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On 9/24/2017 at 11:28 PM, Isemann2 said:

It appears that way,  Now I have the opportunity to mount a proper amphibious  operation to relieve Hungary,  if his Foreign Minister will contact me. 

Lol, I'd love to see that!  What nation are you playing Isemann2?

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Greetings Allies,Enemies ,Potential Enemies and anyone I’ve missed?

now that the Irish battleplan Alpha is nearing completion we will have more instructions available to make more diplomatic inquires and determine the various power blocks in our little rumble. 

I will post when the information becomes available 


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Yes Lets see who is being naughty or nice :rolleyes:



Northern Russia has a nonaggression pact with Norway         
Northern Russia is at war with Finland        
Central Russia is totally allied to Baltic States  
Central Russia is allied to Southern Russia
Central Russia has a nonaggression pact with Sweden         
Central Russia has a nonaggression pact with Finland        
Central Russia has a nonaggression pact with Poland         
Central Russia has a nonaggression pact with Rumania        
Southern Russia is allied to Central Russia 
Southern Russia is allied to Persia         
Southern Russia has a nonaggression pact with Turkey         
Persia is allied to Southern Russia
Persia is allied to Finland        
Persia has a nonaggression pact with Turkey         
Persia has a nonaggression pact with Iraq           
Iraq is totally allied to Egypt          
Iraq is totally allied to Syria          
Iraq is totally allied to Trans-Jordan   
Iraq is totally allied to Libya          
Iraq has a nonaggression pact with Persia         
Iraq has a nonaggression pact with Saudi Arabia   
Iraq has a nonaggression pact with Turkey         
Iraq has a nonaggression pact with Great Britain  
Libya is totally allied to Egypt          
Libya is totally allied to Trans-Jordan   
Libya is totally allied to Iraq           
Libya is allied to Tunisia        
Libya has a nonaggression pact with Algeria        
Saudi Arabia is totally allied to UAE            
Saudi Arabia has a nonaggression pact with Iraq           
Saudi Arabia has a nonaggression pact with Trans-Jordan   
Saudi Arabia has a nonaggression pact with Great Britain  
Syria is totally allied to Iraq           
Syria is totally allied to Trans-Jordan   
Syria has a nonaggression pact with Turkey         
Trans-Jordan is totally allied to Egypt          
Trans-Jordan is totally allied to Libya          
Trans-Jordan is totally allied to Iraq           
Trans-Jordan is totally allied to Syria          
Trans-Jordan has a nonaggression pact with Saudi Arabia   
Tunisia is totally allied to Spain          
Tunisia is totally allied to Portugal       
Tunisia is allied to Libya          
Tunisia has a nonaggression pact with Algeria        
Turkey has a nonaggression pact with Bulgaria       
Turkey has a nonaggression pact with Greece         
Turkey has a nonaggression pact with Iraq           
Turkey has a nonaggression pact with Persia         
Turkey has a nonaggression pact with Southern Russia
Turkey has a nonaggression pact with Syria          
UAE is totally allied to Saudi Arabia   
UAE is at war with Great Britain  

Yugoslavia has declared war on Greece         
Austria has declared war on Hungary        
Rumania has declared war on Hungary        
Finland has declared war on Northern Russia
UAE has declared war on Great Britain  
Bulgaria has declared war on Greece         
Poland has declared war on Germany        
Austria has conquered xSopron from Hungary      

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and talking about Big Groups how is this one for size ... well maybe not size but definitely strategic location.

Austria is totally allied to Rumania         
Austria is totally allied to Bulgaria        
Austria is totally allied to Italy           
Austria is totally allied to Yugoslavia      
Austria has a nonaggression pact with Czechoslovakia  
Austria has a nonaggression pact with Germany         
Austria has a nonaggression pact with Switzerland     
Austria is at war with Hungary      

Unless this group is working with the Germany/Lowlands/Denmark/France group then there should be some fireworks shortly:cannon:

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37 minutes ago, The Fremen said:

Well I hate to say it again but I must. The bigger they are... heck you know the rest. 

One stil has to wonder what is Germany and her buddies up too? Still trying to get their ducks in a row?

The world wonders or at least the Irish do. ^_^

They've just added Greece and Switzerland to their group 

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3 minutes ago, The Fremen said:


and talking about Big Groups how is this one for size ... well maybe not size but definitely strategic location.

Austria is totally allied to Rumania         
Austria is totally allied to Bulgaria        
Austria is totally allied to Italy           
Austria is totally allied to Yugoslavia      
Austria has a nonaggression pact with Czechoslovakia  
Austria has a nonaggression pact with Germany         
Austria has a nonaggression pact with Switzerland     
Austria is at war with Hungary      

Unless this group is working with the Germany/Lowlands/Denmark/France group then there should be some fireworks shortly:cannon:


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36 minutes ago, The Fremen said:

Well I hate to say it again but I must. The bigger they are... heck you know the rest. 

One stil has to wonder what is Germany and her buddies up too? Still trying to get their ducks in a row?

The world wonders or at least the Irish do. ^_^

If the Irish wonder, they shouldn't have spurned all of our diplomatic efforts to contact them and make a deal with them. We have repeatedly pledged peace with Ireland and Great Britain, but to no avail. Makes one wonder what THEY'VE got planned…

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The Dutch have an incredibly short memory. It wasn't we who spurned diplomatic efforts it  was the Dutch. It was only AFTER we Irish discovered a diabolical plot

brewing that the Dutch offered to offer an Alliance. We have the diplomatic cables to prove this.

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9 minutes ago, Kevin.C said:

If the Irish wonder, they shouldn't have spurned all of our diplomatic efforts to contact them and make a deal with them. We have repeatedly pledged peace with Ireland and Great Britain, but to no avail. Makes one wonder what THEY'VE got planned…

France produces 246 types of cheese... its no mystery what they want!

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