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The Eyre #2335 and Obsidian #1827


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One other interesting item noticed this turn...


After obliterating the Obsidian ships over the former Roman HW, I issued GEO, PMAP and ORB orders. Turns out there were 3 popgroups belonging to The Eyre (one containing over 620,000 pops, the other two with 0 pops) and 2 popgroups belonging to Obsidian Inc (both had zero pops).


As the populated popgroup was controlled by The Eyre and the spaceforces over the planet were controlled by Obsidian Inc, does that mean that they are working together? Is there some unholy alliance formed by these two players? Or does one player run both positions???


Thoughts/comments would be most welcome... anyone?

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When I first encountered Obsidian, Inc., MMB was the only person who responded. He later stated he was not running Obsidian, Inc. Based upon previous communications and other information received, it has been my conclusion for a long time that if Obsidian, Inc. and the Eyre are not run by the same person, they are at least working together.



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It's also possible one was attacking the other and you interrupted. :rolleyes:


I think that Krenlett has it right. In the other Coconutheads thread, he indicates destroying 5000 troops orbiting the HW - It appears to me that Coconutheads got Lucky and interrupted a HW assault by Obsidian.


I have always believed that Mad Martin is running both of those empires. Having three empires so close together is part of the reason for his success.


From my viewpoint MMB hasn't been overly successful, just very prolific in starting empires. But its a good point that he appears to start multiple empires at the same time, I think it more likely that MMB runs Coconutheads - look at posts from both, they have a similar tone. We've seen no posts/comments from Obsidian, if MMB was playing this position - I have no doubt some comment would be made. To quote comedian Ron White..... MMB "has the right to remain silent, but not the ability."

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  • 2 months later...
I had something strange happen this last turn, Obsidian showed up in the same area as the Cnut scout ships I blew up. I recall Cnut asking Obsidian for a list of sightings of my empire, but I thought that was BS. Are you two working together?


If you address me properly I will answer your question. Until then, no answer for you.

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I had something strange happen this last turn, Obsidian showed up in the same area as the Cnut scout ships I blew up. I recall Cnut asking Obsidian for a list of sightings of my empire, but I thought that was BS. Are you two working together?


If you address me properly I will answer your question. Until then, no answer for you.


As an innocent bystander, I do find some amusement in that someone calling themselves "Coconutheads" would complain about how others referred to them. Or is there something inherently derogatory about the nickname "Cnut" that I'm not catching?



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I had something strange happen this last turn, Obsidian showed up in the same area as the Cnut scout ships I blew up. I recall Cnut asking Obsidian for a list of sightings of my empire, but I thought that was BS. Are you two working together?


If you address me properly I will answer your question. Until then, no answer for you.


As an innocent bystander, I do find some amusement in that someone calling themselves "Coconutheads" would complain about how others referred to them. Or is there something inherently derogatory about the nickname "Cnut" that I'm not catching?



As another innocent bystander, I thought I'd comment on the obvious, though perhaps unintended transposition of two letters in the term "Cnut" from a somewhat crude four-letter word. I will say that I've seen nothing that suggests this was a deliberate misspelling rather than an innocent abreviation of Coconutheads though. Only the guy who first coined the term could say for sure.

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I had something strange happen this last turn, Obsidian showed up in the same area as the Cnut scout ships I blew up. I recall Cnut asking Obsidian for a list of sightings of my empire, but I thought that was BS. Are you two working together?


If you address me properly I will answer your question. Until then, no answer for you.


As an innocent bystander, I do find some amusement in that someone calling themselves "Coconutheads" would complain about how others referred to them. Or is there something inherently derogatory about the nickname "Cnut" that I'm not catching?



Actually, a couple weeks ago I was referred to as the almighty coconutheads. At the time I thought it was a bit pretentious but agreed to be addressed that way... So I will answer his question as long as he addresses me properly. That's pretty much it.


BTW, what's amusing about Coconutheads? It's a long and illustrious name glorified for centuries on our HW, a combination of two of the most pre-eminent families on our HW, The House of Coco and The Principality of Gnutheads (the G was dropped for the sake of brevity).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Battle with Obsidian this turn. Same area that Cnuts is surveying.



----- ??????? [ G (Yellow) 8 V ] [single Star] - Warp Point ????? -----

Obsidian, Inc # 1827 (No Naval Commanders)

Total tonnage: 5,000,000.....Base Fire Control: 40 [202,500,000 bridge]

White Shadow Imperium # 3520 (No Naval Commanders)

Total tonnage: 24,764,000.....Base Fire Control: 49 [1,215,000,000 bridge]

WSI 7400 White Shadow Imperium #3520 Ranger

------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------

Obsidian, Inc # 1827 [Mailed Fist With Single Claw Extended To The Stars]

Ominous Sky [ROE: R] *Standard Line* (Fleet Tonnage: 5,000,000)

[Deploy Location 2] 1 BB Stormcrow (Battleship - 5,000,000 tons [each])

<650,000 Fuel>

------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------

White Shadow Imperium # 3520 [There Be Dragons Here]

WSI 7400 [ROE: X] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 24,764,000)

[Deploy Location 11] 1 WDN Ice Berg s (War Dreadnaught - 24,764,000 tons [each])

<3,514,160 Fuel>

** Battle Damage Assessment Report **

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 2 ------------------------------------------------------------

**DESTROYED** [1st] BB Stormcrow (Battleship - 5,000,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 1,696,960,000] (Green, Timid)

250 Fuel Shuttle, 1,250,000 Fuel Tankage, 2,500 Holographic Neural-Feed Battle Grid, 1,250 Mk I Gravitic Thruster

1 Mk VI Jump Survey Sensor, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive, 100 Siege Tachyon Blaster, 1,695,000 Tckon 68

Particle Beam: 422,400,009

Maneuverability: 32.00, Missile Defense: 50.00 %

** Battle Damage Assessment Report **

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 11 ------------------------------------------------------------

WDN Ice Berg s (War Dreadnaught - 24,764,000 tons) [integrity: 19,654,000 / 19,654,000] [shields: 24,621,632,000 /

25,000,000,000] (Green, Timid)

10,000 Cargo Bay, 40 Fuel Shuttle, 5,000,000 Fuel Tankage, 15,000 Holographic Neural-Feed Battle Grid

1 Mk IV Jump Survey Sensor, 100,000 Mk IX Force Shield, 2,000 Mk VI Antimatter Engine, 10,000 Mk VII Standoff Missile

1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive

Missile: 2,048,000,000

Maneuverability: 20.68, Missile Defense: 50.00 %

----- Post-Battle Damage Assessment Report-----

Side 1

[2] 1 Stormcrow class BB..................................................1 Destroyed

Side 2

[11] 1 Ice Berg s class WDN

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First let me congratulate you on your 'victories' this turn. You did fail to mention the retaking of a former Black Cloud HW at Skoruba. I think it's more significant than the one you posted about at Evremond since this former HW had what, say 500 pop units (give or take a few). That really hurt and it's loss will greatly hamper our cause you meanie.


It will be interesting to see how well the Ice Berg melts when subjected to our firepower.



Battle with Obsidian this turn. Same area that Cnuts is surveying.



----- ??????? [ G (Yellow) 8 V ] [single Star] - Warp Point ????? -----

Obsidian, Inc # 1827 (No Naval Commanders)

Total tonnage: 5,000,000.....Base Fire Control: 40 [202,500,000 bridge]

White Shadow Imperium # 3520 (No Naval Commanders)

Total tonnage: 24,764,000.....Base Fire Control: 49 [1,215,000,000 bridge]

WSI 7400 White Shadow Imperium #3520 Ranger

------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------

Obsidian, Inc # 1827 [Mailed Fist With Single Claw Extended To The Stars]

Ominous Sky [ROE: R] *Standard Line* (Fleet Tonnage: 5,000,000)

[Deploy Location 2] 1 BB Stormcrow (Battleship - 5,000,000 tons [each])

<650,000 Fuel>

------------------------------- ** Imperial Navy Report: Fleet Order of Battle ** ------------------------------------------

White Shadow Imperium # 3520 [There Be Dragons Here]

WSI 7400 [ROE: X] *Column Attack* (Fleet Tonnage: 24,764,000)

[Deploy Location 11] 1 WDN Ice Berg s (War Dreadnaught - 24,764,000 tons [each])

<3,514,160 Fuel>

** Battle Damage Assessment Report **

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 2 ------------------------------------------------------------

**DESTROYED** [1st] BB Stormcrow (Battleship - 5,000,000 tons) [integrity: 0 / 1,696,960,000] (Green, Timid)

250 Fuel Shuttle, 1,250,000 Fuel Tankage, 2,500 Holographic Neural-Feed Battle Grid, 1,250 Mk I Gravitic Thruster

1 Mk VI Jump Survey Sensor, 1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive, 100 Siege Tachyon Blaster, 1,695,000 Tckon 68

Particle Beam: 422,400,009

Maneuverability: 32.00, Missile Defense: 50.00 %

** Battle Damage Assessment Report **

-------------------------------------------------- DepLoc 11 ------------------------------------------------------------

WDN Ice Berg s (War Dreadnaught - 24,764,000 tons) [integrity: 19,654,000 / 19,654,000] [shields: 24,621,632,000 /

25,000,000,000] (Green, Timid)

10,000 Cargo Bay, 40 Fuel Shuttle, 5,000,000 Fuel Tankage, 15,000 Holographic Neural-Feed Battle Grid

1 Mk IV Jump Survey Sensor, 100,000 Mk IX Force Shield, 2,000 Mk VI Antimatter Engine, 10,000 Mk VII Standoff Missile

1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive

Missile: 2,048,000,000

Maneuverability: 20.68, Missile Defense: 50.00 %

----- Post-Battle Damage Assessment Report-----

Side 1

[2] 1 Stormcrow class BB..................................................1 Destroyed

Side 2

[11] 1 Ice Berg s class WDN

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First let me congratulate you on your 'victories' this turn. You did fail to mention the retaking of a former Black Cloud HW at Skoruba. I think it's more significant than the one you posted about at Evremond since this former HW had what, say 500 pop units (give or take a few). That really hurt and it's loss will greatly hamper our cause you meanie.


It will be interesting to see how well the Ice Berg melts when subjected to our firepower.


Battle with Obsidian this turn. Same area that Cnuts is surveying.

WDN Ice Berg s (War Dreadnaught - 24,764,000 tons) [integrity: 19,654,000 / 19,654,000] [shields: 24,621,632,000 /

25,000,000,000] (Green, Timid)

10,000 Cargo Bay, 40 Fuel Shuttle, 5,000,000 Fuel Tankage, 15,000 Holographic Neural-Feed Battle Grid

1 Mk IV Jump Survey Sensor, 100,000 Mk IX Force Shield, 2,000 Mk VI Antimatter Engine, 10,000 Mk VII Standoff Missile

1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive

Missile: 2,048,000,000

Maneuverability: 20.68, Missile Defense: 50.00 %


Since you started it, you now have to name your counter-ship something in line with this. Maybe you can build a WDN named the Global Warming? Or maybe a fleet of Methane This ships???? Of course this could get our of hand and he counters with the Al Gore. After which it will be nothing but chaos....

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Technically WSI restarted this topic today so...


But who needs creativity when War, Death and Famine lie in wait for him?


First let me congratulate you on your 'victories' this turn. You did fail to mention the retaking of a former Black Cloud HW at Skoruba. I think it's more significant than the one you posted about at Evremond since this former HW had what, say 500 pop units (give or take a few). That really hurt and it's loss will greatly hamper our cause you meanie.


It will be interesting to see how well the Ice Berg melts when subjected to our firepower.


Battle with Obsidian this turn. Same area that Cnuts is surveying.

WDN Ice Berg s (War Dreadnaught - 24,764,000 tons) [integrity: 19,654,000 / 19,654,000] [shields: 24,621,632,000 /

25,000,000,000] (Green, Timid)

10,000 Cargo Bay, 40 Fuel Shuttle, 5,000,000 Fuel Tankage, 15,000 Holographic Neural-Feed Battle Grid

1 Mk IV Jump Survey Sensor, 100,000 Mk IX Force Shield, 2,000 Mk VI Antimatter Engine, 10,000 Mk VII Standoff Missile

1 Nuclear Transwarp Drive

Missile: 2,048,000,000

Maneuverability: 20.68, Missile Defense: 50.00 %


Since you started it, you now have to name your counter-ship something in line with this. Maybe you can build a WDN named the Global Warming? Or maybe a fleet of Methane This ships???? Of course this could get our of hand and he counters with the Al Gore. After which it will be nothing but chaos....

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So Cnuts is fully intending on helping Obsidian? I THOUGHT you were fighting Obsidian?


In answer to earlier thread, on if Cnuts is offensive, Phonetic guide SEE NUTS.


All HW's conquered by the evil empires have not been restored to WSI control, and no matter the number of citizens lost, and we decry the slave labor camps they must of been transferred to, those that were saved, are gloriously happy.

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