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If there are points remaining after setup of a new position, can these points, like the Species Engineering points (according to the info on them) be saved for cumulative use with future Species Engineering points? If so, how?

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If there are points remaining after setup of a new position, can these points, like the Species Engineering points (according to the info on them) be saved for cumulative use with future Species Engineering points? If so, how?




The points are automatically allocated to your R&D. You cannot stop or control this (at least early in the game). The best you can do is place techs that help lead to Species Engineering in R&D spot 1, to move yourself in that direction faster.


Of course you could always ask Pete. Since the Species Engineering points are kept off to the side ... perhaps he would be willing to move your points into that bank? Can't hurt to ask. And as it gives you no real advantage to save for later, maybe ....

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Cheers - its more or less as I expected (I've been in the game long enough now to have picked up on a few things here and there) - I was just kinda hoping. Seems to me that they are the same thing, after all.


If Pete reads this - care to clarify for future reference (if, of course, you haven't already done so a million times or so in the past)?

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Cheers - its more or less as I expected (I've been in the game long enough now to have picked up on a few things here and there) - I was just kinda hoping. Seems to me that they are the same thing, after all.


If Pete reads this - care to clarify for future reference (if, of course, you haven't already done so a million times or so in the past)?


What would be the advantage in hoarding the points?

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Cheers - its more or less as I expected (I've been in the game long enough now to have picked up on a few things here and there) - I was just kinda hoping. Seems to me that they are the same thing, after all.


If Pete reads this - care to clarify for future reference (if, of course, you haven't already done so a million times or so in the past)?


What would be the advantage in hoarding the points?


Hoarding or saving points from the very beginning doesn't seem helpful. If one was to use them to improve the race out of the starting gate, they wouldn't be saved. Delaying their utilization delays the benefit, which may not be important for certain attributes (ground combat unlikely soon after setup). However, not spending points early for colonization bonuses (if one intends to colonize) and research capabilities only to spend them later isn't practical. One losses all the benefits over the time is takes to get Species Engineering. Which is probably a couple years real time for most races.


I see little if any advantage. Now, saving the Species Engineering points is a whole different story. How do I spend those first two generations now that I've got them? Save for over the top research capability? Bolster current colonization range? Decisions, decisions. :wub:



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Cheers - its more or less as I expected (I've been in the game long enough now to have picked up on a few things here and there) - I was just kinda hoping. Seems to me that they are the same thing, after all.


If Pete reads this - care to clarify for future reference (if, of course, you haven't already done so a million times or so in the past)?


What would be the advantage in hoarding the points?


Hoarding or saving points from the very beginning doesn't seem helpful. If one was to use them to improve the race out of the starting gate, they wouldn't be saved. Delaying their utilization delays the benefit, which may not be important for certain attributes (ground combat unlikely soon after setup). However, not spending points early for colonization bonuses (if one intends to colonize) and research capabilities only to spend them later isn't practical. One losses all the benefits over the time is takes to get Species Engineering. Which is probably a couple years real time for most races.


I see little if any advantage. Now, saving the Species Engineering points is a whole different story. How do I spend those first two generations now that I've got them? Save for over the top research capability? Bolster current colonization range? Decisions, decisions. :wub:






Your indecision demonstrates the potential value of saving those setup points: the flexability to deal with an unknown future. I remind you that initial points used in species design, and Species Engineering points are exactly the same, differing only by when one gains access to them, and how many one gets.


Ultimately, you will end up spending those Species Engineering points of yours in the area where your lifeform currently feels most cramped. What do you need most? A boost to your colonization ability? A bonus in your space combat modifier? How about a ground combat boost?


I run a total of three postions. Each of them have been (or will be) spending their Species Engineering points in totally different areas. And all of these are in areas that I would have never envisioned at the time of their species creation. As play has progressed, each position has come up against challenges that I had not expected earlier on.


Had I been allowed to keep beginning set-up points for future use, I could have adjusted each of these positions in far more signficant ways, well into the game. Clearly, this has substantial game balance implications.



Arcane Services, Inc.

Imperial Demonic Envelopement

WE, the Unity

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Cheers - its more or less as I expected (I've been in the game long enough now to have picked up on a few things here and there) - I was just kinda hoping. Seems to me that they are the same thing, after all.


If Pete reads this - care to clarify for future reference (if, of course, you haven't already done so a million times or so in the past)?


What would be the advantage in hoarding the points?


Hoarding or saving points from the very beginning doesn't seem helpful. If one was to use them to improve the race out of the starting gate, they wouldn't be saved. Delaying their utilization delays the benefit, which may not be important for certain attributes (ground combat unlikely soon after setup). However, not spending points early for colonization bonuses (if one intends to colonize) and research capabilities only to spend them later isn't practical. One losses all the benefits over the time is takes to get Species Engineering. Which is probably a couple years real time for most races.


I see little if any advantage. Now, saving the Species Engineering points is a whole different story. How do I spend those first two generations now that I've got them? Save for over the top research capability? Bolster current colonization range? Decisions, decisions. :blink:






Your indecision demonstrates the potential value of saving those setup points: the flexability to deal with an unknown future. I remind you that initial points used in species design, and Species Engineering points are exactly the same, differing only by when one gains access to them, and how many one gets.


Ultimately, you will end up spending those Species Engineering points of yours in the area where your lifeform currently feels most cramped. What do you need most? A boost to your colonization ability? A bonus in your space combat modifier? How about a ground combat boost?


I run a total of three postions. Each of them have been (or will be) spending their Species Engineering points in totally different areas. And all of these are in areas that I would have never envisioned at the time of their species creation. As play has progressed, each position has come up against challenges that I had not expected earlier on.


Had I been allowed to keep beginning set-up points for future use, I could have adjusted each of these positions in far more signficant ways, well into the game. Clearly, this has substantial game balance implications.



Arcane Services, Inc.

Imperial Demonic Envelopement

WE, the Unity


Unless I misunderstand, the species engineering points are saved and not used to boost research in the number 1 slot. For initial points, those not used in species design are consumed in research number 1 slots and never saved. (Unless one doesn't do SRP orders, I suppose. But then one is fated to follow the default research priorites and they will bunch up significantly.)


I have two positions and you are exactly right. Each is using species engineering differently. One is a great colonizer with reasonable research capability, so space and ground combat are likely focus for the future. The other has reasonable research and sort of whimpy colonization, so they are getting CB '+' enhancements and maybe some additional research push (like longevity). They are not whimps on the ground, so unlikely to evolve much for ground combat.


With enough species engineering, many races will evetually max out on RB and CB, I suppose. Long term differences between races may be focused on ground and space capabilities.


Interesting comment about game balance, something this species engineering has more significance than I originally thought.


Now, where are those turns?



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Unless I misunderstand, the species engineering points are saved and not used to boost research in the number 1 slot. For initial points, those not used in species design are consumed in research number 1 slots and never saved. (Unless one doesn't do SRP orders, I suppose. But then one is fated to follow the default research priorites and they will bunch up significantly.)




I could not resist the urge to quible with your quible, Octus. Please note my original, carefully worded statement:


"I remind you that initial points used in species design, and Species Engineering points are exactly the same, differing only by when one gains access to them, and how many one gets." (new emphasis added for clarity)





(Turns! I need turns!!!)

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Points saved from an empire setup are set aside for research and cannot be used to modify the lifeform later on. They are used exclusively to supplement progress in the SRP system.


Points earned from species engineering are used for lifeform change.

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Points saved from an empire setup are set aside for research and cannot be used to modify the lifeform later on. They are used exclusively to supplement progress in the SRP system.


Points earned from species engineering are used for lifeform change.


Pete, I assume that the corollary is true:


Points earned from species engineering are used for lifeform change and cannot be used for research.


Is this correct?

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Pete, I assume that the corollary is true:


Points earned from species engineering are used for lifeform change and cannot be used for research.


Is this correct?


Yes, that is true.

(I'm subbing for Pete temporarily as he is VERY BUSY getting turns out) Russ, how's the coffee I.V. in Pete doing? Need a new bag? :blink:

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Unless I misunderstand, the species engineering points are saved and not used to boost research in the number 1 slot. For initial points, those not used in species design are consumed in research number 1 slots and never saved. (Unless one doesn't do SRP orders, I suppose. But then one is fated to follow the default research priorites and they will bunch up significantly.)




I could not resist the urge to quible with your quible, Octus. Please note my original, carefully worded statement:


"I remind you that initial points used in species design, and Species Engineering points are exactly the same, differing only by when one gains access to them, and how many one gets." (new emphasis added for clarity)





(Turns! I need turns!!!)



Ah, the subtley of prose. You REALLY need your fix....er, turns!



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Pete, I assume that the corollary is true:


Points earned from species engineering are used for lifeform change and cannot be used for research.


Is this correct?


Yes, that is true.

(I'm subbing for Pete temporarily as he is VERY BUSY getting turns out) Russ, how's the coffee I.V. in Pete doing? Need a new bag? :robot:


Well, you could always use the points to buy a species trait that gives an R&D boost. So you can use them for research indirectly. Heck, depending on what you get, after about 100 turns, you'll even hit the break even point and it's pure extra R&D after that. :blink:

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Unless I misunderstand, the species engineering points are saved and not used to boost research in the number 1 slot. For initial points, those not used in species design are consumed in research number 1 slots and never saved. (Unless one doesn't do SRP orders, I suppose. But then one is fated to follow the default research priorites and they will bunch up significantly.)




I could not resist the urge to quible with your quible, Octus. Please note my original, carefully worded statement:


"I remind you that initial points used in species design, and Species Engineering points are exactly the same, differing only by when one gains access to them, and how many one gets." (new emphasis added for clarity)





(Turns! I need turns!!!)


And I can't resist quibbling with your quibble with a quibble. Quibble has two bs. :pirate2:

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