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Warp Point explore hits


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In all the years since the game started NOT ONE of the warp points found through explores have been found despite extensive scouting so I reckon they far far off in a galaxy far far away




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If you are exploring in a system, that has unsurveyed WPs, chances are good you get one of these.


I had 2 or three hits this way.


Others are random and far far away (never found one).


I also have had WP surveys as a result of EXPL orders in the same system that I did the EXPL order. I have also gotten WP surveys in unknown systems. I have never found one of these unknown systems, and I've surveyed a lot of WPs. ;)

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Trouble is I stopped saying that infoprmation months ago after decicing it was worthless -- would be a pain to go through all the back turns and locate it.


If one of our text processing wizzards could come up with a program or script or other magic black box that would look at the Warp Points Surveyed part of a turnsheet and come up with a list of warp points where neither end of the warp point appears in any other entry, I would be willing to share that (after an eyeball check). it would yield information like :


Krstiata Bundy A 51 2458.4

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Trouble is I stopped saying that infoprmation months ago after decicing it was worthless -- would be a pain to go through all the back turns and locate it.


If one of our text processing wizzards could come up with a program or script or other magic black box that would look at the Warp Points Surveyed part of a turnsheet and come up with a list of warp points where neither end of the warp point appears in any other entry, I would be willing to share that (after an eyeball check). it would yield information like :


Krstiata Bundy A 51 2458.4

Tigeriith, you don't have to go through all of your back turns. The information is kept in the list of WPs in your mdb file. It is considered a surveyed WP.

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That's the challenge I was proposing to an ambitions programmer -- post a program that would scan the "Surveyed Warp Points" part of a turn and look for totally unmatched surveyed warp points.


Use SNFindpath. It can export a list of all (known and unknown warp points). This you load up with Graphviz and you get a map. These warp points you refer to are visible as 2 connected warp points that connect to nowhere else.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I've gotten several warp points from explore hits. The scuttlebutt way back when was that these finds are for systems near your area of space. How does that compare to reality? Please share.



I managed to "EXPL" a route out of a system once (that couldn't have been random - and Pete confirmed there was some degree of bias). I also integrated a randomly-found jump route into my overall map once. Maybe ever more than once since I'm not sure I would notice.



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