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Gentlebeings of the universe,


A rollcall if you will, of those Empires that have been in the game since turn 0 and are now on their fifth year of playing with RTG (Think what you could have done with all that money :cheers: )


The Genesian Gremloid Technocracy, a Turn 0 Empire, Still Stands!!! :cheers:

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Add Arcane Services, Inc. to the list! In there since turn 0. We were an espionage race before espionage was cool! (Even after Pete warned me that it would quite some time before it ever became cool.)


Does not seem a day over 4 years, 11 months!



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Add Arcane Services, Inc. to the list! In there since turn 0. We were an espionage race before espionage was cool! (Even after Pete warned me that it would quite some time before it ever became cool.)


Does not seem a day over 4 years, 11 months!




Am only the poor bastard who started 4.3 years ago.. no wonder you guys got all the breaks (heh)

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Still around as well. I have a feeling there are quite a few others still around but they tend not to post. :ph34r:


Lord Uriel


Yep. Their are two races near my Concordium that I know must be turn 0 players. But I've never seen anything on the boards from them as those races. They could be posing as another race though. :ph34r:


You know what I would like to see? Some general statistics from Pete on the overall game. Maybe something like Total Number of stars surveyed, or total HW's in the game, or total number of players to have played. Just to give a feel for the overall big scope of the game withouth giving away any secrets.

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Still here. Multiple positions being run, most of them core positions.


Much busier of late but still managing to get my turns in.


5 years later and I have gone through 6 GB of email storage for game related stuff, turns and such, and another 5 GB of email traffic with allies.



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Still around as well. I have a feeling there are quite a few others still around but they tend not to post. :ph34r:


Lord Uriel


Yep. Their are two races near my Concordium that I know must be turn 0 players. But I've never seen anything on the boards from them as those races. They could be posing as another race though. :ph34r:



Perhaps you refer to the Golden Sun Colonial Enterprise and the Royal Illuminati Protectorates? Both turn 0, both still active.

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Still around as well. I have a feeling there are quite a few others still around but they tend not to post. :laugh:


Lord Uriel


Yep. Their are two races near my Concordium that I know must be turn 0 players. But I've never seen anything on the boards from them as those races. They could be posing as another race though. :ph34r:



Perhaps you refer to the Golden Sun Colonial Enterprise and the Royal Illuminati Protectorates? Both turn 0, both still active.


Yep. Didn't want to name names though, just to be friendly.


Hey MMB -- "First Prime of the Hegemony of Evil"? What gives you that title? Someone said you keep waving a ring around saying it's a sign of your power. But rumors are it's a pretty princess ring you got from a box of cracker jacks ... and you carved the fanged skill into the plastic gem yourself. Care to comment old friend? :ph34r:

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