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Forums been quiet so I thought I would start something off...



My new empire has just turned a year old and when I compare it to my previous empire which was three and half years old before hitting the bucket I would say without doubt my new empire could easily overwhelm my old empire.


In a few tech branches my old empire was slightly higher but when I compare industrial and resource capabilities and overall technology my new empire is by far more capable and potent then my old empire.


A second chance has definitely allowed me to avoid the pitfalls I made first time around and focus my efforts in the correct way.



With this in mind then, should more be done to help newer players learn the ropes quickly so that they remain competitive or leave as is? I know their is alot on the forum already but when I started my first empire I did my research but I still made many glaring errors....


What do others think?

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Forums been quiet so I thought I would start something off...



My new empire has just turned a year old and when I compare it to my previous empire which was three and half years old before hitting the bucket I would say without doubt my new empire could easily overwhelm my old empire.


In a few tech branches my old empire was slightly higher but when I compare industrial and resource capabilities and overall technology my new empire is by far more capable and potent then my old empire.


A second chance has definitely allowed me to avoid the pitfalls I made first time around and focus my efforts in the correct way.



With this in mind then, should more be done to help newer players learn the ropes quickly so that they remain competitive or leave as is? I know their is alot on the forum already but when I started my first empire I did my research but I still made many glaring errors....


What do others think?

What would you suggest to help newer players?

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Forums been quiet so I thought I would start something off...



My new empire has just turned a year old and when I compare it to my previous empire which was three and half years old before hitting the bucket I would say without doubt my new empire could easily overwhelm my old empire.


In a few tech branches my old empire was slightly higher but when I compare industrial and resource capabilities and overall technology my new empire is by far more capable and potent then my old empire.


A second chance has definitely allowed me to avoid the pitfalls I made first time around and focus my efforts in the correct way.



With this in mind then, should more be done to help newer players learn the ropes quickly so that they remain competitive or leave as is? I know their is alot on the forum already but when I started my first empire I did my research but I still made many glaring errors....


What do others think?

What would you suggest to help newer players?



Well I was thinking some sort of players guide that gives them strategies and tips based on what people have learnt already from playing the game for so long.

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Yeah, I have that and freely pass it out to any new player who contacts me. It's free and comes with no strings attached. I also provide a starting spreadsheet for production that has most of the techs up to Mk III and a ship design worksheet as well. I also answer just about any question regarding game mechanics. the only thing I really hold back is upper end tech advances, however, that last bit is much less important now since Pete added all the high end weapons systems. Any system you like will now take you to a competitive level so there isn't any more wasted research on a line that ends abruptly at level 5-6 while your enemy keeps plugging along to level 10.



So, what more would you want?



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Yeah, I have that and freely pass it out to any new player who contacts me. It's free and comes with no strings attached. I also provide a starting spreadsheet for production that has most of the techs up to Mk III and a ship design worksheet as well. I also answer just about any question regarding game mechanics. the only thing I really hold back is upper end tech advances, however, that last bit is much less important now since Pete added all the high end weapons systems. Any system you like will now take you to a competitive level so there isn't any more wasted research on a line that ends abruptly at level 5-6 while your enemy keeps plugging along to level 10.



So, what more would you want?





You know what.... forget it... I dont know what I was thinking....

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Everybody that is new gets help from any established player , usually . I have been in close contact with Professor Yaffle , and his position is coming along quite nicely , in fact it turns out he is a neighbor to my newest position . My newest position is at turn 36 , dear Flagritz....hopefully somewhere in your neighborhood .

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Everybody gets help from established players? Everyone knows if you email hobknob they will get help?


And this help is limited to just the first 3 tech levels because long term planning isn't a necessity I guess for surviving in this game?



Good to know....

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I got tons of help when I started out. Spreadsheets, tech charts, hints, tips, ship design help. Tons of stuff from several different players. Some of those players and I have butted heads on the forums, over game philosophy, but if I ask a question they are still willing to help out with an answer. Getting help was in fact very easy. I simply asked for it. I play alot of games and its always amazes me when you have people who get upset because they never got any help when they started out, but never asked for any help. They simply expected it. I'm not saying this is your case, but I do see it alot.


That being said I would also like to point out that we have a number of players who don't have access to the wealth of knowledge that can be available here on the forums. Just a suggestion since part of the game is conquest, but if you run into a new player ask them if they have access to the forums. If not maybe suggest people they can contact to get ahold of all those spreadsheets and charts and such. Yes you may wipe the guy out later on, but helping someone to get better at the game even if its on their second position is more likely to keep that guy playing. God forbid we run out of players.


There used to be a player aids section of the Supernova area on the main website. Not sure if its still maintained or not. Perhaps we could see if Russ and Pete would be willing to update it with information from those who are willing to submit info.

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Again , dear Flagritz , you twist what hobnob wrote to make it sound trivial of the help he offers . He stated he sends a spreadsheet that covers the first three levels of tech , and all he holds up on is the upper levels of tech.....upper levels of tech are much higher than level 3 , and I know for a fact he has given advice past Mk III or third generation tech . I have done the same when a new player has approached me . Marcus ( Cestvel ) has done the same . A number of players helped me out when I started , not just one or two . Lord Deependra even gave me some helpful tips a year into the game . Alot of the help one gets is based on how the help is asked for , or the attitude the player shows , or simply if one is asked.....nobody can read the other person's mind ( yet ) .

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Again , dear Flagritz , you twist what hobnob wrote to make it sound trivial of the help he offers . He stated he sends a spreadsheet that covers the first three levels of tech , and all he holds up on is the upper levels of tech.....upper levels of tech are much higher than level 3 , and I know for a fact he has given advice past Mk III or third generation tech . I have done the same when a new player has approached me . Marcus ( Cestvel ) has done the same . A number of players helped me out when I started , not just one or two . Lord Deependra even gave me some helpful tips a year into the game . Alot of the help one gets is based on how the help is asked for , or the attitude the player shows , or simply if one is asked.....nobody can read the other person's mind ( yet ) .

I normally help when people ask. :woohoo:

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Well, at the risk of yet more statements that folks can twist around so they sound stupid...


In the information that I provide are most of the techs up to 3rd Gen. I don't automatically provide beyond that for the following reasons-


1) It takes the fun out of research if you always know what is coming

2) Not everybody wants to know

3) My list may not be all inclusive

4) When I started helping people out we were only researching 5, 6 & 7 level techs so 3rd gen was plenty close enough

5) It's my list, spreadsheets, tracking sheets, and other info so I can include whatever I feel like

6) Even this late in the game there are some techs that I hold dear and won't pass along, to anyone

7) One of the primary functions of the tech I pass along is to eliminate the need of every new player to ANZ all those starting techs

8) I did say that I answered questions and frequently those are about long term strategies. I answer those questions as much as I can without giving away the farm.


Now all of this others and myself make available to new players who contact us. Not all new players spend the time to read the board or feel it necessary to get starter info from a veteran player. However, I have never turned down anybodies request intentionally. If something got lost in the 100's of emails that I get then that was regrettable, but not intentional.


And finally, as a result of this thread I have gotten a couple of requests for info that I have filled.


Have a nice day.


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Well, at the risk of yet more statements that folks can twist around so they sound stupid...


Now all of this others and myself make available to new players who contact us. Not all new players spend the time to read the board or feel it necessary to get starter info from a veteran player. However, I have never turned down anybodies request intentionally. If something got lost in the 100's of emails that I get then that was regrettable, but not intentional.


And finally, as a result of this thread I have gotten a couple of requests for info that I have filled.


Have a nice day.



I have always found Hobknob helpful, when I have asked for information.

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And finally, as a result of this thread I have gotten a couple of requests for info that I have filled.


Have a nice day.




Hobknob I meant no disrespect (though from your post I gather you felt attacked), Im glad to see there is help out there and that this thread has highlighted the availability of the help you offer.


I wasnt aware of that help you offered hence why I asked "should more be done to help newer players learn the ropes quickly so that they remain competitive or leave as is?"


When I join a game I look through the manuals, forum posts and what guides and player aids are available but I wouldn't naturally ask "the competition" for help, some players would but some players wouldn't.


I started the thread to see if people thought their was a need out their for more help and if they wanted to collaborate to do something that would be made available on the public domain (the rolling thunder website would be perfect as Jemanari suggested). I had in mind something that dealt with further aspects of the game so those that are new aren't stomped over by those core players with new positions who have the knowledge.


As you have this covered I will drop the idea, I dont wish to step on your toes or seem to question your helpfulness to others.

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