

Plasma Torpedo: 422,400,017


BATS GGT Betrayers R Them (Battle Station - 13,750,000 tons) [integrity: 22,518,750,000 / 22,518,750,000] (Green, Reliable)

7,500 Holographic Battle Display, 5,000 Mk II Plasma Pulse CIDS, 7,500,000 Tckon 68, 50 Type D Plasma Torpedo

Plasma Torpedo: 422,400,017

Missile Defense: 42.20 %


BATS GGT Standard I (Battle Station - 15,000,000 tons) [integrity: 21,623,400,000 / 21,623,400,000] (Green, Timid)

8,000 Holographic Battle Display, 20,000 Mk IV Plasma Pulse CIDS, 7,200,000 Tckon 68, 50 Type D Plasma Torpedo

Plasma Torpedo: 422,400,017

Missile Defense: 91.50 %

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 12 ------------------------------------------------BMZ GGT Hauler (Assault Monitor - 2,000,100 tons) [integrity: 1,001,000,080 / 1,001,000,080] (Green, Reliable)

10,000 Light Tractor Beam, 1 Mk III Fusion Engine, 1,000,000 Tckon 68

Gravitonic: 1,650,000

Maneuverability: 0.00, Missile Defense: 0.10 %


BMZ Hauler II (Assault Monitor - 2,447,400 tons) [integrity: 1,500,947,400 / 1,500,947,400] (Green, Reliable)

9,402 Light Tractor Beam, 57 Mk I Repulsor CIDS, 15 Mk I Space Mine Scanner, 1,500,000 Tckon 68

Gravitonic: 1,551,330

Missile Defense: 4.50 %, Sensors: 0.40 %


BBZ Hauler III (Assault Battleship - 4,911,900 tons) [integrity: 2,002,911,880 / 2,002,911,880] (Green, Reliable)

4,000 Holographic Battle Display, 20,000 Light Tractor Beam, 1 Mk II Fusion Engine, 5,118 Mk II Plasma Pulse CIDS

2,000,000 Tckon 68

Gravitonic: 3,300,000

Missile Defense: 67.60 %


“Thus while we would most likely win through this WP our forces would be weakened and have to stop before taking on the HW. In the light of the more lightly defended other warp points and how they connect to our allies we decided to make a move on clearing those two first thus being able to bring considerable forces into the system to clear away these task forces. Initial scans showed that there were also a couple of 1000 of surface forts assembled at each warp point but we realised this had either to be a scanner error or simply that the Hellenes would realise you can’t cheat the physics of a warp point. The stress from the gravity well will tear away at the surface fort which is primarily built around the concept of digging it into bedrock etc and thus gaining higher integrity. This won’t work in space so it seems they were destroyed or removed before being destroyed as they shouldn’t have been there in the first place.”


“As you can see WP 7244 leads to Pouta. A system we control and have a major picket force in. WP 33079 leads to Jeneuer and up the chain to allies thus it was important to clear both these to make further gains into the Khuzha system and bring all our allies ships easily to bear. Thus rapid ships jumped round and rendevouzed with some of the elements of the picket forces there and jumped into the Khuzha system”:




----- KHUZHA [ K (Orange) 5 V ] [single Star] - Warp Point 7244 -----

The Genesian Gremloid Technocracy # 2060 (+13 [Leaders * Lifeform])

Total tonnage: 27,845,700.....Base Fire Control: 33 [941,964,000 bridge]

Hellenic League # 4991 (No Naval Commanders)

Total tonnage: 10,960,100.....Base Fire Control: 23 [257,250,000 bridge]

Its Not Your Yard Anymore The Genesian Gremloid Technocr #2060 Fleet Admiral Fire in the Void

Its Not Your Yard Anymore The Genesian Gremloid Technocr #2060 Vice Admiral

------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------

The Genesian Gremloid Technocracy # 2060 [black Phoenix Rising From Golden Egg On Red Trimmed With Purple]


Its Not Your Yard Anymore [ROE: R] *Void Striker* (Fleet Tonnage: 27,845,700)

[Deploy Location 1] 290 XB IML Dr Banners Fury (Express Boat - 1,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 10] 1 BDN IAC Butchers Bill (Battle Dreadnaught - 18,026,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 10] 1 BB IMS I Blame My Mother (Battleship - 3,073,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 11] 1 BB IAC Gomen Nasais (Battleship - 6,456,700 tons [each])


<5,061 Attack Gunboat>--<1,899 Combat Gunboat>--<222,070 Fuel>--<150 Standard Drone>


------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------

Hellenic League # 4991 [sailing Ship On A Blue Sea With A Shining Star Above]

GT Tester [ROE: Z] *Standard Line* (Fleet Tonnage: 10,960,100)

[Deploy Location 1] 125 DSAT GGT Defender (Defense Satellite - 1,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 1] 30 COZ HMS Soaker (Assault Corvette - 2,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 2] 1 BATS GGT Big Stick (Battle Station - 10,000,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 2] 1 CCA GGT System Clearer II (Command Cruiser - 775,100 tons [each])


<3,000 Fuel>


** Battle Damage Assessment Report **

----- Deployed Ordnance (Fighter/Drone Survivors) -----

The Genesian Gremloid Technocr # 2060 [ 3,355 / 5,061 Attack Gunboat] Cover Mk I Antimatter Pulse Engine

The Genesian Gremloid Technocr # 2060 [ 8 / 1,899 Combat Gunboat] Cover Mk I Antimatter Pulse Engine

The Genesian Gremloid Technocr # 2060 [ 0 / 150 Standard Drone] Cover Attack Mk I Antimatter Pulse Engine

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 1 --------------------------------------------------

**DESTROYED** [1st] XB IML Dr Banners Fury (Express Boat - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 780] [shields: 0 / 250,000]

(Seasoned, Valiant)

100 Fuel Tankage, 1 Gamma-Ray Laser Mine Rack, 6 Mk I Fusion Engine, 1 Mk II Nuclear Jump Drive

1 Mk IX Force Shield

Mines: 4,224

Maneuverability: 6.00, Missile Defense: 99.20 %


-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 20000 --------------------------------------------BDN IAC Butchers Bill (Battle Dreadnaught - 18,026,000 tons) [integrity: 1,495,913,000 / 1,495,913,000] [shields:

6,633,969,223 / 6,725,000,000] (Green, Timid)

36 Advanced Battle Display, 3 Drone Rack, 370,000 Energy Dispersion Armor Coating, 300 FCS-1 ARcher Fire Control

45 Fighter Bay, 200 Fuel Shuttle, 800,000 Fuel Tankage, 8,318 Holographic Neural-Feed Battle Grid

289 Mk II Standoff Missile, 240 Mk III Long Lance Torpedo, 85 Mk III Short Range Sensor, 300 Mk III Standoff Missile

2,825 Mk IV Antimatter Engine, 2,000 Mk IV Repulsor CIDS, 1,820 Mk IV Standoff Missile, 26,900 Mk IX Force Shield

25 Mk V Long Lance Torpedo, 6,757 Mk VII Long Lance Torpedo, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive, 2 Repair Bay

1,480,000 Tckon 68, 222 Type C Black Sphere Generator, 249 Type D Black Sphere Generator

Missile: 899,676,800

Black Sphere: 80.00 %, Maneuverability: 10.03, Meson Web: 4.00 %, Phase Inversion: 4.00 %, Missile Defense: 73.60 %

Reflective Coating: 4.00 %, Sensors: 0.50 %, Tachyon Grid: 4.00 %, Thermal Regulation: 4.00 %


BB IAC Gomen Nasais (Battleship - 6,456,700 tons) [integrity: 106,016,520 / 106,016,520] [shields: 979,342,976 /

1,250,000,000] (Green, Resolute)

100,000 Energy Dispersion Armor Coating, 180 Fighter Bay, 250,000 Fuel Tankage, 1 Fusion Transwarp Drive

1,900 Holographic Neural-Feed Battle Grid, 1,817 Mk III Antimatter Engine, 100 Mk III Repulsor CIDS

5,000 Mk IX Force Shield, 400 Mk VI Long Lance Torpedo, 2,200 Mk VII Long Lance Torpedo, 100,000 Tckon 68

52 Type A Black Sphere Generator, 88 Type C Black Sphere Generator

Missile: 307,200,000

Black Sphere: 61.10 %, Maneuverability: 9.01, Meson Web: 3.10 %, Phase Inversion: 3.10 %, Missile Defense: 53.40 %

Reflective Coating: 3.10 %, Tachyon Grid: 3.10 %, Thermal Regulation: 3.10 %


BB IMS I Blame My Mother (Battleship - 3,073,000 tons) [integrity: 102,749,000 / 102,749,000] [shields: 454,071,494 /

1,000,000,000] (Seasoned, Fearless)

100,000 Energy Dispersion Armor Coating, 43 Fighter Bay, 50 Fuel Shuttle, 150,000 Fuel Tankage

1,330 Holographic Neural-Feed Battle Grid, 1,000 Mk II Repulsor CIDS, 1,350 Mk III Antimatter Engine

750 Mk III Repulsor CIDS, 4,000 Mk IX Force Shield, 1,250 Mk VI Long Lance Torpedo, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive

100,000 Tckon 68, 29 Type A Black Sphere Generator

Missile: 80,000,000

Black Sphere: 19.10 %, Maneuverability: 14.06, Meson Web: 6.20 %, Phase Inversion: 6.20 %, Missile Defense: 81.20 %

Reflective Coating: 6.20 %, Tachyon Grid: 6.20 %, Thermal Regulation: 6.20 %




** Battle Damage Assessment Report **

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 1 --------------------------------------------------**DESTROYED** [4th] COZ HMS Soaker (Assault Corvette - 2,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 1,700,180] (Green, Determined)

100 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk I Nuclear Jump Drive, 1 Mk II Fusion Engine, 1,700 Tckon 68

Maneuverability: 1.00, Missile Defense: 11.20 %


**DESTROYED** [89th] DSAT GGT Defender (Defense Satellite - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 2,700,300] (Green, Timid)

1 Mk IV Plasma Pulse CIDS, 900 Tckon 68

Missile Defense: 88.90 %

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 2 --------------------------------------------------**DESTROYED** [423rd] CCA GGT System Clearer II (Command Cruiser - 775,100 tons) [integrity: 0 / 250,525,080] (Green,


250 Holographic Battle Display, 1 Mk III Fusion Engine, 1,000 Mk III Plasma Pulse CIDS, 250,000 Tckon 68

4 Type D Plasma Torpedo

Plasma Torpedo: 33,792,001

Maneuverability: 0.01, Missile Defense: 83.80 %


**DESTROYED** [447th] BATS GGT Big Stick (Battle Station - 10,000,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 15,015,000,000] (Green, Timid)

Plasma Torpedo: 337,920,013

Missile Defense: 66.70 %


----- Post-Battle Damage Assessment Report-----

[1] 290 IML Dr Banners Fury class XB..................................................290 Destroyed

[10] 1 IAC Butchers Bill class BDN

[10] 1 IMS I Blame My Mothe class BB

[11] 1 IAC Gomen Nasais class BB


Side 2

[1] 125 GGT Defender class DSAT..................................................125 Destroyed

[1] 30 HMS Soaker class COZ..................................................30 Destroyed

[2] 1 GGT Big Stick class BATS..................................................1 Destroyed

[2] 1 GGT System Clearer I class CCA..................................................1 Destroyed


“We then ventured quickly on to the Jeneuer warp point to ensure it was open for our allies to jump through”




----- KHUZHA [ K (Orange) 5 V ] [single Star] - Warp Point 33079 -----


The Genesian Gremloid Technocracy # 2060 (+13 [Leaders * Lifeform])

Total tonnage: 27,555,700.....Base Fire Control: 34 [941,964,000 bridge]


Hellenic League # 4991 (No Naval Commanders)

Total tonnage: 10,960,100.....Base Fire Control: 23 [257,250,000 bridge]

Khuzha Raiders The Genesian Gremloid Technocr #2060 Fleet Admiral Fire in the Void

Khuzha Raiders The Genesian Gremloid Technocr #2060 Vice Admiral

------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** --------------------


The Genesian Gremloid Technocracy # 2060 [black Phoenix Rising From Golden Egg On Red Trimmed With Purple]

Khuzha Raiders [ROE: R] *Void Striker* (Fleet Tonnage: 27,555,700)


[Deploy Location 10] 1 BDN IAC Butchers Bill (Battle Dreadnaught - 18,026,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 10] 1 BB IMS I Blame My Mother (Battleship - 3,073,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 11] 1 BB IAC Gomen Nasais (Battleship - 6,456,700 tons [each])


<3,355 Attack Gunboat>--<8 Combat Gunboat>--<222,070 Fuel>

------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** --------------------


Hellenic League # 4991 [sailing Ship On A Blue Sea With A Shining Star Above]

GT Tester [ROE: Z] *Standard Line* (Fleet Tonnage: 10,960,100)

[Deploy Location 1] 125 DSAT GGT Defender (Defense Satellite - 1,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 1] 30 COZ HMS Soaker (Assault Corvette - 2,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 2] 1 BATS GGT Big Stick (Battle Station - 10,000,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 2] 1 CCA GGT System Clearer II (Command Cruiser - 775,100 tons [each])

<3,000 Fuel>


** Battle Damage Assessment Report **

Deployed Ordnance (Fighter/Drone Survivors) -----

The Genesian Gremloid Technocr # 2060 [ 1,241 / 3,355 Attack Gunboat] Cover Mk I Antimatter Pulse Engine

The Genesian Gremloid Technocr # 2060 [ 0 / 8 Combat Gunboat] Cover Mk I Antimatter Pulse Engine

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 10 ------------------------------------------------


BDN IAC Butchers Bill (Battle Dreadnaught - 18,026,000 tons) [integrity: 1,495,913,000 / 1,495,913,000] [shields:

6,525,881,654 / 6,725,000,000] (Green, Timid)

36 Advanced Battle Display, 3 Drone Rack, 370,000 Energy Dispersion Armor Coating, 300 FCS-1 ARcher Fire Control

45 Fighter Bay, 200 Fuel Shuttle, 800,000 Fuel Tankage, 8,318 Holographic Neural-Feed Battle Grid

289 Mk II Standoff Missile, 240 Mk III Long Lance Torpedo, 85 Mk III Short Range Sensor, 300 Mk III Standoff Missile

2,825 Mk IV Antimatter Engine, 2,000 Mk IV Repulsor CIDS, 1,820 Mk IV Standoff Missile, 26,900 Mk IX Force Shield

25 Mk V Long Lance Torpedo, 6,757 Mk VII Long Lance Torpedo, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive, 2 Repair Bay

1,480,000 Tckon 68, 222 Type C Black Sphere Generator, 249 Type D Black Sphere Generator

Missile: 899,676,800

Black Sphere: 80.00 %, Maneuverability: 10.03, Meson Web: 4.00 %, Phase Inversion: 4.00 %, Missile Defense: 73.60 %

Reflective Coating: 4.00 %, Sensors: 0.50 %, Tachyon Grid: 4.00 %, Thermal Regulation: 4.00 %


BB IMS I Blame My Mother (Battleship - 3,073,000 tons) [integrity: 102,749,000 / 102,749,000] [shields: 4,436,089 /

1,000,000,000] (Seasoned, Fearless)

100,000 Energy Dispersion Armor Coating, 43 Fighter Bay, 50 Fuel Shuttle, 150,000 Fuel Tankage

1,330 Holographic Neural-Feed Battle Grid, 1,000 Mk II Repulsor CIDS, 1,350 Mk III Antimatter Engine

750 Mk III Repulsor CIDS, 4,000 Mk IX Force Shield, 1,250 Mk VI Long Lance Torpedo, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive

100,000 Tckon 68, 29 Type A Black Sphere Generator

Missile: 80,000,000

Black Sphere: 19.10 %, Maneuverability: 14.06, Meson Web: 6.20 %, Phase Inversion: 6.20 %, Missile Defense: 81.10 %

Reflective Coating: 6.20 %, Tachyon Grid: 6.20 %, Thermal Regulation: 6.20 %


-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 11 ------------------------------------------------

BB IAC Gomen Nasais (Battleship - 6,456,700 tons) [integrity: 106,016,520 / 106,016,520] [shields: 920,217,198 /

1,250,000,000] (Green, Resolute)

100,000 Energy Dispersion Armor Coating, 180 Fighter Bay, 250,000 Fuel Tankage, 1 Fusion Transwarp Drive

1,900 Holographic Neural-Feed Battle Grid, 1,817 Mk III Antimatter Engine, 100 Mk III Repulsor CIDS

5,000 Mk IX Force Shield, 400 Mk VI Long Lance Torpedo, 2,200 Mk VII Long Lance Torpedo, 100,000 Tckon 68

52 Type A Black Sphere Generator, 88 Type C Black Sphere Generator

Missile: 307,200,000

Black Sphere: 61.10 %, Maneuverability: 9.01, Meson Web: 3.10 %, Phase Inversion: 3.10 %, Missile Defense: 53.10 %

Reflective Coating: 3.10 %, Tachyon Grid: 3.10 %, Thermal Regulation: 3.10 %


** Battle Damage Assessment Report **

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 1 --------------------------------------------------**DESTROYED** [1st] DSAT GGT Defender (Defense Satellite - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 2,700,300] (Green, Timid)

1 Mk IV Plasma Pulse CIDS, 900 Tckon 68

Missile Defense: 88.90 %


**DESTROYED** [9th] COZ HMS Soaker (Assault Corvette - 2,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 1,700,180] (Green)

100 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk I Nuclear Jump Drive, 1 Mk II Fusion Engine, 1,700 Tckon 68

Maneuverability: 1.00, Missile Defense: 11.20 %

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 2 --------------------------------------------------**DESTROYED** [156th] CCA GGT System Clearer II (Command Cruiser - 775,100 tons) [integrity: 0 / 250,525,080] (Green,


250 Holographic Battle Display, 1 Mk III Fusion Engine, 1,000 Mk III Plasma Pulse CIDS, 250,000 Tckon 68

4 Type D Plasma Torpedo

Plasma Torpedo: 33,792,001

Maneuverability: 0.01, Missile Defense: 83.80 %

**DESTROYED** [157th] BATS GGT Big Stick (Battle Station - 10,000,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 15,015,000,000] (Green, Timid)

5,000 Holographic Battle Display, 5,000 Mk III Plasma Pulse CIDS, 5,000,000 Tckon 68, 40 Type D Plasma Torpedo

Plasma Torpedo: 337,920,013

Missile Defense: 66.70 %


----- Post-Battle Damage Assessment Report-----

Side 1

[10] 1 IAC Butchers Bill class BDN

[10] 1 IMS I Blame My Mothe class BB

[11] 1 IAC Gomen Nasais class BB

Side 2

[1] 125 GGT Defender class DSAT..................................................125 Destroyed

[1] 30 HMS Soaker class COZ..................................................30 Destroyed

[2] 1 GGT Big Stick class BATS..................................................1 Destroyed

[2] 1 GGT System Clearer I class CCA..................................................1 Destroyed


And so the system lies open and our reinforcements pour in. Now the High Command needs to decide whether to attack the HW directly or clear out the the last WP defenses first. We know the struggle for the home world will be hard as our last recon probe showed, and in my book we should just build the Nova stations and turn their sun into their funeral pyre but the High Command thinks elsewise, so come let’s see what our austere leaders have decided will be the next target!


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------** NAVAL BATTLE REPORT **

----- KHUZHA [ K (Orange) 5 V ] [single Star] - 1 -----

The Genesian Gremloid Technocracy # 2060 (No Naval Commanders)

Total tonnage: 1,400.....Base Fire Control: 1 [1,000 bridge]

Hellenic League # 4991 (+14 [Leaders * Lifeform])

Total tonnage: 195,242,044.....Base Fire Control: 5 [1,005,074,000 bridge]

Homeworld PDC Hellenic League #4991 Fleet Admiral Nemo

Homeworld PDC Hellenic League #4991 Fleet Admiral

Homeworld PDC Hellenic League #4991 Grand Admiral

Homeworld PDC Hellenic League #4991 Fleet Admiral

Homeworld PDC Hellenic League #4991 Fleet Admiral

5th Explorer Hellenic League #4991 Ranger Andromeda

6st Explorer Hellenic League #4991 Legendary Explorer

------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** --------------------


The Genesian Gremloid Technocracy # 2060 [black Phoenix Rising From Golden Egg On Red Trimmed With Purple]

No More Drama [ROE: R] *Void Striker* (Fleet Tonnage: 1,400)

[Deploy Location 1] 1 AUXL IPS Preying Lays Silent (Light Auxiliary - 1,400 tons [each])

<100 Fuel>

------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------

Hellenic League # 4991 [sailing Ship On A Blue Sea With A Shining Star Above]

Fleet 110 [ROE: R] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 55,200)

[Deploy Location 7] 1 LF Interstellar Cargo 50 (Light Freighter - 55,200 tons [each])

Homeworld PDC [ROE: Z] *Standard Line* (Fleet Tonnage: 194,420,344)

[Deploy Location 1] 1010 SOX Stump (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 1] 800 SOX GGT Defender I (Surface Outpost - 2,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 1] 19059 DSAT GGT Speed Bump (Defense Satellite - 1,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 1] 8 CO Def A (Corvette - 20,100 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 1] 14 SOX Thunderbolt I (Surface Outpost - 1,200 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 1] 40 SOX Bolt A (Surface Outpost - 30,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 1] 33 COZ GGT Orbital Decoy (Assault Corvette - 1,100 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 1] 1 PBX GGT Pimple (Planetary Bastion - 19,065,500 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 1] 12430 SOX GGT Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 1] 648 SOX GGT Fuel Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 1] 3983 SOX Stump T (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 1] 85 COZ HMS Soaker (Assault Corvette - 2,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 1] 42 COZ T S (Assault Corvette - 2,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 2] 1 SC Relentless (Star Cruiser - 1,650,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 2] 1 SFX Base Station Alpha (Surface Fortress - 800,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 2] 350 SOX Bolt B (Surface Outpost - 35,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 2] 1 PBX GGT Kiss This (Planetary Bastion - 15,000,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 2] 1 PSX GGT Kiss My Tckon (Planetary Stronghold - 9,145,300 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 2] 1 PBX GGT Slimey Betrayer (Planetary Bastion - 13,000,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 2] 1 PBX GGT Bush Lover (Planetary Bastion - 12,989,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 2] 200 SOX B (Surface Outpost - 25,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 2] 1 PBX The GGT Resistance (Planetary Bastion - 13,025,544 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 2] 1 PBX GGT Are Backstabbers (Planetary Bastion - 13,139,900 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 2] 1 BATS GGT Orb II (Battle Station - 16,200,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 5] 1 FAR Cargo Barge 102 VIII (Far Trader - 170,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 6] 1 SFX Bastion (Surface Fortress - 500,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 10] 1 SFX Base Station Beta (Surface Fortress - 1,126,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 10] 1 PSX Base Station Delta (Planetary Stronghold - 4,000,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 10] 1 PSX Base Station Epsilon (Planetary Stronghold - 2,760,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 10] 1 PSX Base Station Gamma (Planetary Stronghold - 3,020,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 12] 1 XK Traveller (Blockade Runner - 407,400 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 12] 3 XS 100k Hauler (Express Ship - 200,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 12] 1 PSX GGT Elimination Command (Planetary Stronghold - 5,925,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 12] 1 BBZ GGT Hauler I (Assault Battleship - 3,211,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 12] 1 SFX HMS Capital (Surface Fortress - 1,037,800 tons [each])

<7,662 Combat Gunboat>--<51,488 Fuel>

Fleet 1024 [ROE: R] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 70,100)

[Deploy Location 7] 1 COLM Colonial Test Ship (Medium Colonial Transport - 70,100 tons [each])

1026 Fleet [ROE: R] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 70,100)

[Deploy Location 7] 1 COLM Colonial Test Ship (Medium Colonial Transport - 70,100 tons [each])

<1,000 ICE-1>

3rd Explorer [ROE: Q] *Total Defense* (Fleet Tonnage: 2,700)

[Deploy Location 7] 1 FS Explorer I (Fleet Scout - 2,700 tons [each])

<1 Colony Beacon>

5th Explorer [ROE: Q] *Total Defense* (Fleet Tonnage: 2,700)

[Deploy Location 7] 1 FS Explorer I (Fleet Scout - 2,700 tons [each])

<2 Colony Beacon>

6st Explorer [ROE: Q] *Total Defense* (Fleet Tonnage: 2,700)

[Deploy Location 7] 1 FS Explorer I (Fleet Scout - 2,700 tons [each])

<2 Colony Beacon>

2nd Colonizer [ROE: Q] *Total Defense* (Fleet Tonnage: 54,500)

[Deploy Location 7] 1 LF Cargo Barge 50 (Light Freighter - 51,800 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 7] 1 FS Explorer I (Fleet Scout - 2,700 tons [each])

3rd Explorer [ROE: Q] *Total Defense* (Fleet Tonnage: 54,500)

[Deploy Location 7] 1 LF Cargo Barge 50 (Light Freighter - 51,800 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 7] 1 FS Explorer I (Fleet Scout - 2,700 tons [each])

4th Explorer [ROE: Q] *Total Defense* (Fleet Tonnage: 62,600)

[Deploy Location 7] 1 LF Cargo Barge 50 (Light Freighter - 51,800 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 7] 4 FS Explorer I (Fleet Scout - 2,700 tons [each])

5th Explorer [ROE: Q] *Total Defense* (Fleet Tonnage: 54,500)

[Deploy Location 7] 1 LF Cargo Barge 50 (Light Freighter - 51,800 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 7] 1 FS Explorer I (Fleet Scout - 2,700 tons [each])

6st Explorer [ROE: Q] *Total Defense* (Fleet Tonnage: 57,900)

[Deploy Location 7] 1 LF Explorer III (Light Freighter - 27,300 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 7] 1 LF Explorer II (Light Freighter - 27,900 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 7] 1 FS Explorer I (Fleet Scout - 2,700 tons [each])

7th Explorer [ROE: Q] *Total Defense* (Fleet Tonnage: 57,900)

[Deploy Location 7] 1 LF Explorer III (Light Freighter - 27,300 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 7] 1 LF Explorer II (Light Freighter - 27,900 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 7] 1 FS Explorer I (Fleet Scout - 2,700 tons [each])

8th Explorer [ROE: Q] *Total Defense* (Fleet Tonnage: 57,900)

[Deploy Location 7] 1 LF Explorer III (Light Freighter - 27,300 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 7] 1 LF Explorer II (Light Freighter - 27,900 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 7] 1 FS Explorer I (Fleet Scout - 2,700 tons [each])

9th Explorer [ROE: Q] *Total Defense* (Fleet Tonnage: 54,600)

[Deploy Location 7] 2 LF Explorer III (Light Freighter - 27,300 tons [each])

10th Explorer [ROE: Q] *Total Defense* (Fleet Tonnage: 54,600)

[Deploy Location 7] 2 LF Explorer III (Light Freighter - 27,300 tons [each])

11th Explorer [ROE: Q] *Total Defense* (Fleet Tonnage: 54,600)

[Deploy Location 7] 2 LF Explorer III (Light Freighter - 27,300 tons [each])

12th Explorer [ROE: Q] *Total Defense* (Fleet Tonnage: 27,300)

[Deploy Location 7] 1 LF Explorer III (Light Freighter - 27,300 tons [each])

<5,278 Advanced Pharmaceuticals>--<182 Advanced Processed Radioactives>--<5,140 Improved Black Market Goods>

<24 Medium ESAP Beam>

13th Explorer [ROE: Q] *Total Defense* (Fleet Tonnage: 27,300)

[Deploy Location 7] 1 LF Explorer III (Light Freighter - 27,300 tons [each])

<660 3cm Chain Gun>--<276 Primitive Artwork>

** Battle Damage Assessment Report **

----- Deployed Ordnance (Fighter/Drone Survivors) -----

Hellenic League # 4991 [ 7,662 / 7,662 Combat Gunboat] Standard Attack Mk I Fusion Pulse Engine

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 1 ------------------------------------------------------------

**DESTROYED** [0th] AUXL IPS Preying Lays Silent (Light Auxiliary - 1,400 tons) [integrity: 0 / 3,300] (Green, Fanatical)

100 Fuel Tankage, 4 Light Magnetic Grapple, 1 Mk I Computer System, 1 Mk I Short Range Sensor

1 Mk II Nuclear Jump Drive, 1 Mk IV Nuclear Engine, 100 Selenite Battle Weave

Gravitonic: 1,056

Maneuverability: 1.43, Missile Defense: 15.20 %, Sensors: 15.20 %

** Battle Damage Assessment Report **

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 1 ------------------------------------------------------------

SOX Bolt A (Surface Outpost - 30,000 tons) [integrity: 27,090,000 / 27,090,000] (Seasoned, Valiant)

1 Type A Plasma Torpedo, 20,000 Vananite Battle Armor

Plasma Torpedo: 105,600

Missile Defense: 7.40 %

CO Def A (Corvette - 20,100 tons) [integrity: 570,100 / 570,100] (Seasoned, Valiant)

3 Battle Imaging System, 11 Burst Mine Rack, 10,000 Cordellium Composite, 10 Frost Cannon

9 Light Beam Laser, 2 Light Pressor Beam, 2 Light Tractor Beam, 1 Light X-Ray Laser, 9 Medium Stun Beam

3 Mk I Short Range Sensor, 2 Mk II Standard Torpedo

Coherent Beam: 6,380, Cold: 4,400, Gravitonic: 2,090, Mines: 5,808, Missile: 4,800, Sonic: 3,960

Missile Defense: 10.60 %, Sensors: 3.60 %

SOX GGT Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000,000 / 9,000,000] (Seasoned, Fearless)

1,000 Tckon 68

Missile Defense: 70.40 %

SOX GGT Defender I (Surface Outpost - 2,000 tons) [integrity: 17,100,900 / 17,100,900] (Green, Resolute)

1 Mk III Plasma Pulse CIDS, 1,900 Tckon 68

Missile Defense: 76.20 %

SOX GGT Fuel Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 1 / 1] (Green, Valiant)

1,000 Fuel Tankage

Missile Defense: 70.40 %

COZ GGT Orbital Decoy (Assault Corvette - 1,100 tons) [integrity: 1,000,080 / 1,000,080] (Seasoned)

1 Mk III Fusion Engine, 1,000 Tckon 68

Maneuverability: 3.64, Missile Defense: 72.40 %

PBX GGT Pimple (Planetary Bastion - 19,065,500 tons) [integrity: 88,553,119,500 / 88,553,119,500] (Seasoned)

30 4cm Gatling CIDS, 110 Fighter Bay, 60,000 Laser CIDS, 10 Light Pressor Beam, 110 Mk I Flux Capacitor

4 Mk I Heavy Missile, 6 Mk I Lightning Arc Generator, 64 Mk I Meson Screen, 6 Mk I Short Range Sensor

4 Mk I Short Range Torpedo, 2 Mk I Standard Torpedo, 1 Mk II Lightning Arc Generator, 4 Mk II Medium Range Sensor

1 Mk II Standard Torpedo, 2 SLY-1 Intelligence Sensor Package, 9,830,000 Tckon 68, 300 Type B Plasma Torpedo

3 Type C Defense Screen

Energy Discharge: 11,000, Gravitonic: 8,800, Missile: 11,200, Plasma Torpedo: 158,400,006

Flux Capacitance: 0.30 %, Meson Web: 0.20 %, Missile Defense: 13.70 %, Screens: 0.40 %

DSAT GGT Speed Bump (Defense Satellite - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 3,000,000 / 3,000,000] (Green, Resolute)

1,000 Tckon 68

Missile Defense: 70.40 %

COZ HMS Soaker (Assault Corvette - 2,000 tons) [integrity: 1,700,180 / 1,700,180] (Seasoned, Valiant)

100 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk I Nuclear Jump Drive, 1 Mk II Fusion Engine, 1,700 Tckon 68

Maneuverability: 1.00, Missile Defense: 56.80 %

SOX Stump (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 1,350,000 / 1,350,000] (Seasoned)

1,000 Vananite Battle Armor

Missile Defense: 70.40 %

SOX Stump T (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 3,600,000 / 3,600,000] (Seasoned)

1,000 Trizenium Flex Plate

Missile Defense: 70.40 %

COZ T S (Assault Corvette - 2,000 tons) [integrity: 640,280 / 640,280] (Green)

1 Burst Mine Rack, 100 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk I Nuclear Jump Drive, 1 Mk III Fusion Engine, 1,600 Trizenium Flex Plate

Mines: 528

Maneuverability: 2.00, Missile Defense: 59.00 %

SOX Thunderbolt I (Surface Outpost - 1,200 tons) [integrity: 505,800 / 505,800] (Seasoned)

1,000 Cordellium Composite, 1 Light Beam Laser

Coherent Beam: 220

Missile Defense: 66.50 %

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 2 ------------------------------------------------------------

SOX B (Surface Outpost - 25,000 tons) [integrity: 225,000 / 225,000] (Seasoned)

1 Type B Plasma Torpedo

Plasma Torpedo: 528,000

Missile Defense: 8.70 %

SFX Base Station Alpha (Surface Fortress - 800,000 tons) [integrity: 304,200,000 / 304,200,000] (Seasoned, Valiant)

600,000 Cordellium Composite, 20 Type A Plasma Torpedo

Plasma Torpedo: 2,112,000

Missile Defense: 0.30 %

SOX Bolt B (Surface Outpost - 35,000 tons) [integrity: 36,225,000 / 36,225,000] (Seasoned, Valiant)

10,000 Trizenium Flex Plate, 1 Type B Plasma Torpedo

Plasma Torpedo: 528,000

Missile Defense: 6.40 %

PBX GGT Are Backstabbers (Planetary Bastion - 13,139,900 tons) [integrity: 72,046,259,100 / 72,046,259,100] (Seasoned)

165 Heavy Plasma Hellbore, 59 Mk I Plasma Pulse CIDS, 8,000,000 Tckon 68, 9 Type B ECM Package

40 Type B Plasma Torpedo

Plasma: 87,120,003, Plasma Torpedo: 21,120,001

ECM: 0.70 %, Missile Defense: 0.50 %

PBX GGT Bush Lover (Planetary Bastion - 12,989,000 tons) [integrity: 71,946,000,000 / 71,946,000,000] (Green)

7,989,000 Tckon 68, 100 Type C Plasma Torpedo

Plasma Torpedo: 211,200,008

PSX GGT Kiss My Tckon (Planetary Stronghold - 9,145,300 tons) [integrity: 65,267,057,700 / 65,267,057,700] (Seasoned)

18 Burst Mine Rack, 75 Heavy Plasma Hellbore, 11 Medium Stun Beam, 163 Phased Energy Grip

Standard Hull Plate, 7,250,000 Tckon 68

Mines: 9,504, Plasma: 39,600,002, Sonic: 4,840

Phase Inversion: 1.80 %

PBX GGT Kiss This (Planetary Bastion - 15,000,000 tons) [integrity: 72,063,000,000 / 72,063,000,000] (Green)

10,000 Mk I Plasma Pulse CIDS, 8,000,000 Tckon 68, 120 Type C Plasma Torpedo

Plasma Torpedo: 253,440,010

Missile Defense: 40.10 %

BATS GGT Orb II (Battle Station - 16,200,000 tons) [integrity: 23,125,500,000 / 23,125,500,000] (Green, Reliable)

5,000 Holographic Battle Display, 30,000 Mk III Plasma Pulse CIDS, 7,700,000 Tckon 68, 50 Type D Plasma Torpedo

Plasma Torpedo: 422,400,017

Missile Defense: 88.20 %

PBX GGT Slimey Betrayer (Planetary Bastion - 13,000,000 tons) [integrity: 72,045,000,000 / 72,045,000,000] (Green)

8,000,000 Tckon 68, 50 Type D Plasma Torpedo

Plasma Torpedo: 422,400,017

SC Relentless (Star Cruiser - 1,650,000 tons) [integrity: 340,630,100 / 340,630,100] (Seasoned, Valiant)

30 Fighter Bay, 100,000 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk I Nuclear Jump Drive, 1,500 Mk III Fusion Engine

Plasma Torpedo: 5,280,000

Maneuverability: 3.64, Missile Defense: 31.40 %

PBX The GGT Resistance (Planetary Bastion - 13,025,544 tons) [integrity: 72,046,535,688 / 72,046,535,688] (Seasoned)

15 Frost Cannon, 2,544 Standard Hull Plate, 8,000,000 Tckon 68, 20,000 Titanium Composite Armor

100 Type C Plasma Torpedo

Cold: 6,600, Plasma Torpedo: 211,200,008

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 5 ------------------------------------------------------------

FAR Cargo Barge 102 VIII (Far Trader - 170,000 tons) [integrity: 54,400 / 54,400] (Seasoned)

102,000 Cargo Bay, 680 Mk II Fusion Engine

Maneuverability: 8.00, Missile Defense: 50.40 %

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 6 ------------------------------------------------------------

SFX Bastion (Surface Fortress - 500,000 tons) [integrity: 9,900,000 / 9,900,000] (Seasoned, Valiant)

1,500 10cm Autocannon, 1 Mk I Computer System, 24,900 Reflective Armor Coating, 300,000 Standard Hull Plate

25 Type A Defense Screen

Projectile: 165,000

Missile Defense: 0.50 %, Reflective Coating: 20.00 %, Screens: 20.00 %

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 7 ------------------------------------------------------------

LF Cargo Barge 50 (Light Freighter - 51,800 tons) [integrity: 1,800 / 1,800] (Green, Reliable)

50,000 Cargo Bay, 1 Mk I Nuclear Engine, 5 Mk I Short Range Sensor, 2 Survey Lander

Maneuverability: 0.01, Missile Defense: 4.50 %, Sensors: 2.40 %

COLM Colonial Test Ship (Medium Colonial Transport - 70,100 tons) [integrity: 50,100 / 50,100] (Green, Timid)

20,000 Cargo Bay, 5 Colonial Berthing, 1 Mk I Nuclear Engine

Maneuverability: 0.00, Missile Defense: 3.40 %

FS Explorer I (Fleet Scout - 2,700 tons) [integrity: 700 / 700] (Green, Timid)

2,000 Cargo Bay, 1 Mk I Nuclear Engine, 1 Survey Lander

Maneuverability: 0.11, Missile Defense: 47.20 %

LF Explorer II (Light Freighter - 27,900 tons) [integrity: 2,900 / 2,900] (Green, Reliable)

25,000 Cargo Bay, 1 Mk I Nuclear Engine, 10 Mk I Short Range Sensor, 3 Survey Lander

Maneuverability: 0.01, Missile Defense: 8.00 %, Sensors: 8.30 %

LF Explorer III (Light Freighter - 27,300 tons) [integrity: 2,300 / 2,300] (Green, Timid)

25,000 Cargo Bay, 1 Mk I Nuclear Engine, 10 Mk I Short Range Sensor, 2 Survey Lander

Maneuverability: 0.01, Missile Defense: 8.20 %, Sensors: 8.40 %

LF Interstellar Cargo 50 (Light Freighter - 55,200 tons) [integrity: 200 / 200] (Green, Reliable)

50,000 Cargo Bay, 5,000 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk I Nuclear Engine, 1 Mk I Nuclear Jump Drive

Maneuverability: 0.01, Missile Defense: 4.20 %

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 10 ------------------------------------------------------------

SFX Base Station Beta (Surface Fortress - 1,126,000 tons) [integrity: 743,004,000 / 743,004,000] (Seasoned, Valiant)

126,000 Cordellium Composite, 50 Fighter Bay, 500,000 Vananite Battle Armor

Missile Defense: 0.30 %

PSX Base Station Delta (Planetary Stronghold - 4,000,000 tons) [integrity: 10,809,000,000 / 10,809,000,000] (Seasoned,


100 Fighter Bay, 3,000,000 Trizenium Flex Plate

PSX Base Station Epsilon (Planetary Stronghold - 2,760,000 tons) [integrity: 7,206,840,000 / 7,206,840,000] (Seasoned)

1,000 4cm Gatling CIDS, 75 Fighter Bay, 2,000,000 Trizenium Flex Plate

Missile Defense: 1.90 %

PSX Base Station Gamma (Planetary Stronghold - 3,020,000 tons) [integrity: 3,861,000,000 / 3,861,000,000] (Seasoned)

100 Fighter Bay, 500,000 Trizenium Flex Plate, 1,520,000 Vananite Battle Armor

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 12 ------------------------------------------------------------

XS 100k Hauler (Express Ship - 200,000 tons) [integrity: 80,000 / 80,000] (Seasoned)

100,000 Cargo Bay, 1,000 Mk III Fusion Engine

Maneuverability: 20.00, Missile Defense: 50.30 %

PSX GGT Elimination Command (Planetary Stronghold - 5,925,000 tons) [integrity: 39,388,950,000 / 39,388,950,000] (Green,


12,500 Holographic Battle Display, 3,000 Mk II Plasma Pulse CIDS, 4,375,000 Tckon 68

Missile Defense: 50.40 %

BBZ GGT Hauler I (Assault Battleship - 3,211,000 tons) [integrity: 2,001,211,000 / 2,001,211,000] (Green, Resolute)

3,000 Holographic Battle Display, 4,109 Light Tractor Beam, 1 Mk I Nuclear Engine, 5,000 Mk II Plasma Pulse CIDS

2,000,000 Tckon 68

Gravitonic: 677,985

Missile Defense: 75.70 %

SFX HMS Capital (Surface Fortress - 1,037,800 tons) [integrity: 256,840,200 / 256,840,200] [shields: 60,000 / 60,000]

(Seasoned, Valiant)

500,000 Cordellium Composite, 50 Fighter Bay, 150 Mk I Computer System, 200 Mk I Force Shield

9 Mk II Computer System, 19 Mk III Computer System

Missile Defense: 0.30 %

XK Traveller (Blockade Runner - 407,400 tons) [integrity: 20,238,900 / 20,238,900] [shields: 1,200 / 1,200] (Seasoned,


10,000 Cargo Bay, 5 Fighter Bay, 20 Fuel Shuttle, 50,000 Fuel Tankage, 1 Fusion Transwarp Drive

4 Mk I Force Shield, 2,050 Mk III Fusion Engine, 1 Mk III Jump Survey Sensor, 50,000 Trizenium Flex Plate

Maneuverability: 20.13, Missile Defense: 50.20 %

----- Post-Battle Damage Assessment Report-----

Side 1

[1] 1 IPS Preying Lays Sil class AUXL..................................................1 Destroyed

Side 2

[1] 40 Bolt A class SOX

[1] 8 Def A class CO

[1] 12,430 GGT Decoy class SOX

[1] 800 GGT Defender I class SOX

[1] 648 GGT Fuel Decoy class SOX

[1] 33 GGT Orbital Decoy class COZ

[1] 1 GGT Pimple class PBX

[1] 19,059 GGT Speed Bump class DSAT

[1] 85 HMS Soaker class COZ

[1] 1,010 Stump class SOX

[1] 3,983 Stump T class SOX

[1] 42 T S class COZ

[1] 14 Thunderbolt I class SOX

[2] 200 B class SOX

[2] 1 Base Station Alpha class SFX

[2] 350 Bolt B class SOX

[2] 1 GGT Are Backstabbers class PBX

[2] 1 GGT Bush Lover class PBX

[2] 1 GGT Kiss My Tckon class PSX

[2] 1 GGT Kiss This class PBX

[2] 1 GGT Orb II class BATS

[2] 1 GGT Slimey Betrayer class PBX

[2] 1 Relentless class SC

[2] 1 The GGT Resistance class PBX

[5] 1 Cargo Barge 102 VIII class FAR

[6] 1 Bastion class SFX

[7] 4 Cargo Barge 50 class LF

[7] 2 Colonial Test Ship class COLM

[7] 13 Explorer I class FS

[7] 3 Explorer II class LF

[7] 11 Explorer III class LF

[7] 1 Interstellar Cargo 5 class LF

[10] 1 Base Station Beta class SFX

[10] 1 Base Station Delta class PSX

[10] 1 Base Station Epsilon class PSX

[10] 1 Base Station Gamma class PSX

[12] 3 100k Hauler class XS

[12] 1 GGT Elimination Comm class PSX

[12] 1 GGT Hauler I class BBZ

[12] 1 HMS Capital class SFX

[12] 1 Traveller class XK

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Oh yes, in other news:


The Neeve dynastys HW defense fleet got its scaled butt kicked! Wohoo...Go Greeeemmmmlllloiiiidddds!!!




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Initial scans showed that there were also a couple of 1000 of surface forts assembled at each warp point but we realised this had either to be a scanner error or simply that the Hellenes would realise you can’t cheat the physics of a warp point. The stress from the gravity well will tear away at the surface fort which is primarily built around the concept of digging it into bedrock etc and thus gaining higher integrity. This won’t work in space so it seems they were destroyed or removed before being destroyed as they shouldn’t have been there in the first place.


You know, I have also encountered Surface Forts flying about in space at WP's. In my case they were huge ground based installations that, with the 9x multiplier + armor, were topping 1,000,000,000 in integrity. When encountered and mentioned to Pete, RTG has quickly made them disappear (to the HW in the system .. hmmm, might have been better to leave them floating in space). But I am concerned. Is this merely a computer glitch where the AI is actually trying to move Surface Forts like ships? Or, something else wrong going on?

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Actually there seems to have been some people who have exploited a bug in the system that would allow you to tow surface forts to warp points and even base stations and such through warp points, I call it cheating though.




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SOX GGT Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000,000 / 9,000,000] (Seasoned, Fearless)

1,000 Tckon 68

Missile Defense: 70.40 %



How does a chunk of Tckon 68 have a 70% missile defense and become seasoned? Fearless makes sense, its a chunk of armor.

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SOX GGT Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000,000 / 9,000,000] (Seasoned, Fearless)

1,000 Tckon 68

Missile Defense: 70.40 %



How does a chunk of Tckon 68 have a 70% missile defense and become seasoned? Fearless makes sense, its a chunk of armor.


For that matter how does anything without engines and CIDS have a missile defense? I saw a similar thing with one of my explorers who was in the wrong place at the wrong time.


FS Cook C (Fleet Scout - 8,100 tons) [integrity: 7,600 / 7,600] (Green, Timid)

1 Fuel Shuttle, 500 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk I Computer System, 1 Mk I Nuclear Engine, 1 Mk I Nuclear Jump Drive

1 Mk I Short Range Sensor, 1 Mk III Jump Survey Sensor, 1 Survey Lander, 1 Type A Science Lab

Maneuverability: 0.04, Missile Defense: 88.80 %, Sensors: 3.00 %


At least we have sensors on the ship but even so 88.8%?

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SOX GGT Decoy (Surface Outpost - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 9,000,000 / 9,000,000] (Seasoned, Fearless)

1,000 Tckon 68

Missile Defense: 70.40 %



How does a chunk of Tckon 68 have a 70% missile defense and become seasoned? Fearless makes sense, its a chunk of armor.


I have no idea, I've always assumed that the stats show for fleet cover effect of CIDS present in the fleet or it would be just wrong especially considering it is a bit of immobile chunk of surface fortress...better ask Pete I guess...




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  • 2 months later...

Numbers, always numbers, promptly displayed on holosheets in stacks that seemed to have to totally invaded her office and laid claim to all available free space on both her desk and couch. Paulette shook her head in dismay and wondered if in fact the massive Assault Dreadnaught she was sitting would fall apart by the seams if not every little thing was presented on a holosheet with numbers and comments. Paulette pushed away the holosheet and with a determined look attacked the next pile of sheets, hoping fervently that these were not also a detailed inventory of the fleets toiletry reserves. Glancing over the numbers she stopped, her breath caught between surprise and horror. The numbers shining off the sheet coldly presented to her the facts of the last 15 Great Cycles of warfare with the Hellenic League. (15 months real time) Behind the numbers were friends, family and even loved ones whose deaths were now a statistic. She read on determined to never forget what each number, each ship name and each battle represented in the sacrifices made in the battle against tyranny…


Hellenic Shipping lost to date: 97,005,400 tons spread over 5628 ships.


Allied Forces Shipping lost to date: 29,384,119 tons spread over 2488 ships.


Six Hellenic Colonies captured by ground forces.


Hellenic forces blockaded in HW system of Khuzha


Ship loss details:


Hellenic League:


Ship Name Class Number a Tons Tot Tons

Soaker COZ 262 2000 524000

GGT System Clearer CCA 7 775100 5425700

Alabama FBS 1 24000000 24000000

GGT Little Deterrent BC 11 1225000 13475000

GGT Little Stick SC 3 1640000 4920000

GGT Speedbump DSAT 5000 1000 5000000

GGT Orb I BATS 1 12500000 12500000

GGT Big Stick BATS 2 10000000 20000000

GGT Defender DSAT 250 1000 250000

TS 70 TT 1 1764400 1764400

Pathfinder FS 16 12000 192000

Pathfinder II FS 7 11700 81900

Test 20 XB 2 500 1000

Explorer III LF 37 27300 1010100

Cargo Hauler 250 FAR 1 250100 250100

Colonizer I COLL 10 465100 4651000

Cargo Barge 102 VIII FAR 4 170000 680000

Cargo Barge 100 VIII FAR 1 166700 166700

Relentless SC 1 1650000 1650000

Explorer I FS 7 2700 18900

Cargo Barge 50 LF 1 51800 51800

Galactic Explorer XB 1 230500 230500

Interstellar Cargo 50 LF 1 55200 55200

WB 1 COLM 1 107100 107100




Ship Name Class Number a Tons Tot Tons

IML Bottom Of Barrel COZ 1 1000 1000

IML All But Dust Remains CCA 322 1000 322000

IAS Child Unloved BB 1 3968850 3968850

IAS Pact Breaker BB 1 3476000 3476000

IMC Xenophobe CA 1 512000 512000

IMS Bigger Rock Than You FC 1 314100 314100

IMS Little Davids Stones SC 1 1792200 1792200

IMS Sting Like A Bee BM 1 2215000 2215000

WPD Citadel Guard CO 8 2400 19200

IML Quicksand ML 93 1000 93000

IML Sinkhole ML 1 1000 1000

IMS I Blame My Mother BB 1 3073000 3073000

IAC Long Distance Caller CV 1 2048000 2048000

IAC Gomen Nasais BB 1 6456000 6456000

IML Belladonna ML 114 1000 114000

IML Thorn Of The Rose ML 5 4000 20000

ODS Hatchling DSAT 908 1000 908000

IML Dr Banners Fury ML 690 1000 690000

IPF Sweet Sirens Call CO 9 1000 9000

IPS Preying Lays Silent AUX 9 1400 12600

ODS Ode To Peace DSAT 36 1000 36000

ODS Grim Delight DSAT 17 1000 17000

ODS Break Of Dawn DSAT 44 1000 44000

PDS Yikes That Is One Big Ship You Have BASE 1 389769 389769

ODS Temple Of Sin DSAT 32 1000 32000

ODS Pod Person DSAT 11 1900 20900

ODS Lancet DSAT 6 1400 8400

IAS Better You Than Me BM 1 2048000 2048000

ODS Orbital Defender DSAT 10 1210 12100

ODS Scabbard DSAT 21 1000 21000

ODS Sentinels Kiss DSAT 26 1000 26000

ODS Orbital Control DSAT 30 1000 30000

PDS Rabbithole SOX 25 1000 25000

IML Shredders Gift ML 9 1000 9000

IAS Death By Light ML 13 1000 13000

IAS Leech XB 12 1000 12000

IAS Lamprey ML 3 1000 3000

IML Burning Fields ML 5 4000 20000

IPS Black Widows Call ML 9 10000 90000

ISS Breaking Darkness FS 3 9100 27300

IFS Mockingbird LTA 1 22000 22000

INS Tactical Grace DD 1 64000 64000

ISS System Boat XB 2 1000 2000

ISS Roots In Motion COLL 1 366700 366700


Turning off the lights in her cabin, Grand Admiral Paulette DeVries looked at the stars outside her Flagship, saw the glimmering world of Khuzha-1, The Hellenic Homeworld, and thought to herself...Is it worth it all?...

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Disaster, tyotal disaster

Her hand still hurt from where she had hit the bulkhead as the first reports came in from the warp point picket fleets sighting of the enemy fleet and the the last Omega transmissions of the flagship as it vanished from the comscreens. Where the hell did the Hellenes get all the materials for these ships and keep producing them in such insane quantities from one single homeworld? The only saving grace was that the Allied Ships of the Noble Brotherhood of Builders had stopped the offensive recon probe by the Hellenes. This changed everything and reserve forces must be called in from other fronts...now to explain this debaucle to the high command...


(Well played!!)





----- KHUZHA [ K (Orange) 5 V ] [single Star] - Warp Point 7244 -----


Hellenic League # 4991 (No Naval Commanders)

Total tonnage: 51,359,300.....Base Fire Control: 23 [1,208,500,000 bridge]

The Genesian Gremloid Technocracy # 2060 (+17 [Leaders * Lifeform])

Total tonnage: 38,507,700.....Base Fire Control: 25 [990,265,000 bridge]


Its Not Your Yard Anymore The Genesian Gremloid Technocr #2060 Fleet Admiral VoidClaw

Its Not Your Yard Anymore The Genesian Gremloid Technocr #2060 Grand Admiral NovaReaper

Its Not Your Yard Anymore The Genesian Gremloid Technocr #2060 Fleet Admiral Fire in the Void

Its Not Your Yard Anymore The Genesian Gremloid Technocr #2060 Fleet Admiral

Its Not Your Yard Anymore The Genesian Gremloid Technocr #2060 Admiral


------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** -----------------------------------------

The Genesian Gremloid Technocracy # 2060 [black Phoenix Rising From Golden Egg On Red Trimmed With Purple]


Surrender Is Acceptable [ROE: R] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 1,000)

[Deploy Location 12] 1 ML IML Quicksand (Minelayer - 1,000 tons [each])


Resolute Fire [ROE: R] *Void Striker* (Fleet Tonnage: 1,400)

[Deploy Location 1] 1 AUXL IPS Preying Lays Silent (Light Auxiliary - 1,400 tons [each])

<91 Fuel>


Sinister Embrace [ROE: R] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 1,000)

[Deploy Location 1] 1 COZ IML Screen Saver (Assault Corvette - 1,000 tons [each])

<91 Fuel>


Its Not Your Yard Anymore [ROE: R] *Void Striker* (Fleet Tonnage: 38,504,300)

[Deploy Location 1] 73 DSAT ODS Hatchling (Defense Satellite - 1,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 1] 1 FML IAS Irregular Apocalypse (Fleet Minelayer - 8,470,300 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 1] 1 DN IAS One Size Fits All (Dreadnaught - 7,840,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 1] 1 BB IAS Gunboat Diplomat (Battleship - 4,095,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 10] 1 BDN IAC Butchers Bill (Battle Dreadnaught - 18,026,000 tons [each])

<13,721 Attack Fighter>--<9 Attack Gunboat>--<1,394,319 Fuel>--<47 Light Drone>--<1,544 Standard Drone>


------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** -----------------------------------------

Hellenic League # 4991 [sailing Ship On A Blue Sea With A Shining Star Above]


GGT Test [ROE: Z] *Standard Line* (Fleet Tonnage: 51,359,300)

[Deploy Location 1] 8000 DSAT GGT Speed Bump (Defense Satellite - 1,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 2] 1 FBS Arkansas (Fleet Base Station - 36,000,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 12] 1 BBZ Hauler III (Assault Battleship - 4,911,900 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 12] 1 BMZ Hauler II (Assault Monitor - 2,447,400 tons [each])

<2,900 Fuel>


----- Deployed Ordnance (Fighter/Drone Survivors) -----

The Genesian Gremloid Technocr # 2060 [ 13,592 / 13,721 Attack Fighter] Cover Mk I Antimatter Pulse Engine

The Genesian Gremloid Technocr # 2060 [ 0 / 9 Attack Gunboat] Cover Mk I Antimatter Pulse Engine

The Genesian Gremloid Technocr # 2060 [ 47 / 47 Light Drone] Cover Attack Mk I Antimatter Pulse Engine

The Genesian Gremloid Technocr # 2060 [ 0 / 1,544 Standard Drone] Cover Attack Mk I Antimatter Pulse Engine


-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 1 ------------------------------------------------------------

**DESTROYED** [5057th] DSAT GGT Speed Bump (Defense Satellite - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 3,000,000] (Green, Reliable)

1,000 Tckon 68


-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 2 ------------------------------------------------------------

**MINOR DAMAGE** FBS Arkansas (Fleet Base Station - 36,000,000 tons) [integrity: 61,205,220,800 / 68,889,150,000] (Green,


12,500 Holographic Neural-Feed Battle Grid, 18,000 Mk IV Plasma Pulse CIDS, 22,950,000 Tckon 68

100 Type D Plasma Torpedo

Plasma Torpedo: 844,800,034

Missile Defense: 80.00 %


-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 12 ------------------------------------------------------------

**DESTROYED** [8080th] BMZ Hauler II (Assault Monitor - 2,447,400 tons) [integrity: 0 / 1,500,947,400] (Green, Reliable)

9,402 Light Tractor Beam, 57 Mk I Repulsor CIDS, 15 Mk I Space Mine Scanner, 1,500,000 Tckon 68

Gravitonic: 1,551,330

Missile Defense: 1.20 %, Sensors: 0.40 %


**DESTROYED** [8081st] BBZ Hauler III (Assault Battleship - 4,911,900 tons) [integrity: 0 / 2,002,911,880] (Green,


4,000 Holographic Battle Display, 20,000 Light Tractor Beam, 1 Mk II Fusion Engine, 5,118 Mk II Plasma Pulse CIDS

2,000,000 Tckon 68

Gravitonic: 3,300,000

Missile Defense: 67.60 %


** Battle Damage Assessment Report **

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 1 ------------------------------------------------------------

**DESTROYED** [2157th] AUXL IPS Preying Lays Silent (Light Auxiliary - 1,400 tons) [integrity: 0 / 3,300] (Seasoned,


100 Fuel Tankage, 4 Light Magnetic Grapple, 1 Mk I Computer System, 1 Mk I Short Range Sensor

1 Mk II Nuclear Jump Drive, 1 Mk IV Nuclear Engine, 100 Selenite Battle Weave

Gravitonic: 1,056

Maneuverability: 1.43, Missile Defense: 98.70 %, Sensors: 15.20 %


**DESTROYED** [2197th] COZ IML Screen Saver (Assault Corvette - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 2,100] (Green, Timid)

100 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mauler Mine Rack, 1 Mk II Nuclear Jump Drive, 1 Mk VI Nuclear Engine, 600 Standard Hull Plate

Mines: 1,056

Maneuverability: 8.00, Missile Defense: 99.10 %


**DESTROYED** [2199th] DSAT ODS Hatchling (Defense Satellite - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 3,000,000] (Green, Timid)

1,000 Tckon 68

Missile Defense: 99.10 %


**DESTROYED** [2227th] BB IAS Gunboat Diplomat (Battleship - 4,095,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 503,767,300] [shields: 0 /

1,536,000,000] (Seasoned, Fearless)

1,000 Battle Imaging System, 45 Blacklight Cannon, 20,000 Cargo Bay, 36 Condenser Beam, 67 Crystallizer

60 FFS-1 Fleet Formation Scanner, 30 Fighter Bay, 25 FPS-1 Fleet Patrol Sensor, 50 Fuel Shuttle

249,740 Fuel Tankage, 1 Fusion Transwarp Drive, 71 Heavy Magnetic Grapple, 644 Heavy Stun Beam

18,960 Laser CIDS, 5,000 Mauler Mine Rack, 25 Mk I Mass Detector Sensor, 300 Mk III Computer System

8 Mk IV Jump Survey Sensor, 6,144 Mk IX Force Shield, 2,531 Mk VI Nuclear Engine, 11,000 Pulse Laser CIDS

500,460 Tckon 68, 1 Troop Berthing, 50 Type A Black Sphere Generator

Cold: 3,836,800, Gravitonic: 1,312,080, Mines: 5,280,000, Sonic: 850,080

Black Sphere: 23.40 %, Displacement: 1.30 %, Maneuverability: 4.94, Missile Defense: 58.60 %

Sensors: 2.40 %


**DESTROYED** [2228th] DN IAS One Size Fits All (Dreadnaught - 7,840,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 56,841,000] [shields: 0 /

2,750,000,000] (Seasoned, Valiant)

1,400,000 Energy Dispersion Armor Coating, 80 Fighter Bay, 100 Fuel Shuttle, 851,500 Fuel Tankage

1 Fusion Transwarp Drive, 8,000 Gamma-Ray Laser Mine Rack, 15 Heavy Magnetic Grapple, 10 Heavy Tractor Beam

2,470 Holographic Neural-Feed Battle Grid, 50 Mk I Mass Detector Sensor, 3,000 Mk I Repulsor CIDS

2,000 Mk II Repulsor CIDS, 250 Mk II Space Mine Scanner, 2,000 Mk III Antimatter Engine, 4 Mk IV Jump Survey Sensor

100 Mk IV Long Lance Torpedo, 11,000 Mk IX Force Shield, 200 Mk V Long Lance Torpedo, 5 SLY-1 Intelligence Sensor Package

50,000 Tckon 68, 120 Type A Black Sphere Generator, 7,600 X-Ray Laser Mine Rack

Gravitonic: 303,600, Mines: 49,843,202, Missile: 7,840,000

Black Sphere: 27.70 %, Displacement: 1.30 %, Maneuverability: 8.16, Meson Web: 26.40 %, Phase Inversion: 26.40 %

Missile Defense: 59.40 %, Reflective Coating: 26.40 %, Sensors: 5.00 %, Tachyon Grid: 26.40 %

Thermal Regulation: 26.40 %


**DESTROYED** [2229th] FML IAS Irregular Apocalypse (Fleet Minelayer - 8,470,300 tons) [integrity: 0 / 107,726,300]

[shields: 0 / 3,000,000,000] (Green, Determined)

660 10cm Autocannon, 777 20cm Autocannon, 26 20cm Gauss Gun, 2,000,000 Energy Dispersion Armor Coating

50 Fuel Shuttle, 475,000 Fuel Tankage, 27,000 Gamma-Ray Laser Mine Rack, 1,200 Holographic Neural-Feed Battle Grid

233 Light Pulse Laser, 371 Light Stun Beam, 428 Light Tractor Beam, 10 Medium P-Cannon, 25 Medium Tractor Beam

1,618 Mk I Flux Capacitor, 520 Mk I Interceptor Missile, 1,000 Mk II Repulsor CIDS, 3,725 Mk III Antimatter Engine

2,000 Mk III Repulsor CIDS, 12,000 Mk IX Force Shield, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive, 8 SLY-1 Intelligence Sensor Package

100,000 Tckon 68, 80 Type A Black Sphere Generator, 1 Type B Energy Web Projector

Coherent Beam: 307,560, EnergyAbsorber: 66,000, Gravitonic: 87,120, Mines: 114,048,005, Missile: 104,000

Plasma: 44,000, Projectile: 460,240, Sonic: 40,810

Black Sphere: 19.20 %, Flux Capacitance: 8.80 %, Maneuverability: 14.07, Meson Web: 32.10 %

Phase Inversion: 32.10 %, Missile Defense: 61.60 %, Reflective Coating: 32.10 %, Tachyon Grid: 32.10 %

Thermal Regulation: 32.10 %


-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 10 ------------------------------------------------------------

**DESTROYED** [8082nd] BDN IAC Butchers Bill (Battle Dreadnaught - 18,026,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 1,495,913,000] [shields

0 / 6,725,000,000] (Green, Resolute)

36 Advanced Battle Display, 3 Drone Rack, 370,000 Energy Dispersion Armor Coating, 300 FCS-1 Archer Fire Control

45 Fighter Bay, 200 Fuel Shuttle, 800,000 Fuel Tankage, 8,318 Holographic Neural-Feed Battle Grid

289 Mk II Standoff Missile, 240 Mk III Long Lance Torpedo, 85 Mk III Short Range Sensor, 300 Mk III Standoff Missile

2,825 Mk IV Antimatter Engine, 2,000 Mk IV Repulsor CIDS, 1,820 Mk IV Standoff Missile, 26,900 Mk IX Force Shield

25 Mk V Long Lance Torpedo, 6,757 Mk VII Long Lance Torpedo, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive, 2 Repair Bay

1,480,000 Tckon 68, 222 Type C Black Sphere Generator, 249 Type D Black Sphere Generator

Missile: 899,676,800

Black Sphere: 80.00 %, Maneuverability: 10.03, Meson Web: 4.00 %, Phase Inversion: 4.00 %, Missile Defense: 59.20 %

Reflective Coating: 4.00 %, Sensors: 0.50 %, Tachyon Grid: 4.00 %, Thermal Regulation: 4.00 %


-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 12 ------------------------------------------------------------

**DESTROYED** [2226th] ML IML Quicksand (Minelayer - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 16,940] (Seasoned, Fanatical)

290 Cordellium Composite, 10 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk I Nuclear Jump Drive, 1 Mk V Nuclear Engine

5 Space Mine Rack

Mines: 1,320

Maneuverability: 4.00, Missile Defense: 99.10 %


----- Post-Battle Damage Assessment Report-----


Side 1

[1] 8,000 GGT Speed Bump class DSAT..................................................8000 Destroyed

[2] 1 Arkansas class FBS..................................................1 Minor

[12] 1 Hauler II class BMZ..................................................1 Destroyed

[12] 1 Hauler III class BBZ..................................................1 Destroyed

Side 2

[1] 1 IAS Gunboat Diplomat class BB..................................................1 Destroyed

[1] 1 IAS Irregular Apocal class FML..................................................1 Destroyed

[1] 1 IAS One Size Fits Al class DN..................................................1 Destroyed

[1] 1 IML Screen Saver class COZ..................................................1 Destroyed

[1] 1 IPS Preying Lays Sil class AUXL..................................................1 Destroyed

[1] 73 ODS Hatchling class DSAT..................................................73 Destroyed

[10] 1 IAC Butchers Bill class BDN..................................................1 Destroyed

[12] 1 IML Quicksand class ML..................................................1 Destroyed





----- KHUZHA [ K (Orange) 5 V ] [single Star] - Warp Point 7244 -----


The Genesian Gremloid Technocracy # 2060 (No Naval Commanders)

Total tonnage: 699,000.....Base Fire Control: 1 [0 bridge]

Hellenic League # 4991 (No Naval Commanders)

Total tonnage: 36,000,000.....Base Fire Control: 28 [1,012,500,000 bridge]

The Genesian Gremloid Technocracy Page 4 of 928Saturday, July 28, 2007



------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------

The Genesian Gremloid Technocracy # 2060 [black Phoenix Rising From Golden Egg On Red Trimmed With Purple]


Fleet 1130 [ROE: R] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 699,000)

[Deploy Location 1] 699 COZ IML Screen Saver (Assault Corvette - 1,000 tons [each])

<16,109 Fuel>


------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------

Hellenic League # 4991 [sailing Ship On A Blue Sea With A Shining Star Above]


GGT Test [ROE: Z] *Standard Line* (Fleet Tonnage: 36,000,000)

[Deploy Location 2] 1 FBS Arkansas (Fleet Base Station - 36,000,000 tons [each])

<2,900 Fuel>


** Battle Damage Assessment Report **


-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 1 ----------------------------------------------------------

**DESTROYED** [1st] COZ IML Screen Saver (Assault Corvette - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 2,100] (Green, Timid)

100 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mauler Mine Rack, 1 Mk II Nuclear Jump Drive, 1 Mk VI Nuclear Engine, 600 Standard Hull Plate

Mines: 1,056

Maneuverability: 8.00, Missile Defense: 50.00 %


** Battle Damage Assessment Report **


-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 2 ------------------------------------------------------------

**MINOR DAMAGE** FBS Arkansas (Fleet Base Station - 36,000,000 tons) [integrity: 61,197,303,691 / 68,889,150,000] (Green,


12,500 Holographic Neural-Feed Battle Grid, 18,000 Mk IV Plasma Pulse CIDS, 22,950,000 Tckon 68

100 Type D Plasma Torpedo

Plasma Torpedo: 844,800,034

Missile Defense: 77.90 %


----- Post-Battle Damage Assessment Report-----


Side 1

[1] 699 IML Screen Saver class COZ..................................................699 Destroyed


Side 2

[2] 1 Arkansas class FBS..................................................1 Minor





----- KHUZHA [ K (Orange) 5 V ] [single Star] - Warp Point 152134 -----


The Genesian Gremloid Technocracy # 2060 (No Naval Commanders)

Total tonnage: 1,000.....Base Fire Control: 81 [81,000 bridge]

Hellenic League # 4991 (+10 [Leaders * Lifeform])

Total tonnage: 72,490,000.....Base Fire Control: 13 [1,004,500,000 bridge]


GGT H K Hellenic League #4991 Fleet Admiral


------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** -----------------------------------------

The Genesian Gremloid Technocracy # 2060 [black Phoenix Rising From Golden Egg On Red Trimmed With Purple]


Fleet 1133 [ROE: R] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 1,000)

[Deploy Location 1] 1 ML IML All But Dust Remains (Minelayer - 1,000 tons [each])

<89 Fuel>


------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** -----------------------------------------

Hellenic League # 4991 [sailing Ship On A Blue Sea With A Shining Star Above]


GGT H K [ROE: Y] *Standard Line* (Fleet Tonnage: 72,490,000)

[Deploy Location 1] 15540 DSAT GGT Speed Bump (Defense Satellite - 1,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 2] 1 BATS GGT Standard I (Battle Station - 15,000,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 2] 1 BATS GGT Orb II (Battle Station - 16,200,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 2] 1 BATS GGT Betrayers R Them (Battle Station - 13,750,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 2] 1 BATS GGT Attack Sat A (Battle Station - 12,000,000 tons [each])


** Battle Damage Assessment Report **


-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 1 ------------------------------------------------------------

**DESTROYED** [1st] ML IML All But Dust Remains (Minelayer - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 900] [shields: 0 / 500,000]

(Green, Timid)

100 Energy Dispersion Armor Coating, 100 Fuel Tankage, 3 Gamma-Ray Laser Mine Rack, 1 Holographic Neural-Feed Battle Grid

1 Mk II Nuclear Jump Drive, 2 Mk IX Force Shield, 1 Mk VI Nuclear Engine

Mines: 12,672

Maneuverability: 8.00, Meson Web: 16.70 %, Phase Inversion: 16.70 %, Missile Defense: 50.00 %

Reflective Coating: 16.70 %, Tachyon Grid: 16.70 %, Thermal Regulation: 16.70 %







----- POUTA [ O (Blue) 7 V ] [single Star] - Warp Point 83906 -----


Hellenic League # 4991 (No Naval Commanders)

Total tonnage: 1,850,000.....Base Fire Control: 1 [0 bridge]

The Genesian Gremloid Technocracy # 2060 (No Naval Commanders) ----- Builders of Brotherhood #

Lifeform]) -----

Total tonnage: 1,150,000.....Base Fire Control: 7 [8,117,000 bridge]


Fleet 4612 Builders of Brotherhood #4549 Ranger Leif Eri

Fleet 4612 Builders of Brotherhood #4549 Admiral

Fleet 4612 Builders of Brotherhood #4549 Rear Admiral

Fleet 4612 Builders of Brotherhood #4549 Vice Admiral

Fleet 4612 Builders of Brotherhood #4549 Vice Admiral

Fleet 4612 Builders of Brotherhood #4549 Rear Admiral

Fleet 4612 Builders of Brotherhood #4549 Commodore


------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------

The Genesian Gremloid Technocracy # 2060 [black Phoenix Rising From Golden Egg On Red Trimmed With Purple]


Wrath Of Dawn [ROE: R] *Void Striker* (Fleet Tonnage: 20,200)

[Deploy Location 1] 8 AUXL IPS Preying Lays Silent (Light Auxiliary - 1,400 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 1] 9 CO IPF Sweet Sirens Calling (Corvette - 1,000 tons [each])


------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------

Builders of Brotherhood # 4549 [An Imposing Structure]


Fleet 4612 [ROE: R] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 1,129,800)

[Deploy Location 12] 1 CCA Rabid Runner (Command Cruiser - 961,700 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 12] 1 AUXM Command Courier (Medium Auxiliary - 168,100 tons [each])

<26,293 Fuel>


------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------

Hellenic League # 4991 [sailing Ship On A Blue Sea With A Shining Star Above]


GGT Seeker [ROE: Q] *Standard Line* (Fleet Tonnage: 1,850,000)

[Deploy Location 1] 200 COZ GGT Probe (Assault Corvette - 1,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 2] 1 SC Relentless (Star Cruiser - 1,650,000 tons [each])

<600 Combat Gunboat>--<93,350 Fuel>


** Battle Damage Assessment Report **


----- Deployed Ordnance (Fighter/Drone Survivors) -----

Hellenic League # 4991 [ 600 / 600 Combat Gunboat] Standard Attack Mk I Fusion Pulse Engi


-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 1 ----------------------------------------------------------

**DESTROYED** [36th] COZ GGT Probe (Assault Corvette - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 750,160] (Green, Timid)

50 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk I Antimatter Engine, 1 Mk I Nuclear Jump Drive, 750 Tckon 68

Maneuverability: 8.00, Missile Defense: 97.40 %



**DESTROYED** [219th] SC Relentless (Star Cruiser - 1,650,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 340,630,100] (Seasoned, Valiant)

30 Fighter Bay, 100,000 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk I Nuclear Jump Drive, 1,500 Mk III Fusion Engine

849,900 Trizenium Flex Plate, 10 Type B Plasma Torpedo

Plasma Torpedo: 5,280,000

Maneuverability: 3.64, Missile Defense: 32.30 %


** Battle Damage Assessment Report **


-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 1 ------------------------------------------------------------

**DESTROYED** [1st] CO IPF Sweet Sirens Calling (Corvette - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 2,900] (Seasoned, Fanatical)

100 Fuel Tankage, 4 Light Stun Beam, 1 Mk I Computer System, 1 Mk I Short Range Sensor, 1 Mk II Nuclear Jump Drive

1 Mk IV Nuclear Engine, 100 Selenite Battle Weave

Sonic: 440

Maneuverability: 2.00, Missile Defense: 20.00 %, Sensors: 20.00 %


**DESTROYED** [2nd] AUXL IPS Preying Lays Silent (Light Auxiliary - 1,400 tons) [integrity: 0 / 3,300] (Seasoned,


100 Fuel Tankage, 4 Light Magnetic Grapple, 1 Mk I Computer System, 1 Mk I Short Range Sensor

1 Mk II Nuclear Jump Drive, 1 Mk IV Nuclear Engine, 100 Selenite Battle Weave

Gravitonic: 1,056

Maneuverability: 1.43, Missile Defense: 15.20 %, Sensors: 15.20 %


**DESTROYED** [3rd] AUXL IPS Preying Lays Silent (Light Auxiliary - 1,400 tons) [integrity: 0 / 3,300] (Seasoned,



-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 12 -------------------------------------------------------

CCA Rabid Runner (Command Cruiser - 961,700 tons) [integrity: 842,520 / 842,520] [shields: 26,678,098 / 500,000,000]

(Green, Timid)

95,000 Fuel Tankage, 1 Fusion Transwarp Drive, 100 Holographic Neural-Feed Battle Grid, 167 Mk IV Antimatter Engin

4 Mk IV Jump Survey Sensor, 2,000 Mk IX Force Shield, 500 Mk VII Long Lance Torpedo, 19 Type D Black Sphere Genera

Missile: 64,000,000

Black Sphere: 79.90 %, Maneuverability: 11.11, Missile Defense: 50.00 %


**DESTROYED** [31st] AUXM Command Courier (Medium Auxiliary - 168,100 tons) [integrity: 0 / 50,073,100] (Green, Ti

25,000 Fuel Tankage, 481 Mk VI Nuclear Engine, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive, 50,000 Tckon 68

4 Type D Black Sphere Generator

Black Sphere: 82.70 %, Maneuverability: 22.89, Missile Defense: 50.00 %


----- Post-Battle Damage Assessment Report-----


Side 1

[1] 200 GGT Probe class COZ..................................................200 Destroyed

[2] 1 Relentless class SC..................................................1 Destroyed


Side 2

[1] 9 IPF Sweet Sirens Cal class CO..................................................9 Destroyed

[1] 8 IPS Preying Lays Sil class AUXL..................................................8 Destroyed

[12] 1 Command Courier class AUXM..................................................1 Destroyed

[12] 1 Rabid Runner class CCA









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  • 4 weeks later...

I have a ton of other battles from GGTs other fronts including fall of some HW fleets, one interesting suicide by screen, where an unfortunate foe sent his 7000 unarmed screens first through a WP and forgot his capital ships...aka target practice :D I will gather some together and send them through the Imperial Censure first and post some battles later on :thumbsup: Right now I'm not getting much from the Hellenic front right now as Pete doesn't give me battle reports for the probes and our lines are pretty much entrenched...will see what this turn will give though since he built alot of big ship components on his HW last turn :drunk:





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Here is one from this turn to tidy you over to show how screens still enable you to destroy better fleets:





----- POUTA [ O (Blue) 7 V ] [single Star] - Warp Point 83906 -----


Hellenic League # 4991 (No Naval Commanders)

Total tonnage: 10,200,000.....Base Fire Control: 7 [81,000,000 bridge]

The Genesian Gremloid Technocracy # 2060 (+13 [Leaders * Lifeform]) ----- Builders of Brotherhood # 4549 (+11 [Leaders *

Lifeform]) -----

Total tonnage: 10,968,600.....Base Fire Control: 16 [182,772,000 bridge]


Last Best Hope The Genesian Gremloid Technocr #2060 Fleet Admiral Voidshaker

Last Best Hope The Genesian Gremloid Technocr #2060 Fleet Admiral Void Reaver

Fleet 4612 Builders of Brotherhood #4549 Ranger Leif Eriksson

Fleet 4612 Builders of Brotherhood #4549 Admiral

Fleet 4612 Builders of Brotherhood #4549 Vice Admiral

Fleet 4612 Builders of Brotherhood #4549 Admiral

Fleet 4612 Builders of Brotherhood #4549 Vice Admiral

Fleet 4612 Builders of Brotherhood #4549 Rear Admiral

Fleet 4612 Builders of Brotherhood #4549 Commodore


------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------

The Genesian Gremloid Technocracy # 2060 [black Phoenix Rising From Golden Egg On Red Trimmed With Purple]


Into The Night We Go [ROE: Q] *Void Striker* (Fleet Tonnage: 1,414,000)

[Deploy Location 1] 357 COZ IDTS Hit Me Now (Assault Corvette - 1,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 1] 249 ML IML All But Dust Remains (Minelayer - 1,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 1] 808 COZ IML Screen Saver (Assault Corvette - 1,000 tons [each])

<77,725 Fuel>


Why Cant We Just Be Friends [ROE: Q] *Void Striker* (Fleet Tonnage: 430,000)

[Deploy Location 1] 21 ML IML All But Dust Remains (Minelayer - 1,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 1] 409 COZ IDTS Hit Me Now (Assault Corvette - 1,000 tons [each])

<23,650 Fuel>


Last Best Hope [ROE: R] *Void Striker* (Fleet Tonnage: 8,162,900)

[Deploy Location 10] 1 SC ICNCS Command And Conquer (Star Cruiser - 1,851,700 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 10] 1 CVVA IAC Pigeons Coop (Attack Assault Carrier - 2,275,200 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 11] 2 CVLA IAC Wraith Dancers (Light Assault Carrier - 994,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 11] 2 CVL IAC Fallen Angels Cry (Light Carrier - 1,024,000 tons [each])

<4,638 Attack Fighter>--<3,012 Bomber>--<7,100 Combat Gunboat>--<74,168 Fuel>


------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------

Builders of Brotherhood # 4549 [An Imposing Structure]


Fleet 4612 [ROE: R] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 961,700)

[Deploy Location 12] 1 CCA Rabid Runner (Command Cruiser - 961,700 tons [each])

<26,293 Fuel>


------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------

Hellenic League # 4991 [sailing Ship On A Blue Sea With A Shining Star Above]


GGT Test [ROE: Y] *Standard Line* (Fleet Tonnage: 10,200,000)

[Deploy Location 1] 200 COZ GGT Probe (Assault Corvette - 1,000 tons [each])

[Deploy Location 2] 1 DN Bobbit (Dreadnaught - 10,000,000 tons [each])

<118,200 Fuel>


** Battle Damage Assessment Report **


----- Deployed Ordnance (Fighter/Drone Survivors) -----

Hellenic League # 4991 [ 0 / 600 Combat Gunboat] Standard Attack Mk I Fusion Pulse Engine

The Genesian Gremloid Technocr # 2060 [ 218 / 4,638 Attack Fighter] Cover Mk I Antimatter Pulse Engine

The Genesian Gremloid Technocr # 2060 [ 0 / 3,012 Bomber] Cover Mk I Antimatter Pulse Engine

The Genesian Gremloid Technocr # 2060 [ 5,124 / 7,100 Combat Gunboat] Cover Mk I Antimatter Pulse Engine


-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 20000 ------------------------------------------------------------

**DESTROYED** [60th] COZ GGT Probe (Assault Corvette - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 750,160] (Green, Timid)

50 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk I Antimatter Engine, 1 Mk I Nuclear Jump Drive, 750 Tckon 68

Maneuverability: 8.00, Missile Defense: 97.40 %


**DESTROYED** [685th] DN Bobbit (Dreadnaught - 10,000,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 4,679,905,000] (Green, Timid)

200,000 Fuel Tankage, 1,000 Holographic Neural-Feed Battle Grid, 5,000 Mk I Antimatter Engine

5,000 Mk IV Plasma Pulse CIDS, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive, 4,675,000 Tckon 68, 40 Type D Plasma Torpedo

Plasma Torpedo: 337,920,013

Maneuverability: 4.00, Missile Defense: 81.90 %


** Battle Damage Assessment Report **


-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 1 ------------------------------------------------------------

ML IML All But Dust Remains (Minelayer - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 900 / 900] [shields: 500,000 / 500,000] (Green, Timid)

100 Energy Dispersion Armor Coating, 100 Fuel Tankage, 3 Gamma-Ray Laser Mine Rack, 1 Holographic Neural-Feed Battle Grid

1 Mk II Nuclear Jump Drive, 2 Mk IX Force Shield, 1 Mk VI Nuclear Engine

Mines: 12,672

Maneuverability: 8.00, Meson Web: 16.70 %, Phase Inversion: 16.70 %, Missile Defense: 98.70 %

Reflective Coating: 16.70 %, Tachyon Grid: 16.70 %, Thermal Regulation: 16.70 %


COZ IML Screen Saver (Assault Corvette - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 2,100 / 2,100] (Green, Timid)

100 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mauler Mine Rack, 1 Mk II Nuclear Jump Drive, 1 Mk VI Nuclear Engine, 600 Standard Hull Plate

Mines: 1,056

Maneuverability: 8.00, Missile Defense: 98.70 %


**DESTROYED** [128th] COZ IDTS Hit Me Now (Assault Corvette - 1,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 700,200] (Green, Timid)

100 Fuel Tankage, 1 Mk II Nuclear Jump Drive, 1 Mk VI Nuclear Engine, 700 Tckon 68

Maneuverability: 8.00, Missile Defense: 98.70 %


-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 10 ------------------------------------------------------------

CVVA IAC Pigeons Coop (Attack Assault Carrier - 2,275,200 tons) [integrity: 2,136,760 / 2,136,760] [shields: 170,250,000 /

170,250,000] (Green, Reliable)

155 Fighter Bay, 10 Fuel Shuttle, 90,000 Fuel Tankage, 400 Holographic Neural-Feed Battle Grid

711 Mk III Antimatter Engine, 681 Mk IX Force Shield, 200 Mk VII Long Lance Torpedo, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive

45 Type C Black Sphere Generator

Missile: 25,600,000

Black Sphere: 66.50 %, Maneuverability: 10.00, Missile Defense: 50.80 %


SC ICNCS Command And Conquer (Star Cruiser - 1,851,700 tons) [integrity: 1,705,900 / 1,705,900] [shields: 2,500,000,000 /

2,500,000,000] (Green, Timid)

5 Fuel Shuttle, 98,000 Fuel Tankage, 1,462 Holographic Neural-Feed Battle Grid, 695 Mk II Antimatter Engine

10,000 Mk IX Force Shield, 10 Mk VII Long Lance Torpedo, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive, 100 Type D Black Sphere Generator

Missile: 1,280,000

Black Sphere: 91.60 %, Maneuverability: 6.01, Missile Defense: 44.10 %


-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 11 -----------------------------------------------------------

CVL IAC Fallen Angels Cry (Light Carrier - 1,024,000 tons) [integrity: 12,947,000 / 12,947,000] [shields: 183,173,433 /

200,000,000] (Seasoned, Fearless)

50,000 Energy Dispersion Armor Coating, 50 Fighter Bay, 20 Fuel Shuttle, 45,000 Fuel Tankage

10,000 Laser CIDS, 100 Mk II Long Lance Torpedo, 60 Mk III Computer System, 800 Mk IX Force Shield

990 Mk VI Nuclear Engine, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive, 12,000 Tckon 68, 5 Type A Black Sphere Generator

Missile: 280,000

Black Sphere: 10.90 %, Maneuverability: 7.73, Meson Web: 8.90 %, Phase Inversion: 8.90 %, Missile Defense: 60.40 %

Reflective Coating: 8.90 %, Tachyon Grid: 8.90 %, Thermal Regulation: 8.90 %


CVLA IAC Wraith Dancers (Light Assault Carrier - 994,000 tons) [integrity: 12,917,000 / 12,917,000] [shields: 127,500,00

127,500,000] (Seasoned, Fanatical)

50,000 Energy Dispersion Armor Coating, 50 Fighter Bay, 20 Fuel Shuttle, 45,000 Fuel Tankage

10,000 Laser CIDS, 50 Laser Communications Gear, 100 Mk II Long Lance Torpedo, 510 Mk IX Force Shield

990 Mk VI Nuclear Engine, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive, 12,000 Tckon 68, 5 Type A Black Sphere Generator

Missile: 280,000

Black Sphere: 11.20 %, Maneuverability: 7.97, Meson Web: 9.20 %, Phase Inversion: 9.20 %, Missile Defense: 61.10 %

Reflective Coating: 9.20 %, Tachyon Grid: 9.20 %, Thermal Regulation: 9.20 %


-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 12 -----------------------------------------------------------

CCA Rabid Runner (Command Cruiser - 961,700 tons) [integrity: 842,520 / 842,520] [shields: 500,000,000 / 500,000,000]

(Green, Timid)

95,000 Fuel Tankage, 1 Fusion Transwarp Drive, 100 Holographic Neural-Feed Battle Grid, 167 Mk IV Antimatter Engine

4 Mk IV Jump Survey Sensor, 2,000 Mk IX Force Shield, 500 Mk VII Long Lance Torpedo, 19 Type D Black Sphere Generator

Missile: 64,000,000

Black Sphere: 79.90 %, Maneuverability: 11.11, Missile Defense: 51.80 %


----- Post-Battle Damage Assessment Report-----


Side 1

[1] 200 GGT Probe class COZ..................................................200 Destroyed

[2] 1 Bobbit class DN..................................................1 Destroyed


Side 2

[1] 766 IDTS Hit Me Now class COZ..................................................1 Minor, 187 Destroyed

[1] 270 IML All But Dust Rem class ML..................................................65 Destroyed

[1] 808 IML Screen Saver class COZ..................................................232 Destroyed

[10] 1 IAC Pigeons Coop class CVVA

[10] 1 ICNCS Command And Co class SC

[11] 2 IAC Fallen Angels Cr class CVL

[11] 2 IAC Wraith Dancers class CVLA

[12] 1 Rabid Runner class CCA

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Here is one from this turn to tidy you over to show how screens still enable you to destroy better fleets:

True enough, screens can be effective against fleets that cannot counter them. Screens are an all-or-nothing strategy.....when countered properly, however, they vanish as wasted tonnage. A lot depends on the enemy fleet.

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Here is one from this turn to tidy you over to show how screens still enable you to destroy better fleets:


I see the gremloid fleet started with <4,638 Attack Fighter>--<3,012 Bomber>--<7,100 Combat Gunboat>. And at the end the survivors were


----- Deployed Ordnance (Fighter/Drone Survivors) -----

The Genesian Gremloid Technocr # 2060 [ 218 / 4,638 Attack Fighter] Cover Mk I Antimatter Pulse Engine

The Genesian Gremloid Technocr # 2060 [ 0 / 3,012 Bomber] Cover Mk I Antimatter Pulse Engine

The Genesian Gremloid Technocr # 2060 [ 5,124 / 7,100 Combat Gunboat] Cover Mk I Antimatter Pulse Engine


So all bombers lost, most attack fighters lost, and close to 2000 Combat Gunboats lost. Am I reading this right? Since the better fighter ships mostly survived (the 5124 Combat Gunboats), meaning only about 35% of the fighter/drone firepower was lost in the battle. Those Mk IV Plasma Pulse CIDS are deadly for the smaller fighter / drones due to the tech level, and still dangerous for the better ones.


SO overall in the battle, GGT lost around 2.5 Million tons of materials / ordenance to the enemy 10,000,000 tons. And the GGT fleets firepower has only been reduced overall by about 20% if my numbers are right (those Long Lance torpedos are nice). A very nice victory (even if a little painful).

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